27 research outputs found

    Local-To-Global Agreement Expansion via the Variance Method

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    Agreement expansion is concerned with set systems for which local assignments to the sets with almost perfect pairwise consistency (i.e., most overlapping pairs of sets agree on their intersections) implies the existence of a global assignment to the ground set (from which the sets are defined) that agrees with most of the local assignments. It is currently known that if a set system forms a two-sided or a partite high dimensional expander then agreement expansion is implied. However, it was not known whether agreement expansion can be implied for one-sided high dimensional expanders. In this work we show that agreement expansion can be deduced for one-sided high dimensional expanders assuming that all the vertices\u27 links (i.e., the neighborhoods of the vertices) are agreement expanders. Thus, for one-sided high dimensional expander, an agreement expansion of the large complicated complex can be deduced from agreement expansion of its small simple links. Using our result, we settle the open question whether the well studied Ramanujan complexes are agreement expanders. These complexes are neither partite nor two-sided high dimensional expanders. However, they are one-sided high dimensional expanders for which their links are partite and hence are agreement expanders. Thus, our result implies that Ramanujan complexes are agreement expanders, answering affirmatively the aforementioned open question. The local-to-global agreement expansion that we prove is based on the variance method that we develop. We show that for a high dimensional expander, if we define a function on its top faces and consider its local averages over the links then the variance of these local averages is much smaller than the global variance of the original function. This decreasing in the variance enables us to construct one global agreement function that ties together all local agreement functions

    Hypergraph expanders from Cayley graphs

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    We present a simple mechanism, which can be randomised, for constructing sparse 33-uniform hypergraphs with strong expansion properties. These hypergraphs are constructed using Cayley graphs over Z2t\mathbb{Z}_2^t and have vertex degree which is polylogarithmic in the number of vertices. Their expansion properties, which are derived from the underlying Cayley graphs, include analogues of vertex and edge expansion in graphs, rapid mixing of the random walk on the edges of the skeleton graph, uniform distribution of edges on large vertex subsets and the geometric overlap property.Comment: 13 page

    High Dimensional Expansion Implies Amplified Local Testability

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    In this work, we define a notion of local testability of codes that is strictly stronger than the basic one (studied e.g., by recent works on high rate LTCs), and we term it amplified local testability. Amplified local testability is a notion close to the result of optimal testing for Reed-Muller codes achieved by Bhattacharyya et al. We present a scheme to get amplified locally testable codes from high dimensional expanders. We show that single orbit Affine invariant codes, and in particular Reed-Muller codes, can be described via our scheme, and hence are amplified locally testable. This gives the strongest currently known testability result of single orbit affine invariant codes, strengthening the celebrated result of Kaufman and Sudan

    Testing Odd Direct Sums Using High Dimensional Expanders

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    In this work, using methods from high dimensional expansion, we show that the property of k-direct-sum is testable for odd values of k . Previous work of [Kaufman and Lubotzky, 2014] could inherently deal only with the case that k is even, using a reduction to linearity testing. Interestingly, our work is the first to combine the topological notion of high dimensional expansion (called co-systolic expansion) with the combinatorial/spectral notion of high dimensional expansion (called colorful expansion) to obtain the result. The classical k-direct-sum problem applies to the complete complex; Namely it considers a function defined over all k-subsets of some n sized universe. Our result here applies to any collection of k-subsets of an n-universe, assuming this collection of subsets forms a high dimensional expander

    High Dimensional Expansion Implies Amplified Local Testability

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    In this work, we define a notion of local testability of codes that is strictly stronger than the basic one (studied e.g., by recent works on high rate LTCs), and we term it amplified local testability. Amplified local testability is a notion close to the result of optimal testing for Reed-Muller codes achieved by Bhattacharyya et al. We present a scheme to get amplified locally testable codes from high dimensional expanders. We show that single orbit Affine invariant codes, and in particular Reed-Muller codes, can be described via our scheme, and hence are amplified locally testable. This gives the strongest currently known testability result of single orbit affine invariant codes, strengthening the celebrated result of Kaufman and Sudan

    Double Balanced Sets in High Dimensional Expanders

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    Recent works have shown that expansion of pseudorandom sets is of great importance. However, all current works on pseudorandom sets are limited only to product (or approximate product) spaces, where Fourier Analysis methods could be applied. In this work we ask the natural question whether pseudorandom sets are relevant in domains where Fourier Analysis methods cannot be applied, e.g., one-sided local spectral expanders. We take the first step in the path of answering this question. We put forward a new definition for pseudorandom sets, which we call "double balanced sets". We demonstrate the strength of our new definition by showing that small double balanced sets in one-sided local spectral expanders have very strong expansion properties, such as unique-neighbor-like expansion. We further show that cohomologies in cosystolic expanders are double balanced, and use the newly derived strong expansion properties of double balanced sets in order to obtain an exponential improvement over the current state of the art lower bound on their minimal distance

    Couboundary Expansion of Sheaves on Graphs and Weighted Mixing Lemmas

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    We study the coboundary expansion of graphs, but instead of using F2\mathbb{F}_2 as the coefficient group when forming the cohomology, we use a sheaf on the graph. We prove that if the graph under discussion is a good expander, then it is also a good coboundary expander relative to any constant augmented sheaf (equivalently, relative to any coefficient group RR); this, however, may fail for locally constant sheaves. We moreover show that if we take the quotient of a constant augmented sheaf on an excellent expander graph by a "small" subsheaf, then the quotient sheaf is still a good coboundary expander. Along the way, we prove a new version of the Expander Mixing Lemma applying to rr-partite weighted graphs.Comment: Comments are welcom