119 research outputs found

    Decision Problems for Petri Nets with Names

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    We prove several decidability and undecidability results for nu-PN, an extension of P/T nets with pure name creation and name management. We give a simple proof of undecidability of reachability, by reducing reachability in nets with inhibitor arcs to it. Thus, the expressive power of nu-PN strictly surpasses that of P/T nets. We prove that nu-PN are Well Structured Transition Systems. In particular, we obtain decidability of coverability and termination, so that the expressive power of Turing machines is not reached. Moreover, they are strictly Well Structured, so that the boundedness problem is also decidable. We consider two properties, width-boundedness and depth-boundedness, that factorize boundedness. Width-boundedness has already been proven to be decidable. We prove here undecidability of depth-boundedness. Finally, we obtain Ackermann-hardness results for all our decidable decision problems.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    The Semilinear Home-Space Problem Is Ackermann-Complete for Petri Nets

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    A set of configurations H is a home-space for a set of configurations X of a Petri net if every configuration reachable from (any configuration in) X can reach (some configuration in) H. The semilinear home-space problem for Petri nets asks, given a Petri net and semilinear sets of configurations X, H, if H is a home-space for X. In 1989, David de Frutos Escrig and Colette Johnen proved that the problem is decidable when X is a singleton and H is a finite union of linear sets with the same periods. In this paper, we show that the general (semilinear) problem is decidable. This result is obtained by proving a duality between the reachability problem and the non-home-space problem. In particular, we prove that for any Petri net and any linear set of configurations L we can effectively compute a semilinear set C of configurations, called a non-reachability core for L, such that for every set X the set L is not a home-space for X if, and only if, C is reachable from X. We show that the established relation to the reachability problem yields the Ackermann-completeness of the (semilinear) home-space problem. For this we also show that, given a Petri net with an initial marking, the set of minimal reachable markings can be constructed in Ackermannian time

    Structural liveness of petri nets is ExpSpace-hard and decidable

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    Place/transition Petri nets are a standard model for a class of distributed systems whose reachability spaces might be infinite. One of well-studied topics is verification of safety and liveness properties in this model; despite an extensive research effort, some basic problems remain open, which is exemplified by the complexity status of the reachability problem that is still not fully clarified. The liveness problems are known to be closely related to the reachability problem, and various structural properties of nets that are related to liveness have been studied. Somewhat surprisingly, the decidability status of the problem of determining whether a net is structurally live, i.e. whether there is an initial marking for which it is live, remained open for some time; e.g. Best and Esparza (Inf Process Lett 116(6):423–427, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2016.01.011) emphasize this open question. Here we show that the structural liveness problem for Petri nets is ExpSpace-hard and decidable. In particular, given a net N and a semilinear set S, it is decidable whether there is an initial marking of N for which the reachability set is included in S; this is based on results by Leroux (28th annual ACM/IEEE symposium on logic in computer science, LICS 2013, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 25–28, 2013, IEEE Computer Society, pp 23–32, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1109/LICS.2013.7)

    Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part III: Karp-Miller Trees

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    This paper is a sequel of "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part I: Completions" [STACS 2009, LZI Intl. Proc. in Informatics 3, 433-444] and "Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part II: Complete WSTS" [Logical Methods in Computer Science 8(3), 2012]. In these two papers, we provided a framework to conduct forward reachability analyses of WSTS, using finite representations of downward-closed sets. We further develop this framework to obtain a generic Karp-Miller algorithm for the new class of very-WSTS. This allows us to show that coverability sets of very-WSTS can be computed as their finite ideal decompositions. Under natural effectiveness assumptions, we also show that LTL model checking for very-WSTS is decidable. The termination of our procedure rests on a new notion of acceleration levels, which we study. We characterize those domains that allow for only finitely many accelerations, based on ordinal ranks

    Ackermannian and Primitive-Recursive Bounds with Dickson's Lemma

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    Dickson's Lemma is a simple yet powerful tool widely used in termination proofs, especially when dealing with counters or related data structures. However, most computer scientists do not know how to derive complexity upper bounds from such termination proofs, and the existing literature is not very helpful in these matters. We propose a new analysis of the length of bad sequences over (N^k,\leq) and explain how one may derive complexity upper bounds from termination proofs. Our upper bounds improve earlier results and are essentially tight

    On the Home-Space Problem for Petri Nets and its Ackermannian Complexity

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    A set of configurations H is a home-space for a set of configurations X of a Petri net if every configuration reachable from (any configuration in) X can reach (some configuration in) H. The semilinear home-space problem for Petri nets asks, given a Petri net and semilinear sets of configurations X, H, if H is a home-space for X. In 1989, David de Frutos Escrig and Colette Johnen proved that the problem is decidable when X is a singleton and H is a finite union of linear sets with the same periods. In this paper, we show that the general (semilinear) problem is decidable. This result is obtained by proving a duality between the reachability problem and the non-home-space problem. In particular, we prove that for any Petri net and any semilinear set of configurations H we can effectively compute a semilinear set C of configurations, called a non-reachability core for H, such that for every set X the set H is not a home-space for X if, and only if, C is reachable from X. We show that the established relation to the reachability problem yields the Ackermann-completeness of the (semilinear) home-space problem. For this we also show that, given a Petri net with an initial marking, the set of minimal reachable markings can be constructed in Ackermannian time

    Structural computation of alignments of business processes over partial orders

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    Relating event data and process models is becoming an important element for organizations. This paper presents a novel approach for aligning traces and process models. The approach is based on the structural theory of Petri nets (the marking equation), applied over an unfolding of the initial process model. Given an observed trace, the approach adopts an iterative optimization mechanism on top of the unfolding, computing at each iteration part of the resulting alignment. In contrast to the previous work that is primarily grounded in the marking equation, this approach is guaranteed to provide real solutions, and tries to mimic as much as possible the events observed in the trace. Experiments witness the significance of this approach both in quality and execution time perspectives.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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