25 research outputs found

    Transfinite inductions producing coanalytic sets

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    A. Miller proved the consistent existence of a coanalytic two-point set, Hamel basis and MAD family. In these cases the classical transfinite induction can be modified to produce a coanalytic set. We generalize his result formulating a condition which can be easily applied in such situations. We reprove the classical results and as a new application we show that in V=LV=L there exists an uncountable coanalytic subset of the plane that intersects every C1C^1 curve in a countable set.Comment: preliminary versio

    Martin's conjecture for regressive functions on the hyperarithmetic degrees

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    We answer a question of Slaman and Steel by showing that a version of Martin's conjecture holds for all regressive functions on the hyperarithmetic degrees. A key step in our proof, which may have applications to other cases of Martin's conjecture, consists of showing that we can always reduce to the case of a continuous function.Comment: 12 page

    Determinacy with Complicated Strategies

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    For any class of functions F from R into R, AD(F) is the assertion that in every two person game on integers one of the two players has a winning strategy in the class F. It is shown, in ZF + DC + V = L(R), that for any F of cardinality < 2^(N0)(i.e. any F which is a surjective image of R) AD(F) implies AD (the Axiom of Determinacy)

    The Theory of Countable Analytical Sets

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    The purpose of this paper is the study of the structure of countable sets in the various levels of the analytical hierarchy of sets of reals. It is first shown that, assuming projective determinacy, there is for each odd n a largest countable ∏_n^1 set of reals, C_n (this is also true for n even, replacing ∏_n^1 by Σ_n^1 and has been established earlier by Solovay for n = 2 and by Moschovakis and the author for all even n > 2). The internal structure of the sets C_n is then investigated in detail, the point of departure being the fact that each C_n is a set of Δ_n^1-degrees, wellordered under their usual partial ordering. Finally, a number of applications of the preceding theory is presented, covering a variety of topics such as specification of bases, ω-models of analysis, higher-level analogs of the constructible universe, inductive definability, etc

    The Complexity of Infinite Computations In Models of Set Theory

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    We prove the following surprising result: there exist a 1-counter B\"uchi automaton and a 2-tape B\"uchi automaton such that the \omega-language of the first and the infinitary rational relation of the second in one model of ZFC are \pi_2^0-sets, while in a different model of ZFC both are analytic but non Borel sets. This shows that the topological complexity of an \omega-language accepted by a 1-counter B\"uchi automaton or of an infinitary rational relation accepted by a 2-tape B\"uchi automaton is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. We show that a similar result holds for the class of languages of infinite pictures which are recognized by B\"uchi tiling systems. We infer from the proof of the above results an improvement of the lower bound of some decision problems recently studied by the author

    Scott Ranks of Classifications of the Admissibility Equivalence Relation

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    Let L\mathscr{L} be a recursive language. Let S(L)S(\mathscr{L}) be the set of L\mathscr{L}-structures with domain ω\omega. Let Φ:ω2S(L)\Phi : {}^\omega 2 \rightarrow S(\mathscr{L}) be a Δ11\Delta_1^1 function with the property that for all x,yω2x,y \in {}^\omega 2, ω1x=ω1y\omega_1^x = \omega_1^y if and only if Φ(x)LΦ(y)\Phi(x) \approx_{\mathscr{L}} \Phi(y). Then there is some xω2x \in {}^\omega 2 so that SR(Φ(x))=ω1x+1\mathrm{SR}(\Phi(x)) = \omega_1^x + 1

    Forcing with Δ perfect trees and minimal Δ-degrees

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    This paper is a sequel to [3] and it contains, among other things, proofs of the results announced in the last section of that paper. In §1, we use the general method of [3] together with reflection arguments to study the properties of forcing with Δ perfect trees, for certain Spector pointclasses Γ, obtaining as a main result the existence of a continuum of minimal Δ-degrees for such Γ's, under determinacy hypotheses. In particular, using PD, we prove the existence of continuum many minimal Δ^(1)_(2n+1)-degrees, for all n.^(2) Following an idea of Leo Harrington, we extend these results in §2 to show the existence of minimal strict upper bounds for sequences of Δ-degrees which are not too far apart. As a corollary, it is computed that the length of the natural hierarchy of Δ^(1)_(2n+1)-degrees is equal to ω when n ≥ 1. (By results of Sacks and Richter the length of the natural hierarchy of Δ^(1)_(1)-degrees is known to be equal to the first recursively inaccessible ordinal.