10 research outputs found

    Enhanced Information Systems Success Model for Patient Information Assurance

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    The current health information systems have many challenges such as lack of standard user interfaces, data security and privacy issues, inability to uniquely identify patients across multiple hospital information systems, probable misuse of patient data, high technological costs, resistance to technology deployments in hospital management, lack of data gathering, processing and analysis standardization. All these challenges, among others hamper either the acceptance of the health information systems, operational efficiency or expose patient information to cyber attacks. In this paper, an enhanced information systems success model for patient information assurance is developed using an amalgamation of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Information Systems Success Model (ISS). This involved the usage of Linear Structured Relationship (LISREL) software to model a combination of ISS and Intention to Use (ITU), TAM and ITU, ISS and user satisfaction (US), and finally TAM and US. The sample size of 110 respondents was obtained based on the total population of 221 using the Conhrans formula. Thereafter, simple random sampling was employed to select members within each category of employees to take part in the study. The questionnaire as a research tool was checked for reliability via Cronbach’s Alpha. The results obtained showed that for ISS and ITU modeling, only perceived ease of use, system features, response time, flexibility, timeliness, accuracy, responsiveness and user training positively influenced the intention to use. However, for the TAM and ITU modeling, only TAM’s measures such as timely information, efficiency, increased transparency, and proper patient identification had a positive effect on intension to use. The ISS and US modeling revealed that perceived ease of use had the greatest impact on user satisfaction while response time had the least effect on user satisfaction. On its part, the TAM and US modeling showed that timely information, effectiveness, consistency, enhanced communication, and proper patients identification had a positive influence on user satisfaction

    A review on healthcare information systems and consensus protocols in blockchain technology

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    This research article published by the International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, Vol 5(49), 2018Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology whereby transactions are bundled into blocks that are chained together cryptographically by hash pointers. Blockchain solutions add trust and privacy to the existing internet due to its tampering resistance and advanced cryptography characteristics. In healthcare systems, the technology has been implemented to ensure transparency, auditability, interoperability, and proper governance and management of patient information. This study evaluates blockchain based healthcare systems. Three most common systems were chosen from public, private/consortium blockchains. The evaluation was done using framework for performance monitoring for blockchain systems. To describe resource usage, we used five performance evaluation metrics i.e. memory consumption, disk write and read performance, network data utilization, transaction execution per unit time, and central processing unit (CPU) usage. The study revealed that the system developed using consortium-based platform outperformed private and public blockchain for more transactions per unit time, and proper utilization of resources of connected nodes such as CPU, Memory, and Disk storage

    Blockchain for Healthcare Systems: Concepts, Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends

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    -Electronic medical records are digital documents that contain medical data pertaining to a patient\u27s medical care. Because electronic health records are regularly exchanged amongst stakeholders in healthcare, they are prone to a range of challenges such as data misuse and loss of privacy and security. These challenges may be solved by utilizing blockchain-based technologies in the healthcare area. Blockchain is a decentralized innovative technology that can completely transform, reshape, and reinvent how data is stored and processed in the healthcare sector. In this article, we offer an overview of the blockchain, its formation, its types, and how it works. We review the various applications of blockchain in the medical field and how Blockchain revolutionized the medical industry. We highlight previous scientific research on the application of blockchain to electronic health record systems (EHRs). Finally, we discuss the open research problems that limit the use of blockchain in the medical field

    Blockchain for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the intelligent systems that offer an interaction among computational, software, and networking resources in a continuous and dynamic fashion. Future systems are likely to be created and developed using CPSs, which have been recognized as a significant area of research. The electric power grid, energy systems, body area networks, modern vehicles, smart homes, cooperative robotics, and smart transportation are the examples for CPS. The security aspects of CPSs can be enhanced with blockchain (BC) technology. For instance, with the combination of CPSs and blockchain, a peer-to-peer energy market is made possible where machines may automatically buy and sell energy based on parameters specified by the user. In this chapter, we summarize recent developments in the creation and applications of CPS, the state-of-the-art and pertinent concepts, numerous CPS applications that have employed blockchain, relevant solutions, and open challenging issues

    Analyzing the Prospects of Blockchain in Healthcare Industry

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    Deployment of a secured healthcare information is a major challenge in a web based environment. Ehealth services are subjected to same security threats as other services. The purpose of blockchain is to provide a structure and security to the organization data. Healthcare data deals with confidential information. The medical records can be well organized and empower their propagation in a secured manner through the usage of blockchain technology. The study throws light on providing security of health services through blockchain technology. The authors have analysed the various aspects of role of blockchain in healthcare through an extensive literature review. The application of blockchain in covid-19 has also been analysed and discussed in the study. Further application of blockchain in Indian healthcare has been highlighted in the paper. The study provides suggestions for strengthening the healthcare system by blending machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, IoT with blockchain

    Blockchain-Powered Parallel Healthcare Systems Based on the ACP Approach

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    Validation of design artefacts for blockchain-enabled precision healthcare as a service.

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    Healthcare systems around the globe are currently experiencing a rapid wave of digital disruption. Current research in applying emerging technologies such as Big Data (BD), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Digital Twin (DT), Wearable Sensor (WS), Blockchain (BC) and Smart Contracts (SC) in contact tracing, tracking, drug discovery, care support and delivery, vaccine distribution, management, and delivery. These disruptive innovations have made it feasible for the healthcare industry to provide personalised digital health solutions and services to the people and ensure sustainability in healthcare. Precision Healthcare (PHC) is a new inclusion in digital healthcare that can support personalised needs. It focuses on supporting and providing precise healthcare delivery. Despite such potential, recent studies show that PHC is ineffectual due to the lower patient adoption in the system. Anecdotal evidence shows that people are refraining from adopting PHC due to distrust. This thesis presents a BC-enabled PHC ecosystem that addresses ongoing issues and challenges regarding low opt-in. The designed ecosystem also incorporates emerging information technologies that are potential to address the need for user-centricity, data privacy and security, accountability, transparency, interoperability, and scalability for a sustainable PHC ecosystem. The research adopts Soft System Methodology (SSM) to construct and validate the design artefact and sub-artefacts of the proposed PHC ecosystem that addresses the low opt-in problem. Following a comprehensive view of the scholarly literature, which resulted in a draft set of design principles and rules, eighteen design refinement interviews were conducted to develop the artefact and sub-artefacts for design specifications. The artefact and sub-artefacts were validated through a design validation workshop, where the designed ecosystem was presented to a Delphi panel of twenty-two health industry actors. The key research finding was that there is a need for data-driven, secure, transparent, scalable, individualised healthcare services to achieve sustainability in healthcare. It includes explainable AI, data standards for biosensor devices, affordable BC solutions for storage, privacy and security policy, interoperability, and usercentricity, which prompts further research and industry application. The proposed ecosystem is potentially effective in growing trust, influencing patients in active engagement with real-world implementation, and contributing to sustainability in healthcare