3 research outputs found

    Multimodal active speaker detection and virtual cinematography for video conferencing

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    Active speaker detection (ASD) and virtual cinematography (VC) can significantly improve the remote user experience of a video conference by automatically panning, tilting and zooming of a video conferencing camera: users subjectively rate an expert video cinematographer's video significantly higher than unedited video. We describe a new automated ASD and VC that performs within 0.3 MOS of an expert cinematographer based on subjective ratings with a 1-5 scale. This system uses a 4K wide-FOV camera, a depth camera, and a microphone array; it extracts features from each modality and trains an ASD using an AdaBoost machine learning system that is very efficient and runs in real-time. A VC is similarly trained using machine learning to optimize the subjective quality of the overall experience. To avoid distracting the room participants and reduce switching latency the system has no moving parts -- the VC works by cropping and zooming the 4K wide-FOV video stream. The system was tuned and evaluated using extensive crowdsourcing techniques and evaluated on a dataset with N=100 meetings, each 2-5 minutes in length

    Сравнительный анализ функциональности прототипов интеллектуальных пространств

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    A survey of smart space prototypes intended for scientific and educational meetings and facilitated by means of automatic speech recording is represented in the paper. Analysis of the used audio visual signal processing means and realized user services allowed us to propose a classification of smart space prototypes. The peculiarities of the developed smart meeting room and its distinction features from the considered prototypes are described.В статье представлен обзор прототипов интеллектуальных пространств, предназначенных для поддержки проведения научно-образовательных мероприятий и оснащенных средствами автоматической записи выступлений участников. На основе анализа применяемых в них средств обработки аудиовизуальных сигналов и реализованных пользовательских сервисов была предложена оригинальная классификация прототипов интеллектуальных пространств. Также описана специфика разработанного интеллектуального зала и его отличия от рассмотренных прототипов

    Multimodal Sensing and Data Processing for Speaker and Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning Models with Audio, Video and Biomedical Sensors

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    The focus of the thesis is on Deep Learning methods and their applications on multimodal data, with a potential to explore the associations between modalities and replace missing and corrupt ones if necessary. We have chosen two important real-world applications that need to deal with multimodal data: 1) Speaker recognition and identification; 2) Facial expression recognition and emotion detection. The first part of our work assesses the effectiveness of speech-related sensory data modalities and their combinations in speaker recognition using deep learning models. First, the role of electromyography (EMG) is highlighted as a unique biometric sensor in improving audio-visual speaker recognition or as a substitute in noisy or poorly-lit environments. Secondly, the effectiveness of deep learning is empirically confirmed through its higher robustness to all types of features in comparison to a number of commonly used baseline classifiers. Not only do deep models outperform the baseline methods, their power increases when they integrate multiple modalities, as different modalities contain information on different aspects of the data, especially between EMG and audio. Interestingly, our deep learning approach is word-independent. Plus, the EMG, audio, and visual parts of the samples from each speaker do not need to match. This increases the flexibility of our method in using multimodal data, particularly if one or more modalities are missing. With a dataset of 23 individuals speaking 22 words five times, we show that EMG can replace the audio/visual modalities, and when combined, significantly improve the accuracy of speaker recognition. The second part describes a study on automated emotion recognition using four different modalities – audio, video, electromyography (EMG), and electroencephalography (EEG). We collected a dataset by recording the 4 modalities as 12 human subjects expressed six different emotions or maintained a neutral expression. Three different aspects of emotion recognition were investigated: model selection, feature selection, and data selection. Both generative models (DBNs) and discriminative models (LSTMs) were applied to the four modalities, and from these analyses we conclude that LSTM is better for audio and video together with their corresponding sophisticated feature extractors (MFCC and CNN), whereas DBN is better for both EMG and EEG. By examining these signals at different stages (pre-speech, during-speech, and post-speech) of the current and following trials, we have found that the most effective stages for emotion recognition from EEG occur after the emotion has been expressed, suggesting that the neural signals conveying an emotion are long-lasting