849 research outputs found

    QuickCSG: Fast Arbitrary Boolean Combinations of N Solids

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    QuickCSG computes the result for general N-polyhedron boolean expressions without an intermediate tree of solids. We propose a vertex-centric view of the problem, which simplifies the identification of final geometric contributions, and facilitates its spatial decomposition. The problem is then cast in a single KD-tree exploration, geared toward the result by early pruning of any region of space not contributing to the final surface. We assume strong regularity properties on the input meshes and that they are in general position. This simplifying assumption, in combination with our vertex-centric approach, improves the speed of the approach. Complemented with a task-stealing parallelization, the algorithm achieves breakthrough performance, one to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art CPU algorithms, on boolean operations over two to dozens of polyhedra. The algorithm also outperforms GPU implementations with approximate discretizations, while producing an output without redundant facets. Despite the restrictive assumptions on the input, we show the usefulness of QuickCSG for applications with large CSG problems and strong temporal constraints, e.g. modeling for 3D printers, reconstruction from visual hulls and collision detection

    QuickCSG: Fast Arbitrary Boolean Combinations of N Solids

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    QuickCSG computes the result for general N-polyhedron boolean expressions without an intermediate tree of solids. We propose a vertex-centric view of the problem, which simplifies the identification of final geometric contributions, and facilitates its spatial decomposition. The problem is then cast in a single KD-tree exploration, geared toward the result by early pruning of any region of space not contributing to the final surface. We assume strong regularity properties on the input meshes and that they are in general position. This simplifying assumption, in combination with our vertex-centric approach, improves the speed of the approach. Complemented with a task-stealing parallelization, the algorithm achieves breakthrough performance, one to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art CPU algorithms, on boolean operations over two to dozens of polyhedra. The algorithm also outperforms GPU implementations with approximate discretizations, while producing an output without redundant facets. Despite the restrictive assumptions on the input, we show the usefulness of QuickCSG for applications with large CSG problems and strong temporal constraints, e.g. modeling for 3D printers, reconstruction from visual hulls and collision detection

    Survey of Distributed Decision

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    We survey the recent distributed computing literature on checking whether a given distributed system configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate, i.e., whether the configuration is legal or illegal w.r.t. that predicate. We consider classical distributed computing environments, including mostly synchronous fault-free network computing (LOCAL and CONGEST models), but also asynchronous crash-prone shared-memory computing (WAIT-FREE model), and mobile computing (FSYNC model)

    Concepts for the Representation, Storage, and Retrieval of Spatio-Temporal Objects in 3D/4D Geo-Informations-Systems

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    The quickly increasing number of spatio-temporal applications in fields like environmental management or geology is a new challenge to the development of database systems. This thesis addresses three areas of the problem of integrating spatio-temporal objects into databases. First, a new representational model for continuously changing, spatial 3D objects is introduced and transferred into a small system of classes within an object-oriented database framework. The model extends simplicial cell complexes to the spatio-temporal setting. The problem of closure under certain operations is investigated. Second, internal data structures are introduced that represent instances of the (user-level) spatio-temporal classes. A new technique provides a compromise between compact storage and efficient retrieval of spatio-temporal objects. These structures correspond to temporal graphs and support updates as well as the maintainance of connected components over time. Third, it is shown how to realise further operations on the new type of objects. Among these operations are range queries, intersection tests, and the Euclidean distance function

    QuickCSG: Arbitrary and Faster Boolean Combinations of N Solids

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    While studied over several decades, the computation of boolean operations on polyhedra is almost always addressed by focusing on the case of two polyhedra. For multiple input polyhedra and an arbitrary boolean operation to be applied, the operation is decomposed over a binary CSG tree, each node being processed separately in quasilinear time. For large trees, this is both error prone due to intermediate geometry and error accumulation, and inefficient because each node yields a specific overhead. We introduce a fundamentally new approach to polyhedral CSG evaluation, addressing the general N-polyhedron case. We propose a new vertex-centric view of the problem, which both simplifies the algorithm computing resulting geometric contributions, and vastly facilitates its spatial decomposition. We then embed the entire problem in a single KD-tree, specifically geared toward the final result by early pruning of any region of space not contributing to the final surface. This not only improves the robustness of the approach, it also gives it a fundamental speed advantage, with an output complexity depending on the output mesh size instead of the input size as with usual approaches. Complemented with a task-stealing parallelization, the algorithm achieves breakthrough performance, one to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art CPU algorithms, on boolean operations over two to several dozen polyhedra. The algorithm is also shown to outperform recent GPU implementations and approximate discretizations, while producing an exact output without redundant facets.Quoique étudié depuis des décennies, le calcul d'opérations booléennes sur des polyèdres est quasiment toujours fait sur deux opérandes. Pour un plus grand nombre de polyèdres et une opération booléenne arbitraire à effectuer, l'opération est décomposée sur un arbre binaire CSG (géométrie constructive), dans lequel chaque nœud est traité séparément en temps quasi-linéaire. Pour de grands arbres, ceci est à la fois source d'erreurs, à cause des calculs géométriques intermédiaires, et inefficace à cause des traitements superflus au niveau des nœuds. Nous introduisons une approche fondamentalement nouvelle qui traite le cas général de N polyèdres. Nous proposons une vue du problème centrée sur les sommets, ce qui simplifie l'algorithme et facilite sa décomposition spatiale. Nous traitons le problème dans un seul KD-tree, qui est dirigé vers le résultat final, en élaguant les régions de l'espace qui ne contribuent pas à la surface finale. Non seulement ceci améliore la robustesse de l'approche mais ça lui donne un avantage en vitesse, car la complexité dépend plus de la taille de la sortie que celle d'entrée. En la combinant avec une parallélisation basée sur du vol de tâche, l'algorithme a des performances inouïes, d'un ou deux ordres de grandeur plus rapide que les algorithmes de l'état de l'art sur CPU et GPU. De plus il produit un résultat exact, sans aucune primitive géométrique superflue
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