8 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation for Secure Gaussian Parallel Relay Channels with Finite-Length Coding and Discrete Constellations

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    We investigate the transmission of a secret message from Alice to Bob in the presence of an eavesdropper (Eve) and many of decode-and-forward relay nodes. Each link comprises a set of parallel channels, modeling for example an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission. We consider the impact of discrete constellations and finite-length coding, defining an achievable secrecy rate under a constraint on the equivocation rate at Eve. Then we propose a power and channel allocation algorithm that maximizes the achievable secrecy rate by resorting to two coupled Gale-Shapley algorithms for stable matching problem. We consider the scenarios of both full and partial channel state information at Alice. In the latter case, we only guarantee an outage secrecy rate, i.e., the rate of a message that remains secret with a given probability. Numerical results are provided for Rayleigh fading channels in terms of average outage secrecy rate, showing that practical schemes achieve a performance quite close to that of ideal ones

    Sum Rate Maximized Resource Allocation in Multiple DF Relays Aided OFDM Transmission

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    In relay-aided wireless transmission systems, one of the key issues is how to decide assisting relays and manage the energy resource at the source and each individual relay, to maximize a certain objective related to system performance. This paper addresses the sum rate maximized resource allocation (RA) problem in a point to point orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM) transmission system assisted by multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays, subject to the individual sum power constraints of the source and the relays. In particular, the transmission at each subcarrier can be in either the direct mode without any relay assisting, or the relay-aided mode with one or several relays assisting. We propose two RA algorithms which optimize the assignment of transmission mode and source power for every subcarrier, as well as the assisting relays and the power allocation to them for every {relay-aided} subcarrier. First, it is shown that the considered RA problem has zero Lagrangian duality gap when there is a big number of subcarriers. In this case, a duality based algorithm that finds a globally optimum RA is developed. Second, a coordinate-ascent based iterative algorithm, which finds a suboptimum RA but is always applicable regardless of the duality gap of the RA problem, is developed. The effectiveness of these algorithms has been illustrated by numerical experiments.Comment: 13 pages in two-column format, 10 figures, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    Optimal Bit and Power Loading for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative OFDM Systems

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    Adaptive OFDM Cooperative Systems

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    Cooperative communication is a promising technique for wireless communication systems where wireless nodes cooperate together in transmitting their information. Such communication transmission technique, which realizes the multiple antenna arrays in a distributed manner over multiple wireless nodes, succeeds in extending the network coverage, increasing throughput, improving both link reliability and spectral efficiency. Available channel state information at the transmitting nodes can be used to design adaptive transmission schemes for improving the overall system performance. Throughout our work, we adaptively change loaded power and/or bit to the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) symbol in order to minimize bit error rate or maximize the throughput. In the first part of this dissertation, we consider single-relay OFDM system with amplify-and-forward relaying. We propose three algorithms to minimize the bit error rate under total power constraint and fixed transmission rate. These algorithms are optimal power loading, optimal bit loading and optimal bit and power loading. Through Monte Carlo simulations we study the proposed system performance and discuss the effect of relay location and channel estimation. This study shows that the proposed algorithms result in exploiting the multi-path diversity and achieving extra coding gain. In the second part, we extend the problem to a multi-relay OFDM network but with decode-and-forward relaying. We propose an adaptive power loading algorithm to minimize the bit error rate under total power constraint based on two relay selection strategies. The proposed system leads to achieve both multi-path and cooperative spatial diversity using maximal-ratio combiner for the detection. In the last part, we consider also multi-relay network but with amplify and forward relaying. We optimize the bit loading coefficients to maximize the throughput under target bit error rate constraint. The proposed algorithm is considered more practical since it takes into consideration the channel estimation quality. The considered adaptive system has less complexity compared with other adaptive systems through reducing the feedback amount. Furthermore, the full network channel state information is needed only at the destination

    Design and Performance Analysis of Efficient Cooperative Wireless Communication Systems

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    Cooperative communication has recently become a key technology for modern wireless networks such as 3GPP long-term evolution and WiMAX, because in such networks the transmission rate, the communication reliability, and coverage problems could be improved in a cost-effective manner. This, however, faces many design challenges. First, cooperative transmission typically involves a relaying phase which requires extra resources. This may cause a reduction in the spectral efficiency. Second, extra control signaling increases the complexity of operation, which may limit practical implementation. In addition, a wireless channel is time-varying, mainly due to the multipath propagation. As a result, a careful design of efficient cooperative communication systems is required, not only to enhance the spectral efficiency and maintain the quality-of-service (QoS), but also to be practical. In this dissertation, we aim to address the challenges imposed by cooperative communication and wireless transmission, and design the efficient and distributed systems which can be practically implemented in existing wireless systems. The research work is divided into two main topics: 1) adaptive cooperative wireless systems with variable-rate transmission, and 2) cooperative wireless systems with a power consumption constraint. The first topic investigates how the spectral efficiency of cooperative wireless communication systems can be improved while maintaining the QoS in terms of bit error rate and outage probability. The spectral efficiency enhancement is achieved by using three techniques: adaptivity over the relay node (i.e., relay node is active or not), adaptivity over the modulation mode, and relay selection. Based on that, we propose several adaptive cooperative schemes for both the decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF) protocols. To evaluate these schemes, we provide performance analysis in terms of average spectral efficiency, average bit error rate (ABER), and outage probability over Rayleigh fading channels. We start with the single-relay cooperative system using DF protocol, in which two adaptive cooperative schemes with variable-rate transmission are proposed. The first scheme, called the minimum error rate scheme (MERS), aims to exploit the transmit diversity to improve the bit error rate. By trading the multiplexing gain against the diversity gain, we propose the second scheme, called the maximum spectral efficiency scheme (MSES), in which cooperative transmission is avoided whenever it is not beneficial. The MERS improves the ABER significantly and achieves equal or better average spectral efficiency compared to the fixed (i.e., non-adaptive) relaying scheme. In contrast, the MSES provides the best average spectral efficiency due to its ability to not only adapt to the channel variation but also to switch between cooperative and non-cooperative transmissions. To further increase the spectral efficiency, we then propose the third scheme, called variable-rate based relay selection (VRRS) scheme, in which a relay node is selected from among the available relay nodes, based on a predefined criterion. Furthermore, we propose two AF adaptive cooperative schemes, mainly to enhance the spectral efficiency. In the first scheme, we introduce a generalized switching policy (GSP) for a single-relay cooperative wireless system that exploits the variable-rate transmission and useful cooperative regions. The second scheme, called the AF efficient relay selection (AFERS) scheme, extends the GSP to also consider the relay selection technique. Analytical and simulation results verify that the AFERS scheme not only outperforms conventional direct transmission in terms of the average spectral efficiency, but also the AF fixed relaying and the outage-based AF adaptive cooperative scheme. The second topic investigates the fair power consumption of the relay nodes for AF cooperative wireless communication systems. The fairness is defined as to achieve equal power consumption over the relay nodes. We focus on how the relay selection process can be controlled in a distributed manner so that the power consumption of the relay nodes can be included in relay selection. We first introduce a simple closed-form expression for the weight coefficient used in order to achieve the considered fairness that depends only on the local average channel conditions of the relay path. We then derive closed-form expressions of the weighted outage probability and ABER and show that our proposed strategy not only has less complexity than the conventional centralized one but also provides better accuracy in distributing the total consumed power equally among the relay nodes without affecting the performance

    Localization and cooperative communication methods for cognitive radio

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    We study localization of nearby nodes and cooperative communication for cognitive radios. Cognitive radios sensing their environment to estimate the channel gain between nodes can cooperate and adapt their transmission power to maximize the capacity of the communication between two nodes. We study the end-to-end capacity of a cooperative relaying scheme using orthogonal frequency-division modulation (OFDM) modulation, under power constraints for both the base station and the relay station. The relay uses amplify-and-forward and decodeand-forward cooperative relaying techniques to retransmit messages on a subset of the available subcarriers. The power used in the base station and the relay station transmitters is allocated to maximize the overall system capacity. The subcarrier selection and power allocation are obtained based on convex optimization formulations and an iterative algorithm. Additionally, decode-and-forward relaying schemes are allowed to pair source and relayed subcarriers to increase further the capacity of the system. The proposed techniques outperforms non-selective relaying schemes over a range of relay power budgets. Cognitive radios can be used for opportunistic access of the radio spectrum by detecting spectrum holes left unused by licensed primary users. We introduce a spectrum holes detection approach, which combines blind modulation classification, angle of arrival estimation and number of sources detection. We perform eigenspace analysis to determine the number of sources, and estimate their angles of arrival (AOA). In addition, we classify detected sources as primary or secondary users with their distinct second-orde one-conjugate cyclostationarity features. Extensive simulations carried out indicate that the proposed system identifies and locates individual sources correctly, even at -4 dB signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). In environments with a high density of scatterers, several wireless channels experience non-line-of-sight (NLOS) condition, increasing the localization error, even when the AOA estimate is accurate. We present a real-time localization solver (RTLS) for time-of-arrival (TOA) estimates using ray-tracing methods on the map of the geometry of walls and compare its performance with classical TOA trilateration localization methods. Extensive simulations and field trials for indoor environments show that our method increases the coverage area from 1.9% of the floor to 82.3 % and the accuracy by a 10-fold factor when compared with trilateration. We implemented our ray tracing model in C++ using the CGAL computational geometry algorithm library. We illustrate the real-time property of our RTLS that performs most ray tracing tasks in a preprocessing phase with time and space complexity analyses and profiling of our software

    Bit Loading Algorithms for Cooperative OFDM Systems

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    We investigate the resource allocation problem for an OFDM cooperative network with a single source-destination pair and multiple relays. Assuming knowledge of the instantaneous channel gains for all links in the entire network, we propose several bit and power allocation schemes aiming at minimizing the total transmission power under a target rate constraint. First, an optimal and efficient bit loading algorithm is proposed when the relay node uses the same subchannel to relay the information transmitted by the source node. To further improve the performance gain, subchannel permutation, in which the subchannels are reallocated at relay nodes, is considered. An optimal subchannel permutation algorithm is first proposed and then an efficient suboptimal algorithm is considered to achieve a better complexity-performance tradeoff. A distributed bit loading algorithm is also proposed for ad hoc networks. Simulation results show that significant performance gains can be achieved by the proposed bit loading algorithms, especially when subchannel permutation is employed