45 research outputs found

    English Conversational Telephone Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines

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    One of the most difficult speech recognition tasks is accurate recognition of human to human communication. Advances in deep learning over the last few years have produced major speech recognition improvements on the representative Switchboard conversational corpus. Word error rates that just a few years ago were 14% have dropped to 8.0%, then 6.6% and most recently 5.8%, and are now believed to be within striking range of human performance. This then raises two issues - what IS human performance, and how far down can we still drive speech recognition error rates? A recent paper by Microsoft suggests that we have already achieved human performance. In trying to verify this statement, we performed an independent set of human performance measurements on two conversational tasks and found that human performance may be considerably better than what was earlier reported, giving the community a significantly harder goal to achieve. We also report on our own efforts in this area, presenting a set of acoustic and language modeling techniques that lowered the word error rate of our own English conversational telephone LVCSR system to the level of 5.5%/10.3% on the Switchboard/CallHome subsets of the Hub5 2000 evaluation, which - at least at the writing of this paper - is a new performance milestone (albeit not at what we measure to be human performance!). On the acoustic side, we use a score fusion of three models: one LSTM with multiple feature inputs, a second LSTM trained with speaker-adversarial multi-task learning and a third residual net (ResNet) with 25 convolutional layers and time-dilated convolutions. On the language modeling side, we use word and character LSTMs and convolutional WaveNet-style language models

    The 2013 KIT IWSLT Speech-to-Text Systems for German and English

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    This paper describes our English Speech-to-Text (STT) systems for the 2013 IWSLT TED ASR track. The systems consist of multiple subsystems that are combinations of different front-ends, e.g. MVDR-MFCC based and lMel based ones, GMM and NN acoustic models and different phone sets. The outputs of the subsystems are combined via confusion network combination. Decoding is done in two stages, where the systems of the second stage are adapted in an unsupervised manner on the combination of the first stage outputs using VTLN, MLLR, and cMLLR

    The 2014 KIT IWSLT Speech-to-Text Systems for English, German and Italian

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    This paper describes our German, Italian and English Speech-to-Text (STT) systems for the 2014 IWSLT TED ASR track. Our setup uses ROVER and confusion network combination from various subsystems to achieve a good overall performance. The individual subsystems are built by using different front-ends, (e.g., MVDR-MFCC or lMel), acoustic models (GMM or modular DNN) and phone sets and by training on various subsets of the training data. Decoding is performed in two stages, where the GMM systems are adapted in an unsupervised manner on the combination of the first stage outputs using VTLN, MLLR, and cMLLR. The combination setup produces a final hypothesis that has a significantly lower WER than any of the individual subsystems

    GIF-SP: GA-based Informative Feature for Noisy Speech Recognition

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    Abstract-This paper proposes a novel discriminative feature extraction method. The method consists of two stages; in the first stage, a classifier is built for each class, which categorizes an input vector into a certain class or not. From all the parameters of the classifiers, a first transformation can be formed. In the second stage, another transformation that generates a feature vector is subsequently obtained to reduce the dimension and enhance recognition ability. These transformations are computed applying genetic algorithm. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed feature, speech recognition experiments were conducted. Results in clean training condition shows that GIF greatly improves recognition accuracy compared to conventional MFCC in noisy environments. Multi-condition results also clarifies that out proposed scheme is robust against differences of conditions