1,560 research outputs found

    Bounded Refinement Types

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    We present a notion of bounded quantification for refinement types and show how it expands the expressiveness of refinement typing by using it to develop typed combinators for: (1) relational algebra and safe database access, (2) Floyd-Hoare logic within a state transformer monad equipped with combinators for branching and looping, and (3) using the above to implement a refined IO monad that tracks capabilities and resource usage. This leap in expressiveness comes via a translation to "ghost" functions, which lets us retain the automated and decidable SMT based checking and inference that makes refinement typing effective in practice.Comment: 14 pages, International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 201

    Logic Programming Applications: What Are the Abstractions and Implementations?

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    This article presents an overview of applications of logic programming, classifying them based on the abstractions and implementations of logic languages that support the applications. The three key abstractions are join, recursion, and constraint. Their essential implementations are for-loops, fixed points, and backtracking, respectively. The corresponding kinds of applications are database queries, inductive analysis, and combinatorial search, respectively. We also discuss language extensions and programming paradigms, summarize example application problems by application areas, and touch on example systems that support variants of the abstractions with different implementations

    Contract-Based General-Purpose GPU Programming

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    Using GPUs as general-purpose processors has revolutionized parallel computing by offering, for a large and growing set of algorithms, massive data-parallelization on desktop machines. An obstacle to widespread adoption, however, is the difficulty of programming them and the low-level control of the hardware required to achieve good performance. This paper suggests a programming library, SafeGPU, that aims at striking a balance between programmer productivity and performance, by making GPU data-parallel operations accessible from within a classical object-oriented programming language. The solution is integrated with the design-by-contract approach, which increases confidence in functional program correctness by embedding executable program specifications into the program text. We show that our library leads to modular and maintainable code that is accessible to GPGPU non-experts, while providing performance that is comparable with hand-written CUDA code. Furthermore, runtime contract checking turns out to be feasible, as the contracts can be executed on the GPU

    Formal Analysis and Verification of Max-Plus Linear Systems

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    Max-Plus Linear (MPL) systems are an algebraic formalism with practical applications in transportation networks, manufacturing and biological systems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of automatically analyzing the properties of MPL, taking into account both structural properties such as transient and cyclicity, and the open problem of user-defined temporal properties. We propose Time-Difference LTL (TDLTL), a logic that encompasses the delays between the discrete time events governed by an MPL system, and characterize the problem of model checking TDLTL over MPL. We first consider a framework based on the verification of infinite-state transition systems, and propose an approach based on an encoding into model checking. Then, we leverage the specific features of MPL systems to devise a highly optimized, combinational approach based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT). We experimentally evaluate the features of the proposed approaches on a large set of benchmarks. The results show that the proposed approach substantially outperforms the state of the art competitors in expressiveness and effectiveness, and demonstrate the superiority of the combinational approach over the reduction to model checking.Comment: 28 pages (including appendixes

    Model Based Synthesis of Control Software from System Level Formal Specifications

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    Many Embedded Systems are indeed Software Based Control Systems, that is control systems whose controller consists of control software running on a microcontroller device. This motivates investigation on Formal Model Based Design approaches for automatic synthesis of embedded systems control software. We present an algorithm, along with a tool QKS implementing it, that from a formal model (as a Discrete Time Linear Hybrid System) of the controlled system (plant), implementation specifications (that is, number of bits in the Analog-to-Digital, AD, conversion) and System Level Formal Specifications (that is, safety and liveness requirements for the closed loop system) returns correct-by-construction control software that has a Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) linear in the number of AD bits and meets the given specifications. We show feasibility of our approach by presenting experimental results on using it to synthesize control software for a buck DC-DC converter, a widely used mixed-mode analog circuit, and for the inverted pendulum.Comment: Accepted for publication by ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM

    GPUVerify: A Verifier for GPU Kernels

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    We present a technique for verifying race- and divergence-freedom of GPU kernels that are written in mainstream ker-nel programming languages such as OpenCL and CUDA. Our approach is founded on a novel formal operational se-mantics for GPU programming termed synchronous, delayed visibility (SDV) semantics. The SDV semantics provides a precise definition of barrier divergence in GPU kernels and allows kernel verification to be reduced to analysis of a sequential program, thereby completely avoiding the need to reason about thread interleavings, and allowing existing modular techniques for program verification to be leveraged. We describe an efficient encoding for data race detection and propose a method for automatically inferring loop invari-ants required for verification. We have implemented these techniques as a practical verification tool, GPUVerify, which can be applied directly to OpenCL and CUDA source code. We evaluate GPUVerify with respect to a set of 163 kernels drawn from public and commercial sources. Our evaluation demonstrates that GPUVerify is capable of efficient, auto-matic verification of a large number of real-world kernels

    07401 Abstracts Collection -- Deduction and Decision Procedures

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    From 01.10. to 05.10.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07401 ``Deduction and Decision Procedures\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper
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