8 research outputs found

    Bound-intersection detection for multiple-symbol differential unitary space-time modulation

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    This paper considers multiple-symbol differential detection (MSD) of differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM) over multiple-antenna systems. We derive a novel exact maximum-likelihood (ML) detector, called the bound-intersection detector (BID), using the extended Euclidean algorithm for single-symbol detection of diagonal constellations. While the ML search complexity is exponential in the number of transmit antennas and the data rate, our algorithm, particularly in high signal-to-noise ratio, achieves significant computational savings over the naive ML algorithm and the previous detector based on lattice reduction. We also develop four BID variants for MSD. The first two are ML and use branch-and-bound, the third one is suboptimal, which first uses BID to generate a candidate subset and then exhaustively searches over the reduced space, and the last one generalizes decision-feedback differential detection. Simulation results show that the BID and its MSD variants perform nearly ML, but do so with significantly reduced complexity

    On Multiple Symbol Detection for Diagonal DUSTM Over Ricean Channels

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    This letter considers multiple symbol differential detection for multiple-antenna systems over flat Ricean-fading channels when partial channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter. Using the maximum likelihood (ML) principle, and assuming perfect knowledge of the channel mean, we derive the optimal multiple symbol detection (MSD) rule for diagonal differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM). This rule is used to develop a sphere decoding bound intersection detector (SD-BID) with low complexity. A suboptimal MSD based decision feedback DD (DF-DD) algorithm is also derived. The simulation results show that our proposed MSD algorithms reduce the error floor of conventional differential detection and that the computational complexity of these new algorithms is reasonably low

    Multi-user non-coherent detection for downlink MIMO communication

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Current cellular technologies are based on the concept of coherent communication, in which the channel matrix used for demodulation is estimated via reference or pilot signals. Coherent systems, however, involve a significant increase of the signalling overhead, especially when the number of transmission points is increased or when the mobile channel changes rapidly, which motivates the use of non-coherent techniques. This letter extends the use of non-coherent communications to a multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) framework by combining superposition coding with a reduced-complexity detection method. Numerical results confirm that our scheme achieves higher user rates than non-coherent MU transmission based on time multiplexing. In addition to the well-known sum-rate gain of MU systems, an extra performance gain given by downlink non-coherent MU communication is shown and qualitatively justified.This work was performed in the framework of the FP7 project ICT-317669 METIS, supported in part by the European Union. The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues in METIS, although the views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the project. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Chandra Ramabhadra Murthy.Roger Varea, S.; Calabuig Soler, D.; Cabrejas Peñuelas, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF. (2014). Multi-user non-coherent detection for downlink MIMO communication. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 21(10):1225-1229. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSP.2014.2330854S12251229211

    Physical Layer Differential Network Coding for Two-way Relay Channels

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    In this work, we consider differential modulation in two-way relay channels (TWRC). In single antenna systems, we propose non-coherent schemes for both amplify-and forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) where the channel state information is not required. These new schemes are counterparts of the traditional non-coherent detection in point to point communications. The difficulty with differential modulation design in TWRC is that the received signal is a mixture of the signals from both source terminals. We derive maximum likelihood (ML) detectors for both AF and DF. The DF protocol can be considered as performing differential network coding at the physical layer. In addition, we propose several suboptimal alternatives including decision feedback and prediction based detectors. All these strategies work well as evidenced by simulation results. We also extend the schemes to the multiple-antenna case and provide design criterion of differential unitary space time modulation

    Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection for Single-Antenna and Multiple-Antenna Systems over Ricean-fading Channels

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    This paper considers multiple symbol differential detection (DD) for both single-antenna and multiple-antenna systems over flat Ricean-fading channels. We derive the optimal multiple symbol detection (MSD) decision rules for both Mary differential phase-shift keying (MDPSK) and differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM). The sphere decoder (SD) is adopted to solve the MSD for MDPSK. As well, an improved SD is proposed by using the Schnorr-Euchner strategy. A suboptimal MSD based decision feedback DD algorithm is proposed for the MSD of DUSTM. We also develop a sphere decoding bound intersection detector (SD-BID) to optimally solve the MSD problem for DUSTM, which still maintains low complexity. Simulation results show that our proposed MSD algorithms for both single-antenna and multiple-antenna systems reduce the error floor of conventional DD but with reasonably low computational complexity

    Maximum likelihood detection for differential unitary space-time modulation with carrier frequency offset

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    Can conventional differential unitary space time modulation (DUSTM) be applied when there is an unknown carrier frequency offset (CFO)? This paper answers this question affirmatively and derives the necessary maximum likelihood (ML) detection rule. The asymptotic performance of the proposed ML rule is analyzed, leading to a code design criterion for DUSTM by using the modified diversity product. The resulting proposed decision rule is a new differential modulation scheme in both the temporal and spatial domains. Two sub-optimal multiple-symbol decision rules with improved performance are also proposed. For the efficient implementation of these, we derive a modified bound intersection detector (BID), a generalization of the previously derived optimal BID for the conventional DUSTM. The simulation results show that the proposed differential modulation scheme is more robust against CFO drifting than the existing double temporal differential modulation

    Differential modulation for two-way wireless communications: a perspective of differential network coding at the physical layer

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    This work considers two-way relay channels (TWRC), where two terminals transmit simultaneously to each other with the help of a relay node. For single antenna systems, we propose several new transmission schemes for both amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol and decode-and-forward (DF) protocol where the channel state information is not required. These new schemes are the counterpart of the traditional noncoherent detection or differential detection in point-to-point communications. Differential modulation design for TWRC is challenging because the received signal is a mixture of the signals from both source terminals. We derive maximum likelihood (ML) detectors for both AF and DF protocols, where the latter can be considered as performing differential network coding at the physical layer. As the exact ML detector is prohibitively complex, we propose several suboptimal alternatives including decision feedback detectors and prediction-based detectors. All these strategies work well as evidenced by the simulation results. The proposed protocols are especially useful when the required average data rate is high. In addition, we extend the protocols to the multiple-antenna case and provide the design criterion of the differential unitary space time modulation (DUSTM) for TWRC

    Non-coherent MIMO Communication for the 5th Generation Mobile: Overview and Practical Aspects

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    Although there are many theoretical studies on the performance of non-coherent schemes in MIMO systems, their impact on real-world cellular systems is still unknown. This paper focuses on bringing noncoherent techniques into practical systems using CoMP and/or MIMO processing