353,325 research outputs found

    Results of the attitude reconstruction for the UniSat-6 microsatellite using in-orbit data

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    UniSat-6 is a civilian microsatellite that was launched in orbit on the 19th of June, 2014. Its main mission consisted in the in-orbit release of a number of on-board carried Cubesats and in the transmission to the UniSat-6 ground station of telemetry data and images from an on-board mounted camera. The spacecraft is equipped with a passive magnetic attitude control system. Gyros and magnetometers provide the information about the attitude of the spacecraft. The importance of reconstructing the attitude motion of UniSat-6 lies in the dual possibility, for future missions, of:controlling the direction of ejection of the on-board carried satelliteshaving an accurate pointing for remote sensing operation.The reconstruction of the attitude motion of UniSat-6 is based on the data of the on-board Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) gyros and magnetometers, downloaded at the passages over the ground station in Roma, Italy. At ground, these data have been processed with the UnScented QUaternion Estimator (USQUE) algorithm. This estimator is an adaptation of the Unscented Filter to the problem of spacecraft attitude estimation. The USQUE is based on a dual attitude representation, which involves both quaternions and Generalized Rodrigues Parameters. In this work, the propagation phase of the algorithm contains only a kinematic model of the motion of the spacecraft. This paper presents the results of the reconstruction of the UniSat-6 attitude using on-board measurements. The results show that the spacecraft effectively stabilized its attitude motion thanks to the on-board magnetic devices

    Reconstructed Rough Growing Interfaces; Ridgeline Trapping of Domain Walls

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    We investigate whether surface reconstruction order exists in stationary growing states, at all length scales or only below a crossover length, lrecl_{\rm rec}. The later would be similar to surface roughness in growing crystal surfaces; below the equilibrium roughening temperature they evolve in a layer-by-layer mode within a crossover length scale lRl_{\rm R}, but are always rough at large length scales. We investigate this issue in the context of KPZ type dynamics and a checker board type reconstruction, using the restricted solid-on-solid model with negative mono-atomic step energies. This is a topology where surface reconstruction order is compatible with surface roughness and where a so-called reconstructed rough phase exists in equilibrium. We find that during growth, reconstruction order is absent in the thermodynamic limit, but exists below a crossover length lrec>lRl_{\rm rec}>l_{\rm R}, and that this local order fluctuates critically. Domain walls become trapped at the ridge lines of the rough surface, and thus the reconstruction order fluctuations are slaved to the KPZ dynamics

    Positive Operator-Valued Measure reconstruction of a beam-splitter tree based photon-number-resolving detector

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    Here we present a reconstruction of the Positive Operator-Value Measurement of a photon-number-resolving detector comprised of three 50:50 beamsplitters in a tree configuration, terminated with four single-photon avalanche detectors. The four detectors' outputs are processed by an electronic board that discriminates detected photon number states from 0 to 4 and implements a "smart counting" routine to compensate for dead time issues at high count rates

    Corporate Misgovernance at the World Bank

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    We test for evidence of corporate misgovernance at the World Bank. Most major decisions at the World Bank are made by its Board of Executive Directors. However, in any given year the majority of the Bank's member countries do not get a chance to serve on this powerful body. In this paper, we empirically investigate whether board membership leads to higher funding from the World Bank's two main development financing institutions, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). We find that developing countries serving on the Board of Executive Directors can expect an approximate doubling of funding from the IBRD. In absolute terms, countries serving on the board are rewarded with an average $60 million "bonus" in IBRD loans. This is more likely driven by soft forces like boardroom culture rather than by the power of the vote itself. We find no significant effect in IDA funding.

    The reconstruction of Ni and Rh (001) surfaces upon Carbon, Nitrogen, or Oxygen adsorption

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    Nickel and Rhodium (001) surfaces display a similar - as from STM images - clock reconstruction when half a monolayer of C/Ni, N/Ni or O/Rh is adsorbed; no reconstruction is observed instead for O/Ni. Adsorbate atoms sit at the center of the black squares of a chess-board, c(2Ă—2)c(2\times 2), pattern and two different reconstructions are actually compatible with the observed STM images - showing a (2Ă—2)p4g(2\times 2)p4g pattern - according to whether a rotation of the black or white squares occurs. We report on a first - principles study of the structure of X/Ni(001) and X/Rh(001) surfaces (X=C,N,O) at half a monolayer coverage, performed using density-functional theory. Our findings are in agreement with all available experimental information and shed new light on the mechanisms responsible for the reconstructions. We show that the same substrate may display different reconstructions - or no reconstruction - upon adsorption of different atomic species, depending on the relative importance of the chemical and steric factors which determine the reconstruction.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Corticospinal Tract (CST) reconstruction based on fiber orientation distributions(FODs) tractography

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    The Corticospinal Tract (CST) is a part of pyramidal tract (PT), and it can innervate the voluntary movement of skeletal muscle through spinal interneurons (the 4th layer of the Rexed gray board layers), and anterior horn motorneurons (which control trunk and proximal limb muscles). Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a highly disabling disease often caused by traffic accidents. The recovery of CST and the functional reconstruction of spinal anterior horn motor neurons play an essential role in the treatment of SCI. However, the localization and reconstruction of CST are still challenging issues; the accuracy of the geometric reconstruction can directly affect the results of the surgery. The main contribution of this paper is the reconstruction of the CST based on the fiber orientation distributions (FODs) tractography. Differing from tensor-based tractography in which the primary direction is a determined orientation, the direction of FODs tractography is determined by the probability. The spherical harmonics (SPHARM) can be used to approximate the efficiency of FODs tractography. We manually delineate the three ROIs (the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the cerebral peduncle, and the anterior pontine area) by the ITK-SNAP software, and use the pipeline software to reconstruct both the left and right sides of the CST fibers. Our results demonstrate that FOD-based tractography can show more and correct anatomical CST fiber bundles
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