8,324 research outputs found

    Improved Bounds on Quantum Learning Algorithms

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    In this article we give several new results on the complexity of algorithms that learn Boolean functions from quantum queries and quantum examples. Hunziker et al. conjectured that for any class C of Boolean functions, the number of quantum black-box queries which are required to exactly identify an unknown function from C is O(logCγ^C)O(\frac{\log |C|}{\sqrt{{\hat{\gamma}}^{C}}}), where γ^C\hat{\gamma}^{C} is a combinatorial parameter of the class C. We essentially resolve this conjecture in the affirmative by giving a quantum algorithm that, for any class C, identifies any unknown function from C using O(logCloglogCγ^C)O(\frac{\log |C| \log \log |C|}{\sqrt{{\hat{\gamma}}^{C}}}) quantum black-box queries. We consider a range of natural problems intermediate between the exact learning problem (in which the learner must obtain all bits of information about the black-box function) and the usual problem of computing a predicate (in which the learner must obtain only one bit of information about the black-box function). We give positive and negative results on when the quantum and classical query complexities of these intermediate problems are polynomially related to each other. Finally, we improve the known lower bounds on the number of quantum examples (as opposed to quantum black-box queries) required for (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon,\delta)-PAC learning any concept class of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension d over the domain {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n from Ω(dn)\Omega(\frac{d}{n}) to Ω(1ϵlog1δ+d+dϵ)\Omega(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\log \frac{1}{\delta}+d+\frac{\sqrt{d}}{\epsilon}). This new lower bound comes closer to matching known upper bounds for classical PAC learning.Comment: Minor corrections. 18 pages. To appear in Quantum Information Processing. Requires: algorithm.sty, algorithmic.sty to buil

    On the black-box complexity of Sperner's Lemma

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    We present several results on the complexity of various forms of Sperner's Lemma in the black-box model of computing. We give a deterministic algorithm for Sperner problems over pseudo-manifolds of arbitrary dimension. The query complexity of our algorithm is linear in the separation number of the skeleton graph of the manifold and the size of its boundary. As a corollary we get an O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) deterministic query algorithm for the black-box version of the problem {\bf 2D-SPERNER}, a well studied member of Papadimitriou's complexity class PPAD. This upper bound matches the Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) deterministic lower bound of Crescenzi and Silvestri. The tightness of this bound was not known before. In another result we prove for the same problem an Ω(n4)\Omega(\sqrt[4]{n}) lower bound for its probabilistic, and an Ω(n8)\Omega(\sqrt[8]{n}) lower bound for its quantum query complexity, showing that all these measures are polynomially related.Comment: 16 pages with 1 figur

    Modeling the Structure and Complexity of Engineering Routine Design Problems

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    This paper proposes a model to structure routine design problems as well as a model of its design complexity. The idea is that having a proper model of the structure of such problems enables understanding its complexity, and likewise, a proper understanding of its complexity enables the development of systematic approaches to solve them. The end goal is to develop computer systems capable of taking over routine design tasks based on generic and systematic solving approaches. It is proposed to structure routine design in three main states: problem class, problem instance, and problem solution. Design complexity is related to the degree of uncertainty in knowing how to move a design problem from one state to another. Axiomatic Design Theory is used as reference for understanding complexity in routine design

    Pattern Matching in Multiple Streams

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    We investigate the problem of deterministic pattern matching in multiple streams. In this model, one symbol arrives at a time and is associated with one of s streaming texts. The task at each time step is to report if there is a new match between a fixed pattern of length m and a newly updated stream. As is usual in the streaming context, the goal is to use as little space as possible while still reporting matches quickly. We give almost matching upper and lower space bounds for three distinct pattern matching problems. For exact matching we show that the problem can be solved in constant time per arriving symbol and O(m+s) words of space. For the k-mismatch and k-difference problems we give O(k) time solutions that require O(m+ks) words of space. In all three cases we also give space lower bounds which show our methods are optimal up to a single logarithmic factor. Finally we set out a number of open problems related to this new model for pattern matching.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Grammar-based Representation and Identification of Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach to identify dynamical systems. The method estimates the model structure and the parameters of the model simultaneously, automating the critical decisions involved in identification such as model structure and complexity selection. In order to solve the combined model structure and model parameter estimation problem, a new representation of dynamical systems is proposed. The proposed representation is based on Tree Adjoining Grammar, a formalism that was developed from linguistic considerations. Using the proposed representation, the identification problem can be interpreted as a multi-objective optimization problem and we propose a Evolutionary Algorithm-based approach to solve the problem. A benchmark example is used to demonstrate the proposed approach. The results were found to be comparable to that obtained by state-of-the-art non-linear system identification methods, without making use of knowledge of the system description.Comment: Submitted to European Control Conference (ECC) 201

    Quantum Algorithms for the Triangle Problem

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    We present two new quantum algorithms that either find a triangle (a copy of K3K_{3}) in an undirected graph GG on nn nodes, or reject if GG is triangle free. The first algorithm uses combinatorial ideas with Grover Search and makes O~(n10/7)\tilde{O}(n^{10/7}) queries. The second algorithm uses O~(n13/10)\tilde{O}(n^{13/10}) queries, and it is based on a design concept of Ambainis~\cite{amb04} that incorporates the benefits of quantum walks into Grover search~\cite{gro96}. The first algorithm uses only O(logn)O(\log n) qubits in its quantum subroutines, whereas the second one uses O(n) qubits. The Triangle Problem was first treated in~\cite{bdhhmsw01}, where an algorithm with O(n+nm)O(n+\sqrt{nm}) query complexity was presented, where mm is the number of edges of GG.Comment: Several typos are fixed, and full proofs are included. Full version of the paper accepted to SODA'0