2 research outputs found

    Boundary Homogenization and Reduction of Dimension in a Kirchhoff-Love Plate

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    We investigate the asymptotic behavior, as ε\varepsilon tends to zero, of the transverse displacement of a Kirchhoff-Love plate composed by the union of two domains contained in the plane: AεA_\varepsilon and BεB_\varepsilon and depending on ε\varepsilon in the following way. The set AεA_\varepsilon is a union of fine teeth, having small cross section of size ε\varepsilon and constant height, ε\varepsilon periodically distributed on the upper side of a horizontal thin strip BεB_\varepsilon with vanishing height hεh_\varepsilon, as ε\varepsilon tends to zero. The structure is clamped on the top of the teeth, with a free boundary elsewhere, and subjected to a transverse load. As ε\varepsilon tends to zero, we obtain a “continuum” bending model of rods in the limit domain of the comb, while the limit displacement is independent of the vertical variable in the rescaled (with respect to hεh_\varepsilon) strip. We show that the displacement in the strip is equal to the displacement on the basis of the teeth if hε>>ε4h_\varepsilon>>\varepsilon^4. However, if the strip is thin enough (i.e., hε=ε4h_\varepsilon=\varepsilon^4), we show that microscopic oscillations of the displacement in the strip, between the basis of then teeth, may produce a limit average field different from that on the base of the teeth; i.e., a discontinuity in the transmission condition may appear in the limit model