1,587 research outputs found

    Blending-target Domain Adaptation by Adversarial Meta-Adaptation Networks

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    (Unsupervised) Domain Adaptation (DA) seeks for classifying target instances when solely provided with source labeled and target unlabeled examples for training. Learning domain-invariant features helps to achieve this goal, whereas it underpins unlabeled samples drawn from a single or multiple explicit target domains (Multi-target DA). In this paper, we consider a more realistic transfer scenario: our target domain is comprised of multiple sub-targets implicitly blended with each other, so that learners could not identify which sub-target each unlabeled sample belongs to. This Blending-target Domain Adaptation (BTDA) scenario commonly appears in practice and threatens the validities of most existing DA algorithms, due to the presence of domain gaps and categorical misalignments among these hidden sub-targets. To reap the transfer performance gains in this new scenario, we propose Adversarial Meta-Adaptation Network (AMEAN). AMEAN entails two adversarial transfer learning processes. The first is a conventional adversarial transfer to bridge our source and mixed target domains. To circumvent the intra-target category misalignment, the second process presents as ``learning to adapt'': It deploys an unsupervised meta-learner receiving target data and their ongoing feature-learning feedbacks, to discover target clusters as our ``meta-sub-target'' domains. These meta-sub-targets auto-design our meta-sub-target DA loss, which empirically eliminates the implicit category mismatching in our mixed target. We evaluate AMEAN and a variety of DA algorithms in three benchmarks under the BTDA setup. Empirical results show that BTDA is a quite challenging transfer setup for most existing DA algorithms, yet AMEAN significantly outperforms these state-of-the-art baselines and effectively restrains the negative transfer effects in BTDA.Comment: CVPR-19 (oral). Code is available at http://github.com/zjy526223908/BTD

    Domain Generalization via Ensemble Stacking for Face Presentation Attack Detection

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    Face Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) plays a pivotal role in securing face recognition systems against spoofing attacks. Although great progress has been made in designing face PAD methods, developing a model that can generalize well to unseen test domains remains a significant challenge. Moreover, due to different types of spoofing attacks, creating a dataset with a sufficient number of samples for training deep neural networks is a laborious task. This work proposes a comprehensive solution that combines synthetic data generation and deep ensemble learning to enhance the generalization capabilities of face PAD. Specifically, synthetic data is generated by blending a static image with spatiotemporal encoded images using alpha composition and video distillation. This way, we simulate motion blur with varying alpha values, thereby generating diverse subsets of synthetic data that contribute to a more enriched training set. Furthermore, multiple base models are trained on each subset of synthetic data using stacked ensemble learning. This allows the models to learn complementary features and representations from different synthetic subsets. The meta-features generated by the base models are used as input to a new model called the meta-model. The latter combines the predictions from the base models, leveraging their complementary information to better handle unseen target domains and enhance the overall performance. Experimental results on four datasets demonstrate low half total error rates (HTERs) on three benchmark datasets: CASIA-MFSD (8.92%), MSU-MFSD (4.81%), and OULU-NPU (6.70%). The approach shows potential for advancing presentation attack detection by utilizing large-scale synthetic data and the meta-model

    Deep Domain-Adversarial Image Generation for Domain Generalisation

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    Machine learning models typically suffer from the domain shift problem when trained on a source dataset and evaluated on a target dataset of different distribution. To overcome this problem, domain generalisation (DG) methods aim to leverage data from multiple source domains so that a trained model can generalise to unseen domains. In this paper, we propose a novel DG approach based on \emph{Deep Domain-Adversarial Image Generation} (DDAIG). Specifically, DDAIG consists of three components, namely a label classifier, a domain classifier and a domain transformation network (DoTNet). The goal for DoTNet is to map the source training data to unseen domains. This is achieved by having a learning objective formulated to ensure that the generated data can be correctly classified by the label classifier while fooling the domain classifier. By augmenting the source training data with the generated unseen domain data, we can make the label classifier more robust to unknown domain changes. Extensive experiments on four DG datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 8 page

    Causality-inspired Single-source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation

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    Deep learning models usually suffer from domain shift issues, where models trained on one source domain do not generalize well to other unseen domains. In this work, we investigate the single-source domain generalization problem: training a deep network that is robust to unseen domains, under the condition that training data is only available from one source domain, which is common in medical imaging applications. We tackle this problem in the context of cross-domain medical image segmentation. Under this scenario, domain shifts are mainly caused by different acquisition processes. We propose a simple causality-inspired data augmentation approach to expose a segmentation model to synthesized domain-shifted training examples. Specifically, 1) to make the deep model robust to discrepancies in image intensities and textures, we employ a family of randomly-weighted shallow networks. They augment training images using diverse appearance transformations. 2) Further we show that spurious correlations among objects in an image are detrimental to domain robustness. These correlations might be taken by the network as domain-specific clues for making predictions, and they may break on unseen domains. We remove these spurious correlations via causal intervention. This is achieved by resampling the appearances of potentially correlated objects independently. The proposed approach is validated on three cross-domain segmentation tasks: cross-modality (CT-MRI) abdominal image segmentation, cross-sequence (bSSFP-LGE) cardiac MRI segmentation, and cross-center prostate MRI segmentation. The proposed approach yields consistent performance gains compared with competitive methods when tested on unseen domains.Comment: Preprin

    Domain-Specific Bias Filtering for Single Labeled Domain Generalization

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    Conventional Domain Generalization (CDG) utilizes multiple labeled source datasets to train a generalizable model for unseen target domains. However, due to expensive annotation costs, the requirements of labeling all the source data are hard to be met in real-world applications. In this paper, we investigate a Single Labeled Domain Generalization (SLDG) task with only one source domain being labeled, which is more practical and challenging than the CDG task. A major obstacle in the SLDG task is the discriminability-generalization bias: the discriminative information in the labeled source dataset may contain domain-specific bias, constraining the generalization of the trained model. To tackle this challenging task, we propose a novel framework called Domain-Specific Bias Filtering (DSBF), which initializes a discriminative model with the labeled source data and then filters out its domain-specific bias with the unlabeled source data for generalization improvement. We divide the filtering process into (1) feature extractor debiasing via k-means clustering-based semantic feature re-extraction and (2) classifier rectification through attention-guided semantic feature projection. DSBF unifies the exploration of the labeled and the unlabeled source data to enhance the discriminability and generalization of the trained model, resulting in a highly generalizable model. We further provide theoretical analysis to verify the proposed domain-specific bias filtering process. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show the superior performance of DSBF in tackling both the challenging SLDG task and the CDG task.Comment: Accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV
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