6 research outputs found

    An information-theoretic on-line update principle for perception-action coupling

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    Inspired by findings of sensorimotor coupling in humans and animals, there has recently been a growing interest in the interaction between action and perception in robotic systems [Bogh et al., 2016]. Here we consider perception and action as two serial information channels with limited information-processing capacity. We follow [Genewein et al., 2015] and formulate a constrained optimization problem that maximizes utility under limited information-processing capacity in the two channels. As a solution we obtain an optimal perceptual channel and an optimal action channel that are coupled such that perceptual information is optimized with respect to downstream processing in the action module. The main novelty of this study is that we propose an online optimization procedure to find bounded-optimal perception and action channels in parameterized serial perception-action systems. In particular, we implement the perceptual channel as a multi-layer neural network and the action channel as a multinomial distribution. We illustrate our method in a NAO robot simulator with a simplified cup lifting task.Comment: 8 pages, 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    A Tutorial on Sparse Gaussian Processes and Variational Inference

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    Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a framework for Bayesian inference that can offer principled uncertainty estimates for a large range of problems. For example, if we consider regression problems with Gaussian likelihoods, a GP model enjoys a posterior in closed form. However, identifying the posterior GP scales cubically with the number of training examples and requires to store all examples in memory. In order to overcome these obstacles, sparse GPs have been proposed that approximate the true posterior GP with pseudo-training examples. Importantly, the number of pseudo-training examples is user-defined and enables control over computational and memory complexity. In the general case, sparse GPs do not enjoy closed-form solutions and one has to resort to approximate inference. In this context, a convenient choice for approximate inference is variational inference (VI), where the problem of Bayesian inference is cast as an optimization problem -- namely, to maximize a lower bound of the log marginal likelihood. This paves the way for a powerful and versatile framework, where pseudo-training examples are treated as optimization arguments of the approximate posterior that are jointly identified together with hyperparameters of the generative model (i.e. prior and likelihood). The framework can naturally handle a wide scope of supervised learning problems, ranging from regression with heteroscedastic and non-Gaussian likelihoods to classification problems with discrete labels, but also multilabel problems. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide access to the basic matter for readers without prior knowledge in both GPs and VI. A proper exposition to the subject enables also access to more recent advances (like importance-weighted VI as well as interdomain, multioutput and deep GPs) that can serve as an inspiration for new research ideas

    Bounded Rational Decision-Making in Feedforward Neural Networks

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    Bounded rational decision-makers transform sensory input into motor output under limited computational resources. Mathematically, such decision-makers can be modeled as information-theoretic channels with limited transmission rate. Here, we apply this formalism for the first time to multilayer feedforward neural networks. We derive synaptic weight update rules for two scenarios, where either each neuron is considered as a bounded rational decision-maker or the network as a whole. In the update rules, bounded rationality translates into information-theoretically motivated types of regularization in weight space. In experiments on the MNIST benchmark classification task for handwritten digits, we show that such information-theoretic regularization successfully prevents overfitting across different architectures and attains results that are competitive with other recent techniques like dropout, dropconnect and Bayes by backprop, for both ordinary and convolutional neural networks