17,844 research outputs found

    Noise as a Boolean algebra of σ\sigma-fields

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    A noise is a kind of homomorphism from a Boolean algebra of domains to the lattice of σ\sigma-fields. Leaving aside the homomorphism we examine its image, a Boolean algebra of σ\sigma-fields. The largest extension of such Boolean algebra of σ\sigma-fields, being well-defined always, is a complete Boolean algebra if and only if the noise is classical, which answers an old question of J. Feldman.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP861 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Judgment aggregators and Boolean algebra homomorphisms

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    The theory of Boolean algebras can be fruitfully applied to judgment aggregation: Assuming universality, systematicity and a sufficiently rich agenda, there is a correspondence between (i) non-trivial deductively closed judgment aggregators and (ii) Boolean algebra homomorphisms defined on the power-set algebra of the electorate. Furthermore, there is a correspondence between (i) consistent complete judgment aggregators and (ii) 2-valued Boolean algebra homomorphisms defined on the power-set algebra of the electorate. Since the shell of such a homomorphism equals the set of winning coalitions and since (ultra)filters are shells of (2-valued) Boolean algebra homomorphisms, we suggest an explanation for the effectiveness of the (ultra)filter method in social choice theory. From the (ultra)filter property of the set of winning coalitions, one obtains two general impossibility theorems for judgment aggregation on finite electorates, even without the Pareto principle.judgment aggregation, systematicity, impossibility theorems, filter, ultrafilter, Boolean algebra, homomorphism

    Some notes concerning the homogeneity of Boolean algebras and Boolean spaces

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    We consider homogeneity properties of Boolean algebras that have nonprincipal ultrafilters which are countably generated.It is shown that a Boolean algebra B is homogeneous if it is the union of countably generated nonprincipal ultrafilters and has a dense subset D such that for every a in D the relative algebra B restriction a:= {b in B:b <= a} is isomorphic to B. In particular, the free product of countably many copies of an atomic Boolean algebra is homogeneous. Moreover, a Boolean algebra B is homogeneous if it satisfies the following conditions: (i) B has a countably generated ultrafilter, (ii) B is not c.c.c., and (iii) for every a in B setminus {0} there are finitely many automorphisms h_1, ...,h_n of B such that 1=h_1(a) cup ... cup h_n(a)

    Classification of the factorial functions of Eulerian binomial and Sheffer posets

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    We give a complete classification of the factorial functions of Eulerian binomial posets. The factorial function B(n) either coincides with n!n!, the factorial function of the infinite Boolean algebra, or 2n−12^{n-1}, the factorial function of the infinite butterfly poset. We also classify the factorial functions for Eulerian Sheffer posets. An Eulerian Sheffer poset with binomial factorial function B(n)=n!B(n) = n! has Sheffer factorial function D(n) identical to that of the infinite Boolean algebra, the infinite Boolean algebra with two new coatoms inserted, or the infinite cubical poset. Moreover, we are able to classify the Sheffer factorial functions of Eulerian Sheffer posets with binomial factorial function B(n)=2n−1B(n) = 2^{n-1} as the doubling of an upside down tree with ranks 1 and 2 modified. When we impose the further condition that a given Eulerian binomial or Eulerian Sheffer poset is a lattice, this forces the poset to be the infinite Boolean algebra BXB_X or the infinite cubical lattice CX<∞C_X^{< \infty}. We also include several poset constructions that have the same factorial functions as the infinite cubical poset, demonstrating that classifying Eulerian Sheffer posets is a difficult problem.Comment: 23 pages. Minor revisions throughout. Most noticeable is title change. To appear in JCT
