31 research outputs found

    Unpaired Image Captioning via Scene Graph Alignments

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    Most of current image captioning models heavily rely on paired image-caption datasets. However, getting large scale image-caption paired data is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we present a scene graph-based approach for unpaired image captioning. Our framework comprises an image scene graph generator, a sentence scene graph generator, a scene graph encoder, and a sentence decoder. Specifically, we first train the scene graph encoder and the sentence decoder on the text modality. To align the scene graphs between images and sentences, we propose an unsupervised feature alignment method that maps the scene graph features from the image to the sentence modality. Experimental results show that our proposed model can generate quite promising results without using any image-caption training pairs, outperforming existing methods by a wide margin.Comment: Accepted in ICCV 201

    Semantic Segmentation with Labeling Uncertainty and Class Imbalance

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    Recently, methods based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) achieved impressive success in semantic segmentation tasks. However, challenges such as the class imbalance and the uncertainty in the pixel-labeling process are not completely addressed. As such, we present a new approach that calculates a weight for each pixel considering its class and uncertainty during the labeling process. The pixel-wise weights are used during training to increase or decrease the importance of the pixels. Experimental results show that the proposed approach leads to significant improvements in three challenging segmentation tasks in comparison to baseline methods. It was also proved to be more invariant to noise. The approach presented here may be used within a wide range of semantic segmentation methods to improve their robustness.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    AICSD: Adaptive Inter-Class Similarity Distillation for Semantic Segmentation

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have achieved remarkable accuracy in computer vision tasks. With inference time being a crucial factor, particularly in dense prediction tasks such as semantic segmentation, knowledge distillation has emerged as a successful technique for improving the accuracy of lightweight student networks. The existing methods often neglect the information in channels and among different classes. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes a novel method called Inter-Class Similarity Distillation (ICSD) for the purpose of knowledge distillation. The proposed method transfers high-order relations from the teacher network to the student network by independently computing intra-class distributions for each class from network outputs. This is followed by calculating inter-class similarity matrices for distillation using KL divergence between distributions of each pair of classes. To further improve the effectiveness of the proposed method, an Adaptive Loss Weighting (ALW) training strategy is proposed. Unlike existing methods, the ALW strategy gradually reduces the influence of the teacher network towards the end of training process to account for errors in teacher's predictions. Extensive experiments conducted on two well-known datasets for semantic segmentation, Cityscapes and Pascal VOC 2012, validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of mIoU and pixel accuracy. The proposed method outperforms most of existing knowledge distillation methods as demonstrated by both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Code is available at: https://github.com/AmirMansurian/AICSDComment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Spatial Information Guided Convolution for Real-Time RGBD Semantic Segmentation

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    3D spatial information is known to be beneficial to the semantic segmentation task. Most existing methods take 3D spatial data as an additional input, leading to a two-stream segmentation network that processes RGB and 3D spatial information separately. This solution greatly increases the inference time and severely limits its scope for real-time applications. To solve this problem, we propose Spatial information guided Convolution (S-Conv), which allows efficient RGB feature and 3D spatial information integration. S-Conv is competent to infer the sampling offset of the convolution kernel guided by the 3D spatial information, helping the convolutional layer adjust the receptive field and adapt to geometric transformations. S-Conv also incorporates geometric information into the feature learning process by generating spatially adaptive convolutional weights. The capability of perceiving geometry is largely enhanced without much affecting the amount of parameters and computational cost. We further embed S-Conv into a semantic segmentation network, called Spatial information Guided convolutional Network (SGNet), resulting in real-time inference and state-of-the-art performance on NYUDv2 and SUNRGBD datasets

    P2AT: Pyramid Pooling Axial Transformer for Real-time Semantic Segmentation

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    Recently, Transformer-based models have achieved promising results in various vision tasks, due to their ability to model long-range dependencies. However, transformers are computationally expensive, which limits their applications in real-time tasks such as autonomous driving. In addition, an efficient local and global feature selection and fusion are vital for accurate dense prediction, especially driving scene understanding tasks. In this paper, we propose a real-time semantic segmentation architecture named Pyramid Pooling Axial Transformer (P2AT). The proposed P2AT takes a coarse feature from the CNN encoder to produce scale-aware contextual features, which are then combined with the multi-level feature aggregation scheme to produce enhanced contextual features. Specifically, we introduce a pyramid pooling axial transformer to capture intricate spatial and channel dependencies, leading to improved performance on semantic segmentation. Then, we design a Bidirectional Fusion module (BiF) to combine semantic information at different levels. Meanwhile, a Global Context Enhancer is introduced to compensate for the inadequacy of concatenating different semantic levels. Finally, a decoder block is proposed to help maintain a larger receptive field. We evaluate P2AT variants on three challenging scene-understanding datasets. In particular, our P2AT variants achieve state-of-art results on the Camvid dataset 80.5%, 81.0%, 81.1% for P2AT-S, P2ATM, and P2AT-L, respectively. Furthermore, our experiment on Cityscapes and Pascal VOC 2012 have demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed architecture, with results showing that P2AT-M, achieves 78.7% on Cityscapes. The source code will be available a