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    Analisis dan Implementasi Algoritma Block Level HITS

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pemeringkatan web berperan sangat penting dalam sebuah sistem pencarian informasi. Proses ini akan menghasilkan rekomendasi web yang dianggap penting, biasanya dapat dihitung dari banyaknya web yang mengacu ke web tersebut. Pemeringkatan ini dilakukan dengan prinsip link analysis, yaitu proses pemeringkatan dokumen berdasarkan informasi yang terkandung di dalam link. Sebagian besar algoritma link analysis yang ada, memberlakukan halaman web sebagai satu node tunggal sehingga pemberian bobot untuk satu page akan selalu sama. Namun dalam berbagai kasus, halaman web berupa semantik. Sehingga tidak mungkin dianggap sebagai satu node tunggal. Sebagai solusinya, muncul metode block level link analysis yang memilah bagian web menjadi satuan block. Dengan demikian, setiap satuan block mendapat bobot yang berbeda.Pemilahan web menjadi suatu block memiliki berbagai cara. Cara yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma VIPS (Visual-Based Page Segmentation) adalah pembagian berdasarkan garis batas visual yang terlihat oleh user. Bobot yang didapat setelah pemilahan dipergunakan dalam perhitungan nilai pada Block Level HITS yang merupakan turunan dari algoritma block level analysis. Block Level HITS diketahui memiliki dua nilai penentu peringkat, yaitu authority dan hub. Nilai authority adalah jumlah bobot halaman page yang mengacu, sedangkan hub jumlah bobot halaman page yang diacu dalam satu halaman web. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa nilai authority menentukan peringkat berdasarkan jumlah dan nilai bobot yang masuk kedalam page. Semakin banyak nilai bobot yang masuk, maka akan semakin tinggi ranking-nya. Nilai hub dapat berubah berdasarkan kombinasi jumlah, bobot, dan link yang diacunya. Semakin tinggi salah satu dari kombinasi tersebut, maka akan semakin tinggi pula nilai hub yang didapat. Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : authority, block, Block Level HITS, hub, link analysis, rankingABSTRACT: Web ranking is crucial to an information retrieval system. This process will result in recommendations that are considered essential web, usually can be calculated from the number of web that refers to the web. The ranking is done by the principle of link analysis, namely the process of ranking the documents based on the information contained in the link. Most of the link analysis algorithms exist, enacting a web page as a single node so that the weight given to one page will always be the same. But in many cases, a semantic web page and therefore can not possibly be considered as a single node. As a solution, block level link analysis methods that sort out the web into a unit block arise. Thus, each unit block have different weights. Sorting the web into a block having a variety of ways. The way its done in this study using the algorithm of VIPS (Visual-Based Page Segmentation) is a division based on the visual lines are visible to the user. Gained weight after sorting used in calculating the value at Block Level HITS algorithm which is derived from block-level analysis. Block Level HITS are known to have two values determine the rankings, the authority and hub. Authority value is the amount of weight that refers to the page, while the hub weights the number of page referred to in a web page. According the result from the tests, it was found that the authority determines ranking based on the number and weight values into the page. More weight caused higher ranking. Hub value can be vary based on the combination of the number, weight, and the link to which it refers. The higher either of these combinations, it will be higher the hub value is obtained. Keyword: authority, block, Block Level HITS, hub, link analysis, ranking&#8195

    Analisis dan Implementasi Algoritma Block Level PageRank

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    ABSTRAKSI: Proses pemeringkatan halaman web memiliki peranan yang penting dalam sebuah sistem pencarian informasi di dalam halaman web. Dengan adanya proses pemeringkatan ini akan menghasilkan suatu rekomendasi dari pembuat sistem kepada pengguna sistem mengenai halaman web apa saja yang banyak diacu oleh halaman web yang lain dengan harapan semakin banyak halaman web lain yang mengacu ke halaman web tersebut, informasi yang terdapat pada halaman web tersebut semakin penting. Proses pemeringkatan seperti ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan prinsip link analysis. Link analysis ialah proses pemeringkatan halaman web berdasarkan informasi yang ada di dalam link tersebut atau disebut juga adanya rekomendasi dari penulis dokumen halaman web yang lain. Akan tetapi prinsip link analysis ini masih menganggap sebuah halaman web sebagai satuan terkecil dalam pembangunan web graph, sehingga link yang berada pada halaman web yang sama akan mendapatkan bobot yang sama tanpa memperhitungkan letak link pada halaman web tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode block level link analysis sebuah link pada halaman web akan mendapatkan bobot yang berbeda dengan link yang lainnya berdasarkan ukuran dan letak blok dimana link tersebut terdapat pada sebuah halaman web. Pada tugas akhir ini digunakan algoritma Block Level PageRank yang merupakan implementasi dari metode block level link analysis. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa jumlah dan letak dari link masuk yang menuju suatu halaman web dapat mempengaruhi peringkat dari halaman web yang dituju tersebut di dalam koleksi dokumen. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa halaman web yang diacu oleh jumlah link masuk yang lebih banyak dan terletak pada blok dengan bobot yang lebih besar akan mendapatkan peringkat pengurutan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan halaman web yang diacu oleh jumlah link masuk yang lebih sedikit dan terletak pada blok dengan bobot yang lebih kecil.Kata Kunci : link analysis, Block Level PageRankABSTRACT: The process of ranking a web page has an important role in an information retrieval system on the web page. From this ranking process will result a recommendation from the makers of the system to the users of the system about what pages which are referred by many others web page in hopes the more a web page is cited by another web pages, the information contained on that web page will be more important. This ranking process is done by using the principle of link analysis. Link analysis is the process of ranking a web page based on the information contained within these link or also called the recommendation of the documentā€™s authors to another web page. But the principle of link analysis is still considered a webpage as the smallest unit in the development of web graph, so the links on the same web page will get the same weight regardless of the location of the link on the web page. By using the method of block level link analysis, a link on a web page will have different weights with the other links based on the size and location of links on a web page. In this final project, Block Level PageRank which is the implementation of the block level link analysis method is used. From the test results obtained that the number and location of incoming links to a webpage can affect the ranking of the destination web page in the document collection. It can be seen that the web pages referenced by more number of incoming links and located on the block with the greater weight will be ranked better than the web pages referenced by less number of incoming links and located on the block with smaller weights.Keyword: link analysis, Block Level PageRan

    A novel tumor suppressor gene ECRG4 interacts directly with TMPRSS11A (ECRG1) to inhibit cancer cell growth in esophageal carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The esophageal carcinoma related gene 4 (ECRG4) was initially identified and cloned from human normal esophageal epithelium in our laboratory (GenBank accession no.<ext-link ext-link-id="AF325503" ext-link-type="gen">AF325503</ext-link>). ECRG4 has been described as a novel tumor suppressor gene associated with prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, binding affinity assay in vitro and co-immunoprecipitation experiment in vivo were utilized to verify the physical interaction between ECRG4 and transmembrane protease, serine 11A (TMPRSS11A, also known as ECRG1, GenBank accession no. <ext-link ext-link-id="AF 071882" ext-link-type="gen">AF 071882</ext-link>). Then, p21 protein expression, cell cycle and cell proliferation regulations were examined after ECRG4 and ECRG1 co-transfection in ESCC cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We revealed for the first time that ECRG4 interacted directly with ECRG1 to inhibit cancer cell proliferation and induce cell cycle G1 phase block in ESCC. Binding affinity and co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that ECRG4 interacted directly with ECRG1 in ESCC cells. Furthermore, the ECRG4 and ECRG1 co-expression remarkably upregulatd p21 protein level by Western blot (P < 0.001), induced cell cycle G1 phase block by flow cytometric analysis (P < 0.001) and suppressed cell proliferation by MTT and BrdU assay (both P < 0.01) in ESCC cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>ECRG4 interacts directly with ECRG1 to upregulate p21 protein expression, induce cell cycle G1 phase block and inhibit cancer cells proliferation in ESCC.</p

    Performability evaluation of the ERTMS/ETCS - Level 3

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    Abstract Level 3 of the ERTMS/ETCS improves the capacity of railways by replacing fixed-block signalling, which prevents a train to enter a block occupied by another train, with moving block signalling, which allows a train to proceed as long as it receives radio messages ensuring that the track ahead is clear of other trains. If messages are lost, a train must stop for safety reasons within a given deadline, even though the track ahead is clear, making the availability of the communication link crucial for successful operation. We combine analytic evaluation of failures due to burst noise and connection losses with numerical solution of a non-Markovian model representing also failures due to handovers between radio stations. In so doing, we show that handovers experienced by a pair of chasing trains periodically affect the availability of the radio link, making behavior of the overall communication system recurrent over the hyper-period of periodic message releases and periodic arrivals at cell borders. As a notable aspect, non-Markovian transient analysis within two hyper-periods is sufficient to derive an upper bound on the first-passage time distribution to an emergency brake, permitting to achieve a trade-off between railway throughput and stop probability. A sensitivity analysis is performed with respect to train speed and headway distance, permitting to gain insight into the consequences of system-level design choices

    Spectrum Utilization and Congestion of IEEE 802.11 Networks in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

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    Wi-Fi technology, plays a major role in society thanks to its widespread availability, ease of use and low cost. To assure its long term viability in terms of capacity and ability to share the spectrum efļ¬ciently, it is of paramount to study the spectrum utilization and congestion mechanisms in live environments. In this paper the service level in the 2.4 GHz ISM band is investigated with focus on todays IEEE 802.11 WLAN systems with support for the 802.11e extension. Here service level means the overall Quality of Service (QoS), i.e. can all devices fulļ¬ll their communication needs? A crosslayer approach is used, since the service level can be measured at several levels of the protocol stack. The focus is on monitoring at both the Physical (PHY) and the Medium Access Control (MAC) link layer simultaneously by performing respectively power measurements with a spectrum analyzer to assess spectrum utilization and packet snifļ¬ng to measure the congestion. Compared to traditional QoS analysis in 802.11 networks, packet snifļ¬ng allows to study the occurring congestion mechanisms more thoroughly. The monitoring is applied for the following two cases. First the inļ¬‚uence of interference between WLAN networks sharing the same radio channel is investigated in a controlled environment. It turns out that retry rate, Clear-ToSend (CTS), Request-To-Send (RTS) and (Block) Acknowledgment (ACK) frames can be used to identify congestion, whereas the spectrum analyzer is employed to identify the source of interference. Secondly, live measurements are performed at three locations to identify this type of interference in real-live situations. Results show inefļ¬cient use of the wireless medium in certain scenarios, due to a large portion of management and control frames compared to data content frames (i.e. only 21% of the frames is identiļ¬ed as data frames)

    A Low Complexity Block-oriented Functional Link Adaptive Filtering Algorithm

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    The high computation complexity of nonlinear adaptive filtering algorithms poses significant challenges at the hardware implementation level. In order to tackle the computational complexity problem, this paper proposes a novel block-oriented functional link adaptive filter (BO-FLAF) to model memoryless nonlinear systems. Through theoretical complexity analysis, we show that the proposed Hammerstein BO trigonometric FLAF (HBO-TFLAF) has 47% lesser multiplications than the original TFLAF for a filter order of 1024. Moreover, the HBO-TFLAF exhibits a faster convergence rate and achieved 3-5 dB lesser steady-state mean square error (MSE) compared to the original TFLAF for a memoryless nonlinear system identification task.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2023
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