17 research outputs found

    Blockchain Solutions for Multi-Agent Robotic Systems: Related Work and Open Questions

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    The possibilities of decentralization and immutability make blockchain probably one of the most breakthrough and promising technological innovations in recent years. This paper presents an overview, analysis, and classification of possible blockchain solutions for practical tasks facing multi-agent robotic systems. The paper discusses blockchain-based applications that demonstrate how distributed ledger can be used to extend the existing number of research platforms and libraries for multi-agent robotic systems.Comment: 5 pages, FRUCT-2019 conference pape

    Propuestas del uso de Blockchain con enfoque de aplicación a internet de las cosas

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    Esta tesis de grado tipo informe de propuesta reúne los conceptos básicos y modela la idea de generar repostes de información tangible, tiene en cuenta aspectos normativos. Contiene: figuras explicativas de procesos asociados.El termino IoT fue mencionado por primera vez en el año de 1999 por su pionero Kevin Ashton en lo cual él describía un sistema donde los objetos tangibles se podían conectar a internet por medio de dispositivos especiales, sensores. El Internet de las cosas (IoT) es el proceso que permite conectar elementos físicos cotidianos al Internet [1]. Blockchain es un libro mayor compartido e inmutable que facilita el proceso de registro de transacciones y de seguimiento de activos en una red de negocios. Un activo puede ser tangible (una casa, un auto, dinero en efectivo, terrenos) o intangible (propiedad intelectual, patentes, derechos de autor, marcas). El artículo contextualiza brevemente propuestas de implementación de Blockchain en dispositivos de IoT en años recientes, se realizan conclusiones a partir de lo investigado.The term IoT was mentioned for the first time in 1999 by its pioneer Kevin Ashton in which he described a system where tangible objects could be connected to the internet through special devices, sensors. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the process that makes it possible to connect everyday physical elements to the Internet Blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, a car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks). The article contextualizes proposals for the implementation of blockchain in IoT devices in recent years, conclusions were made based on the research.PregradoIngeniero(a) de Sistemas y ComputaciónCONTENIDO RESUMEN ABSTRACT CONTENIDO ÍNDICE DE IMÁGENES ÍNDICE DE TABLAS GLOSARIO DE TÉRMINOS 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 1.1 Antecedentes de la idea 1.2 Internet de las cosas 1.2.1 Seguridad en IoT 1.2.2 Privacidad 1.2.3 Interoperabilidad y estándares 1.2.4 Aspectos del ámbito normativo 1.3 Tecnología Blockchain 2. DEFINICIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 2.1 Objetivo general 2.1.1 Objetivos específicos 3. MARCO REFERENCIAL 3.1 Estado del arte 4. METODOLOGÍA 5. MARCO TEÓRICO 6. RESULTADOS 7. CONCLUSIONES 8. RECOMENDACIONE

    Giant or Dwarf? A Literature Review on Blockchain-enabled Marketplaces in Business Ecosystems

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    While advocates argue for the disruptive impact of marketplace business models and Blockchain in various regards, their practical effects on today\u27s organizations are still limited.This study reviews the current body of literature on Blockchain-enabled Marketplaces in Business Ecosystems, outlines present scopes, and disregarded topics. Our review shows that publications predominantly focus on conceptual models that favor Blockchain-for-all-solutions and neglect several fundamental marketplace dimensions. We raise a critical voice regarding the status quo and outline paths for future research

    Efficient Attribute-Based Smart Contract Access Control Enhanced by Reputation Assessment

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    Blockchain's immutability can resist unauthorized changes of ledgers, thus it can be used as a trust enhancement mechanism to a shared system. Indeed, blockchain has been considered to solve the security and privacy issues of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this regard, most researches currently focus on the realization of various access control models and architectures, and are working towards making full use of the blockchain to secure IoT systems. It is worth noting that there has been an increasingly heavy pressure on the blockchain storage caused by dealing with massive IoT data and handling malicious access behaviors in the system, and not many countermeasures have been seen to curb the increase. However, this problem has not been paid enough attention. In this paper, we implement an attribute-based access control scheme using smart contracts in Quorum blockchain. It provides basic access control functions and conserves storage by reducing the number of smart contracts. In addition, a reputation-based technique is introduced to cope with malicious behaviors. Certain illegal transactions can be blocked by the credit-assessment algorithm, which deters possibly malicious nodes and gives more chance to well-behaved nodes. The feasibility of our proposed scheme is demonstrated by doing experiment on a testbed and conducting a case study. Finally, the system performance is assessed based on experimental measurement

    A Blockchain Enhanced Framework for Social Networking

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    Social networking sites have given users unprecedented opportunities for the generation and dissemination of content. A variety of social networking sites exist for different purposes, to afford users a range of anonymous and non-anonymous options for self-expression, and the ability to be a part of a virtual community. These “affordances” enable users to create and share content; however, the ability to partially or wholly detach user identity from the content has resulted in unique challenges for content access and content attribution. This paper proposes a framework for secure, trustworthy social networking that also creates value for user-generated content by using a blockchain-enhanced framework for social networking. This work explains the application of such a framework for collocated spaces of robots and IoT devices and identifies key challenges that result as a consequence of merging social networking sites and blockchain technology

    A Design of Cyber-physical Production System Prototype Based on an Ethereum Private Network

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    The concept of cyber-physical production systems is highly discussed amongst researchers and industry experts, however, the implementation options for these systems rely mainly on obsolete technologies. Despite the fact that the blockchain is most often associated with cryptocurrency, it is fundamentally wrong to deny the universality of this technology and the prospects for its application in other industries. For example, in the insurance sector or in a number of identity verification services. This article discusses the deployment of the CPPS backbone network based on the Ethereum private blockchain system. The structure of the network is described as well as its interaction with the help of smart contracts, based on the consumption of cryptocurrency for various operations