638 research outputs found

    Using online linear classifiers to filter spam Emails

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    The performance of two online linear classifiers - the Perceptron and Littlestoneā€™s Winnow ā€“ is explored for two anti-spam filtering benchmark corpora - PU1 and Ling-Spam. We study the performance for varying numbers of features, along with three different feature selection methods: Information Gain (IG), Document Frequency (DF) and Odds Ratio. The size of the training set and the number of training iterations are also investigated for both classifiers. The experimental results show that both the Perceptron and Winnow perform much better when using IG or DF than using Odds Ratio. It is further demonstrated that when using IG or DF, the classifiers are insensitive to the number of features and the number of training iterations, and not greatly sensitive to the size of training set. Winnow is shown to slightly outperform the Perceptron. It is also demonstrated that both of these online classifiers perform much better than a standard NaĆÆve Bayes method. The theoretical and implementation computational complexity of these two classifiers are very low, and they are very easily adaptively updated. They outperform most of the published results, while being significantly easier to train and adapt. The analysis and promising experimental results indicate that the Perceptron and Winnow are two very competitive classifiers for anti-spam filtering

    Voting-based Classification for E-mail Spam Detection

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    The problem of spam e-mail has gained a tremendous amount of attention. Although entities tend to use e-mail spam filter applications to filter out received spam e-mails, marketing companies still tend to send unsolicited e-mails in bulk and users still receive a reasonable amount of spam e-mail despite those filtering applications. This work proposes a new method for classifying e-mails into spam and non-spam. First, several e-mail content features are extracted and then those features are used for classifying each e-mail individually. The classification results of three different classifiers (i.e. Decision Trees, Random Forests and k-Nearest Neighbor) are combined in various voting schemes (i.e. majority vote, average probability, product of probabilities, minimum probability and maximum probability) for making the final decision. To validate our method, two different spam e-mail collections were used

    Spam-T5: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Few-Shot Email Spam Detection

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    This paper investigates the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) in email spam detection by comparing prominent models from three distinct families: BERT-like, Sentence Transformers, and Seq2Seq. Additionally, we examine well-established machine learning techniques for spam detection, such as Na\"ive Bayes and LightGBM, as baseline methods. We assess the performance of these models across four public datasets, utilizing different numbers of training samples (full training set and few-shot settings). Our findings reveal that, in the majority of cases, LLMs surpass the performance of the popular baseline techniques, particularly in few-shot scenarios. This adaptability renders LLMs uniquely suited to spam detection tasks, where labeled samples are limited in number and models require frequent updates. Additionally, we introduce Spam-T5, a Flan-T5 model that has been specifically adapted and fine-tuned for the purpose of detecting email spam. Our results demonstrate that Spam-T5 surpasses baseline models and other LLMs in the majority of scenarios, particularly when there are a limited number of training samples available. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/jpmorganchase/emailspamdetection

    Email classification using data reduction method

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    Classifying user emails correctly from penetration of spam is an important research issue for anti-spam researchers. This paper has presented an effective and efficient email classification technique based on data filtering method. In our testing we have introduced an innovative filtering technique using instance selection method (ISM) to reduce the pointless data instances from training model and then classify the test data. The objective of ISM is to identify which instances (examples, patterns) in email corpora should be selected as representatives of the entire dataset, without significant loss of information. We have used WEKA interface in our integrated classification model and tested diverse classification algorithms. Our empirical studies show significant performance in terms of classification accuracy with reduction of false positive instances.<br /
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