15 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Technologies for Protecting Social Medical Data in Public Healthcare Environments

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    The growing digitization of healthcare systems has made safeguarding sensitive social medical data a crucial priority. The primary objective of this study is to utilize sophisticated cybersecurity technologies, particularly machine learning (ML) algorithms, to improve the security of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in public healthcare settings. The proposed approach presents an innovative technique that merges the advantages of isolation forest and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) [IF-DBSCAN]algorithms for anomaly detection, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 0.968. The study examines the difficulties presented by the distinct characteristics of healthcare data, which includes both medical and social information. The inadequacy of conventional security measures has necessitated the incorporation of sophisticated machine learning algorithms to detect abnormal patterns that may indicate potential security breaches. The hybrid model, which combines isolation forest and DBSCAN, seeks to overcome the constraints of current anomaly detection techniques by offering a resilient and precise solution specifically designed for the healthcare domain. The isolation forest is highly proficient at isolating anomalies by leveraging the inherent attributes of normal data, whereas DBSCAN is adept at detecting clusters and outliers within densely populated data regions. The integration of these two algorithms is anticipated to augment the overall anomaly detection capabilities, thereby strengthening the cybersecurity stance of healthcare systems. The proposed method is subjected to thorough evaluation using real-world datasets obtained from public healthcare environments. The accuracy rate of 0.968 demonstrates the effectiveness of the hybrid approach in accurately differentiating between normal and anomalous activities in EHR data. The research makes a valuable contribution to the field of cybersecurity in healthcare and also tackles the increasing concerns related to the privacy and reliability of social medical data. This research introduces an innovative method for protecting social medical data in public healthcare settings. It utilizes a sophisticated combination of isolation forest and DBSCAN to detect anomalies. The method\u27s high accuracy in the evaluation highlights its potential to greatly improve cybersecurity in healthcare systems, thereby guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive patient information. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52710/seejph.48

    The Impact of Blockchain on the Healthcare Environment

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    Bitcoin was the first electronic payment system to truly exploit the power of blockchain technology. There is currently the problem of health information inequality and health information leakage. Physicians should conduct essential routine work that wastes hu-man and financial resources and delays treatment processes. Blockchain provides a trust-free and cost-reducing solution to manage and secure valuable health information. The aim of this study is to discuss research into blockchain healthcare applications. It addresses the management of medical data, as well as the sharing of medical infor-mation, the sharing of images, and the management of logs. We also discuss papers that overlap with other fields, such as the Internet of Things, information management, drug monitoring along their supply chain, and aspects of security and privacy. Finally, we analyze and compare the research papers in the medical area and also summarize the strategies used in healthcare with their pros and cons

    Implementasi Blockchain di Dunia Kearsipan: Peluang, Tantangan, Solusi atau Masalah Baru?

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    Autentifikasi arsip, terutama pada arsip elektronik, masih dianggap sebagai isu di dunia kearsipan. Teknologi Blockchain, yang terlebih dahulu digunakan pada mata uang digital, dianggap dapat menjadi penyelesai masalah tersebut. Blockhain dianggap dapat membawa dampak yang signifikan pada pengelolaan kearsipan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan teknologi Blockchain di bidang kearsipan, meliputi; cara kerja, contoh penerapan, peluang, dan tantangannya hingga kontradiksi teknologi blockchain pada ilmu kearsipan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data literatur di berbagai bidang dikaitkan dengan konsep dasar ilmu kearsipan sebagai dasar analisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beragam peluang yang dapat dikembangkan dengan blockhain. Tantangan dalam implementasi, khususnya di Indonesia serta kontradiksi teknologi blockchain dengan konsep dasar ilmu kearsipan. Secara umum penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perlu kajian lebih mendalam agar teknologi blockchain dapat memenuhi kepatuhan pada konsep dan prinsip dasar pada ilmu kearsipan, utamanya dalam hal autentisitas.ABSTRACTThe archival authentication is still considered as an important issue. Blockchain technology, which was previously used in digital currencies, is considered to be the solution to the issue. This study discusses the application of blockchain technology in the archival field; how it works, its implementation, opportunities, challenges, and the contradiction of blockchain technology in the archival field. This study uses a qualitative method with literature sources obtained from various fields with the basic concept of archival science used as the basis for analysis. The study indicated that there vary of opportunities that can be developed with blockchain. The challenges in implementation, especially in Indonesia and the contradiction of blockchain technology with the basic concept of archival science. In conclusion, it needs deeper study to be done so that the blockchain technology can meet the needs of the basic concepts and principles of archival science, which are related to authenticity

    A User-centered system with blockchain in the Norwegian healthcare: From a security and privacy perspective

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    Master's thesis in Cyber security (IS507)With the current Covid-19 pandemic roaming the world, the IT attacks on the healthcare sector has increased five folds from 2019 to 2020. The Norwegian healthcare system is divided into different regions with their own systems respectfully. This fragmentation causes great communication issues between systems and exposes the transmitted data for attacks. To better combat this situation and improve upon the fragmented healthcare systems, a restructure is needed. In this thesis we explore the possibility of using blockchain technology as the foundation of a system that unifies the systems in the Norwegian healthcare sector. We adopt a Design Science Research approach to propose a blockchain-based architecture to solve the problem. Interviews with IT professionals in the Norwegian healthcare sector gave us their opinion about implementing blockchain and how the current systems are structured. Scalability was a common issue that different papers cited. There were multiple proposed solutions for this issue, but none seem practical for implementation today. It continues to be a difficulty and is one of the biggest reasons why we see hesitation in parts of the relevant sectors. Of course, blockchain has its upsides as well. Improved security and privacy with immutable ledgers make the system better suited for an increasingly exposed IT sector. It also provides a stronger availability since the same information is distributed between different nodes which take away the single failure point of regular database systems. The result from our evaluation of our proposed system is that it provides great user experience, increased security and privacy and better availability. Unfortunately, the benefits in these areas compared to the current systems are rather slim. Blockchain also introduces some performance penalty for smaller systems and scalability issues when the system becomes too large (with reference to storage and processing power). The conclusion is that a blockchain based healthcare system is better, but the amount of money and effort required to restructure the current system is too high and the demand for increased security is still too low. A more unified version of the current system could see good results, even without using blockchain

    Secure-Medishare: A Comprehensive Secure Medical Data-Sharing System Using Blockchain, Watermarking, Steganography, And Optimized Hybrid Cryptography

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    Medical data plays a crucial role in healthcare, enabling accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and research. However, the secure sharing of sensitive medical data and images remains a significant challenge. Existing techniques often fall short in terms of protecting data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity. To address these limitations, this paper introduces Secure-Medishare, a novel secure medical data-sharing system that integrates blockchain technology, watermarking, steganography, and enhanced cryptography. The proposed Secure-Medishare system aims to provide robust security mechanisms for medical data sharing. Unlike centralized systems, which are susceptible to single points of failure and unauthorized access, Secure-Medishare utilizes blockchain technology to ensure decentralized and tamper-resistant storage and sharing of medical data. Secure-Medishare employs watermarking for data integrity and authentication and steganography for confidential transmission of metadata, ensuring authenticity, privacy, and confidentiality of medical data. Furthermore, an optimized hybrid cryptography technique is implemented to secure the transmission and storage of medical data, safeguarding confidentiality and privacy. Secure-Medishare offers several advantages over existing techniques. It provides enhanced security and privacy protection, efficient data sharing and retrieval, and improved trust among healthcare providers. The system ensures the integrity and authenticity of medical data, preventing unauthorized modifications or tampering. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology reduces the risk of data breaches and single points of failure. Experimental results show that Secure-Medishare generates hashes quickly, taking only 65 milliseconds for 100 blocks. Optimized hybrid cryptography used in Secure-Medishare also outperforms other cryptography combinations, with encryption and decryption times of 5.635 seconds for 96-bit data. These findings highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of Secure-Medishare for secure medical data and image sharing. The experimental evaluation confirms that Secure-Medishare is a reliable and robust solution for secure medical data sharing in healthcare environments