20 research outputs found

    Analyzing Masked Ciphers Against Transition and Coupling Effects

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    This paper discusses how to analyze the probing security of masked symmetric primitives against the leakage effects from CHES 2018; glitches, transitions, and coupling effects. This is illustrated on several architectures of ciphers like PRESENT, AES, and ASCON where we transform glitch-extended probing secure maskings into transition and/or coupling secure ones. The analysis uses linear cryptanalytic methods and the diffusion layers of the cipher to efficiently protect against the advanced leakage effects

    A Low-Randomness Second-Order Masked AES

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    We propose a second-order masking of the AES in hardware that requires an order of magnitude less random bits per encryption compared to previous work. The design and its security analysis are based on recent results by Beyne et al. from Asiacrypt 2020. Applying these results to the AES required overcoming significant engineering challenges by introducing new design techniques. Since the security analysis is based on linear cryptanalysis, the masked cipher needs to have sufficient diffusion and the S-box sharing must be highly nonlinear. Hence, in order to apply the changing of the guards technique, a detailed study of its effect on the diffusion of the linear layer becomes important. The security analysis is automated using an SMT solver. Furthermore, we propose a sharpening of the glitch-extended probing model that results in improvements to our concrete security bounds. Finally, it is shown how to amortize randomness costs over multiple evaluations of the masked cipher

    Cycle structure of generalized and closed loop invariants

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    This article gives a rigorous mathematical treatment of generalized and closed loop invariants (CLI) which extend the standard notion of (nonlinear) invariants used in the cryptanalysis of block ciphers. Employing the cycle structure of bijective S-box components, we precisely characterize the cardinality of both generalized and CLIs. We demonstrate that for many S-boxes used in practice quadratic invariants (especially useful for mounting practical attacks in cases when the linear layer is an orthogonal matrix) might not exist, whereas there are many quadratic invariants of generalized type (alternatively quadratic CLIs). In particular, it is shown that the inverse mapping S(x)=x1S(x)=x^{-1} over GF(24)GF(2^4) admits quadratic CLIs that additionally possess linear structures. The use of cycle structure is further refined through a novel concept of active cycle set, which turns out to be useful for defining invariants of the whole substitution layer. We present an algorithm for finding such invariants provided the knowledge about the cycle structure of the constituent S-boxes used

    Nonlinear Approximations in Cryptanalysis Revisited

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    International audienceThis work studies deterministic and non-deterministic nonlinear approximations for cryptanalysis of block ciphers and cryptographic permutations and embeds it into the well-understood framework of linear cryptanalysis. For a deterministic (i.e., with correlation ±1) nonlinear approximation we show that in many cases, such a nonlinear approximation implies the existence of a highly-biased linear approximation. For non-deterministic nonlinear approximations, by transforming the cipher under consideration by conjugating each keyed instance with a fixed permutation, we are able to transfer many methods from linear cryptanalysis to the nonlinear case. Using this framework we in particular show that there exist ciphers for which some transformed versions are significantly weaker with regard to linear cryptanalysis than their original counterparts

    Provably Secure Reflection Ciphers

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    This paper provides the first analysis of reflection ciphers such as PRINCE from a provable security viewpoint. As a first contribution, we initiate the study of key-alternating reflection ciphers in the ideal permutation model. Specifically, we prove the security of the two-round case and give matching attacks. The resulting security bound takes form O(qp2/22n+q2/2n)O(qp^2/2^{2n}+q^2/2^n), where qq is the number of construction evaluations and pp is the number of direct adversarial queries to the underlying permutation. Since the two-round construction already achieves an interesting security lower bound, this result can also be of interest for the construction of reflection ciphers based on a single public permutation. Our second contribution is a generic key-length extension method for reflection ciphers. It provides an attractive alternative to the FXFX construction, which is used by PRINCE and other concrete key-alternating reflection ciphers. We show that our construction leads to better security with minimal changes to existing designs. The security proof is in the ideal cipher model and relies on a reduction to the two-round Even-Mansour cipher with a single round key. In order to obtain the desired result, we sharpen the bad-transcript analysis and consequently improve the best-known bounds for the single-key Even-Mansour cipher with two rounds. This improvement is enabled by a new sum-capture theorem that is of independent interest

    Improving Key-Recovery in Linear Attacks: Application to 28-Round PRESENT

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    International audienceLinear cryptanalysis is one of the most important tools in usefor the security evaluation of symmetric primitives. Many improvementsand refinements have been published since its introduction, and manyapplications on different ciphers have been found. Among these upgrades,Collard et al. proposed in 2007 an acceleration of the key-recovery partof Algorithm 2 for last-round attacks based on the FFT.In this paper we present a generalized, matrix-based version of the pre-vious algorithm which easily allows us to take into consideration an ar-bitrary number of key-recovery rounds. We also provide efficient variantsthat exploit the key-schedule relations and that can be combined withmultiple linear attacks.Using our algorithms we provide some new cryptanalysis on PRESENT,including, to the best of our knowledge, the first attack on 28 rounds

    Revisiting the Boomerang Attack from a Perspective of 3-differential

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    In this paper, inspired by the work of Beyne and Rijmen at CRYPTO 2022, we explore the accurate probability of dd-differential in the fixed-key model. The theoretical foundations of our method are based on a special matrix - quasi-dd-differential transition matrix, which is a natural extension of the quasidifferential transition matrix. The role of quasi-dd-differential transition matrices in polytopic cryptananlysis is analogous to that of correlation matrices in linear cryptanalysis. Therefore, the fixed-key probability of a dd-differential can be exactly expressed as the sum of the correlations of its quasi-dd-differential trails. Then we revisit the boomerang attack from a perspective of 3-differential. Different from previous works, the probability of a boomerang distinguisher can be exactly expressed as the sum of the correlations of its quasi-33-differential trails without any assumptions in our work. In order to illustrate our theory, we apply it to the lightweight block cipher GIFT. It is interesting to find the probability of every optimal 3-differential characteristic of an existing 2-round boomerang is zero, which can be seen as an evidence that the security of block ciphers adopting half-round key XOR might be overestimated previously to some extent in differential-like attacks

    Cryptanalysis of Masked Ciphers: A not so Random Idea

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    A new approach to the security analysis of hardware-oriented masked ciphers against second-order side-channel attacks is developed. By relying on techniques from symmetric-key cryptanalysis, concrete security bounds are obtained in a variant of the probing model that allows the adversary to make only a bounded, but possibly very large, number of measurements. Specifically, it is formally shown how a bounded-query variant of robust probing security can be reduced to the linear cryptanalysis of masked ciphers. As a result, the compositional issues of higher-order threshold implementations can be overcome without relying on fresh randomness. From a practical point of view, the aforementioned approach makes it possible to transfer many of the desirable properties of first-order threshold implementations, such as their low randomness usage, to the second-order setting. For example, a straightforward application to the block cipher LED results in a masking using less than 700 random bits including the initial sharing. In addition, the cryptanalytic approach introduced in this paper provides additional insight into the design of masked ciphers and allows for a quantifiable trade-off between security and performance

    Constructing and Deconstructing Intentional Weaknesses in Symmetric Ciphers

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    Deliberately weakened ciphers are of great interest in political discussion on law enforcement, as in the constantly recurring crypto wars, and have been put in the spotlight of academics by recent progress. A paper at Eurocrypt 2021 showed a strong indication that the security of the widely-deployed stream cipher GEA-1 was deliberately and secretly weakened to 40 bits in order to fulfill European export restrictions that have been in place in the late 1990s. However, no explanation of how this could have been constructed was given. On the other hand, we have seen the MALICIOUS design framework, published at CRYPTO 2020, that allows to construct tweakable block ciphers with a backdoor, where the difficulty of recovering the backdoor relies on well-understood cryptographic assumptions. The constructed tweakable block cipher however is rather unusual and very different from, say, general-purpose ciphers like the AES. In this paper, we pick up both topics. For GEA-1 we thoroughly explain how the weakness was constructed, solving the main open question of the work mentioned above. By generalizing MALICIOUS we -- for the first time -- construct backdoored tweakable block ciphers that follow modern design principles for general-purpose block ciphers, i.e., more natural-looking deliberately weakened tweakable block ciphers