16 research outputs found

    Robust Parsing of Spoken Dialogue Using Contextual Knowledge and Recognition Probabilities

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    In this paper we describe the linguistic processor of a spoken dialogue system. The parser receives a word graph from the recognition module as its input. Its task is to find the best path through the graph. If no complete solution can be found, a robust mechanism for selecting multiple partial results is applied. We show how the information content rate of the results can be improved if the selection is based on an integrated quality score combining word recognition scores and context-dependent semantic predictions. Results of parsing word graphs with and without predictions are reported.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex source, 3 PostScript figures, uses epsf.sty and ETRW.sty, to appear in Proceedings of ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Denmark, May 30-June

    Towards Understanding Spontaneous Speech: Word Accuracy vs. Concept Accuracy

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    In this paper we describe an approach to automatic evaluation of both the speech recognition and understanding capabilities of a spoken dialogue system for train time table information. We use word accuracy for recognition and concept accuracy for understanding performance judgement. Both measures are calculated by comparing these modules' output with a correct reference answer. We report evaluation results for a spontaneous speech corpus with about 10000 utterances. We observed a nearly linear relationship between word accuracy and concept accuracy.Comment: 4 pages PS, Latex2e source importing 2 eps figures, uses icslp.cls, caption.sty, psfig.sty; to appear in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 96

    Empirical Studies in Discourse

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    Introduction Computationaltheories of discourse are concerned with the context-based interpretation or generation of discourse phenomena in text and dialogue. In the past, research in this area focused on specifying the mechanismsunderlying particular discourse phenomena; the models proposed were often motivated by a few constructed examples. While this approach led to many theoretical advances, models developed in this manner are difficult to evaluate because it is hard to tell whether they generalize beyond the particular examples used to motivate them. Recently however the field has turned to issues of robustness and the coverage of theories of particular phenomena with respect to specific types of data. This new empirical focus is supported by several recent advances: an increasing theoretical consensus on discourse models; a large amount of online dialogue and textual corpora available; and improvements in component technologies and tools for building and testing discours

    A General Evaluation Framework for Text Based Conversational Agent

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    This paper details the development of a new evaluation framework for a text based Conversational Agent (CA). A CA is an intelligent system that handle spoken or/and text based conversations between machine and human. Generally, the lack of evaluation frameworks for CAs effects its development. The idea behind any system’s evaluation is to make sure about the system’s functionalities and to continue development on it. A specific CA has been chosen to test the proposed framework on it; namely ArabChat. The ArabChat is a rule based CA and uses pattern matching technique to handle user’s Arabic text based conversations. The proposed and developed evaluation framework in this paper is natural language independent. The proposed framework is based on the exchange of specific information between ArabChat and user called “Information Requirements”. This information are tagged for each rule in the applied domain and should be exist in a user’s utterance (conversation). A real experiment has been done in Applied Science University in Jordan as an information point advisor for their native Arabic students to evaluate the ArabChat and then evaluating the proposed evaluation framework