1,138 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationEvents are one important type of information throughout text. Event extraction is an information extraction (IE) task that involves identifying entities and objects (mainly noun phrases) that represent important roles in events of a particular type. However, the extraction performance of current event extraction systems is limited because they mainly consider local context (mostly isolated sentences) when making each extraction decision. My research aims to improve both coverage and accuracy of event extraction performance by explicitly identifying event contexts before extracting individual facts. First, I introduce new event extraction architectures that incorporate discourse information across a document to seek out and validate pieces of event descriptions within the document. TIER is a multilayered event extraction architecture that performs text analysis at multiple granularities to progressively \zoom in" on relevant event information. LINKER is a unied discourse-guided approach that includes a structured sentence classier to sequentially read a story and determine which sentences contain event information based on both the local and preceding contexts. Experimental results on two distinct event domains show that compared to previous event extraction systems, TIER can nd more event information while maintaining a good extraction accuracy, and LINKER can further improve extraction accuracy. Finding documents that describe a specic type of event is also highly challenging because of the wide variety and ambiguity of event expressions. In this dissertation, I present the multifaceted event recognition approach that uses event dening characteristics (facets), in addition to event expressions, to eectively resolve the complexity of event descriptions. I also present a novel bootstrapping algorithm to automatically learn event expressions as well as facets of events, which requires minimal human supervision. Experimental results show that the multifaceted event recognition approach can eectively identify documents that describe a particular type of event and make event extraction systems more precise

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationOver the last decade, social media has emerged as a revolutionary platform for informal communication and social interactions among people. Publicly expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings is one of the key characteristics of social media. In this dissertation, I present research on automatically acquiring knowledge from social media that can be used to recognize people's affective state (i.e., what someone feels at a given time) in text. This research addresses two types of affective knowledge: 1) hashtag indicators of emotion consisting of emotion hashtags and emotion hashtag patterns, and 2) affective understanding of similes (a form of figurative comparison). My research introduces a bootstrapped learning algorithm for learning hashtag in- dicators of emotions from tweets with respect to five emotion categories: Affection, Anger/Rage, Fear/Anxiety, Joy, and Sadness/Disappointment. With a few seed emotion hashtags per emotion category, the bootstrapping algorithm iteratively learns new hashtags and more generalized hashtag patterns by analyzing emotion in tweets that contain these indicators. Emotion phrases are also harvested from the learned indicators to train additional classifiers that use the surrounding word context of the phrases as features. This is the first work to learn hashtag indicators of emotions. My research also presents a supervised classification method for classifying affective polarity of similes in Twitter. Using lexical, semantic, and sentiment properties of different simile components as features, supervised classifiers are trained to classify a simile into a positive or negative affective polarity class. The property of comparison is also fundamental to the affective understanding of similes. My research introduces a novel framework for inferring implicit properties that 1) uses syntactic constructions, statistical association, dictionary definitions and word embedding vector similarity to generate and rank candidate properties, 2) re-ranks the top properties using influence from multiple simile components, and 3) aggregates the ranks of each property from different methods to create a final ranked list of properties. The inferred properties are used to derive additional features for the supervised classifiers to further improve affective polarity recognition. Experimental results show substantial improvements in affective understanding of similes over the use of existing sentiment resources

    Asymmetric Pruning for Learning Cascade Detectors

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    Cascade classifiers are one of the most important contributions to real-time object detection. Nonetheless, there are many challenging problems arising in training cascade detectors. One common issue is that the node classifier is trained with a symmetric classifier. Having a low misclassification error rate does not guarantee an optimal node learning goal in cascade classifiers, i.e., an extremely high detection rate with a moderate false positive rate. In this work, we present a new approach to train an effective node classifier in a cascade detector. The algorithm is based on two key observations: 1) Redundant weak classifiers can be safely discarded; 2) The final detector should satisfy the asymmetric learning objective of the cascade architecture. To achieve this, we separate the classifier training into two steps: finding a pool of discriminative weak classifiers/features and training the final classifier by pruning weak classifiers which contribute little to the asymmetric learning criterion (asymmetric classifier construction). Our model reduction approach helps accelerate the learning time while achieving the pre-determined learning objective. Experimental results on both face and car data sets verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. On the FDDB face data sets, our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance, which demonstrates the advantage of our approach.Comment: 14 page