15,902 research outputs found

    Bounded-Distortion Metric Learning

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    Metric learning aims to embed one metric space into another to benefit tasks like classification and clustering. Although a greatly distorted metric space has a high degree of freedom to fit training data, it is prone to overfitting and numerical inaccuracy. This paper presents {\it bounded-distortion metric learning} (BDML), a new metric learning framework which amounts to finding an optimal Mahalanobis metric space with a bounded-distortion constraint. An efficient solver based on the multiplicative weights update method is proposed. Moreover, we generalize BDML to pseudo-metric learning and devise the semidefinite relaxation and a randomized algorithm to approximately solve it. We further provide theoretical analysis to show that distortion is a key ingredient for stability and generalization ability of our BDML algorithm. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets yield promising results

    From the Information Bottleneck to the Privacy Funnel

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    We focus on the privacy-utility trade-off encountered by users who wish to disclose some information to an analyst, that is correlated with their private data, in the hope of receiving some utility. We rely on a general privacy statistical inference framework, under which data is transformed before it is disclosed, according to a probabilistic privacy mapping. We show that when the log-loss is introduced in this framework in both the privacy metric and the distortion metric, the privacy leakage and the utility constraint can be reduced to the mutual information between private data and disclosed data, and between non-private data and disclosed data respectively. We justify the relevance and generality of the privacy metric under the log-loss by proving that the inference threat under any bounded cost function can be upper-bounded by an explicit function of the mutual information between private data and disclosed data. We then show that the privacy-utility tradeoff under the log-loss can be cast as the non-convex Privacy Funnel optimization, and we leverage its connection to the Information Bottleneck, to provide a greedy algorithm that is locally optimal. We evaluate its performance on the US census dataset

    Empirical processes, typical sequences and coordinated actions in standard Borel spaces

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    This paper proposes a new notion of typical sequences on a wide class of abstract alphabets (so-called standard Borel spaces), which is based on approximations of memoryless sources by empirical distributions uniformly over a class of measurable "test functions." In the finite-alphabet case, we can take all uniformly bounded functions and recover the usual notion of strong typicality (or typicality under the total variation distance). For a general alphabet, however, this function class turns out to be too large, and must be restricted. With this in mind, we define typicality with respect to any Glivenko-Cantelli function class (i.e., a function class that admits a Uniform Law of Large Numbers) and demonstrate its power by giving simple derivations of the fundamental limits on the achievable rates in several source coding scenarios, in which the relevant operational criteria pertain to reproducing empirical averages of a general-alphabet stationary memoryless source with respect to a suitable function class.Comment: 14 pages, 3 pdf figures; accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Exploiting Metric Structure for Efficient Private Query Release

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    We consider the problem of privately answering queries defined on databases which are collections of points belonging to some metric space. We give simple, computationally efficient algorithms for answering distance queries defined over an arbitrary metric. Distance queries are specified by points in the metric space, and ask for the average distance from the query point to the points contained in the database, according to the specified metric. Our algorithms run efficiently in the database size and the dimension of the space, and operate in both the online query release setting, and the offline setting in which they must in polynomial time generate a fixed data structure which can answer all queries of interest. This represents one of the first subclasses of linear queries for which efficient algorithms are known for the private query release problem, circumventing known hardness results for generic linear queries
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