157 research outputs found

    Summary of Research 2001, Department of Defense Analysis

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    The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or U.S. Government.This report contains project summaries of the research projects in the Department of Defense Analysis. A list of recent publications is also included, which consists of conference presentations and publications, books, contributions to books, published journal papers, and technical reports. Thesis abstracts of students advised by faculty in the Department are also included

    The role of the INTERPOL in the counter-terrorism in Iraq 2003-2017

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    Terrorism poses threat to International peace and security. To avert the threat posed by transnational terrorists, members of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), including Iraq, have been working together to counter transnational terrorist attacks. The article identifies the level of performance of INTERPOL counter terrorism in Iraq, to determine the factors that affect the improvement of the performance of INTERPOL counter-terrorism and to identify the barriers faced by Interpol in its counter-terrorism efforts. This article uses qualitative methods to investigate the development of international counter-terrorism of INTERPOL. This in turn enables a more in-depth insight regarding the current role of the INTERPOL in countering terrorism. The cooperation among INTERPOL member countries depends on various factors such as training of staff, political stability of the members, technology used in combating terrorism and conducting counter-terrorism and the conduct of investigation and interrogation. All these factors have an impact on the effectiveness of the implementation of counter-terrorism efforts at the national level and the cooperation between INTERPOL Member Countries. In particular the study refers to the development in Iraq that has some impact on the effectiveness of Iraqi INTERPOL to conduct counter-terrorism activities. This article asserted four main factors determining the function of Interpol in countering terrorism: Staff Training, Political instability, Technology Support and Interrogation

    Recent European Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights:a double-edged case study analysis

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    On Counterinsurgency: Firepower, Biopower, and the Collateralization of Milliatry Violence

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    This dissertation investigates the most recent cycle of North Atlantic expeditionary warfare by addressing the resuscitation of counterinsurgency warfare with a specific focus on the war in Afghanistan from 2006 to 2014. The project interrogates the lasting aesthetic, epistemological, philosophical, and territorial implications of counterinsurgency, which should be understood as part of wider transformations in military affairs in relation to discourses of adaptation, complexity, and systemic design, and to the repertoire of global contingency and stability operations. Afghanistan served as a counterinsurgency laboratory, and the experiments will shape the conduct of future wars, domestic security practices, and the increasingly indistinct boundary between them. Using work from Michel Foucault and liberal war studies, the project undertakes a genealogy of contemporary population-centred counterinsurgency and interrogates how its conduct is constituted by and as a mixture firepower and biopower. Insofar as this mix employs force with different speeds, doses, and intensities, the dissertation argues that counterinsurgency unrestricts and collateralizes violence, which is emblematic of liberal war that kills selectively to secure and make life live in ways amenable to local and global imperatives of liberal rule. Contemporary military counterinsurgents, in conducting operations on the edges of liberal rule's jurisdiction and in recursively influencing the domestic spaces of North Atlantic states, fashion biopoweras custodial power to conduct the conduct of lifeto shape different interventions into the everyday lives of target populations. The 'lesser evil' logic of counterinsurgency is used to frame counterinsurgency as a type of warfare that is comparatively low-intensity and less harmful, and this justification actually lowers the threshold for violence by making increasingly indiscriminate the ways in which its employment damages and envelops populations and communities, thereby allowing counterinsurgents to speculate on the practice of expeditionary warfare and efforts to sustain occupations. Thus, the dissertation argues that counterinsurgency is a communicative process, better understood as mobile military media with an atmospheric-environmental register blending acute and ambient measures that are always-already kinetic. The counterinsurgent gaze enframes a world picture where everything can be a force amplifier and everywhere is a possible theatre of operations

    Unpacking Counter-Terrorism Cooperation in East Africa: A regime theoretical analysis of East Africa’s evolving counter-terrorism framework

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    Recent developments on the African continent have indicated the emergence of a comprehensive security framework that has been developed to address the many security issues currently threatening peace and stability. A central pillar in this new framework has been the prominent role played by Regional Economic Communities (RECs) that have increasingly adopted peace and security goals as part of their mandate. This has been especially relevant in East Africa, a region with several active terrorist groups, which in turn has seen an increased role played by the regions two represented RECs. As such, the aim of this study is to gauge whether a security regime in East Africa has evolved in response to the regions terrorist threat. In doing so this thesis adopted a regime theoretical approach. A multivariant analytical framework, that combines power, interest, knowledge and context-based assumptions was employed to unpack the dynamics and circumstances that have facilitated and hindered cooperation in the region. By adopting a case study methodology that utilized process tracing, this thesis analysed official sources that included annual reports, documents, agreements and strategies that have a focus on counter-terrorism and are pertinent to the East African region. The results of this study show that the social factors of power, interests, knowledge and context have all had a significant influence on the formation of institutional arrangements and a comprehensive CT framework in East Africa. Furthermore, this study concludes that while a fully-fledged security regime has not formed in East Africa, the structure for one is very much in place. As such, the formation of a security regime is still very likely, maybe even at a sub-regional level instead

    Data protection and migration: balancing state interests and individual rights

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    Thesis (L.L.M. (Dissertation))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Law, 2014.The globalization of irregular migration and its facilitation by transnational criminal groups, coupled with concerns of terrorism, has radically impacted the way in which States manage migration and national security. At the same time, the information age has placed the issue of privacy and confidentiality at the centre of public, legislative and media debates. While advanced technology facilitates migration management and data exchange, the emergent use of surveillance techniques to identify individuals and keep track of their movements is a growing concern. Advanced technology can help to protect and manage borders, but it can also threaten human rights and create vulnerabilities relating to data theft, data loss, inappropriate disclosure and misuse of personal data. In the absence of appropriate data protection safeguards, personal data can be used for reasons unrelated to its intended purpose, without the knowledge of the individuals concerned and contrary to their expectations. When applied to migrants, data protection has a cross-border dimension, and this gives rise to additional concerns related to unauthorized disclosure that could lead to a multitude of risks ranging from physical violence to profiling and discrimination. This thesis seeks to outline the points of intersection between data protection and migration. In so doing, it points out the important consideration of the threat to human life and safety, a practical reality when collecting and processing personal data of vulnerable migrants. States have an obligation to protect the human rights afforded to all individuals, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. States also have the sovereign right to protect their borders and the duty to keep their citizens secure. While acknowledging the delicate exercise of having to balance between protecting State interests and respecting individual rights, this thesis emphasizes that the two are not mutually exclusive and it can be balanced, albeit a delicate balance. To ensure an appropriate balance, individual rights should not be diluted or subjugated by the interests of States. Instead any restrictions to privacy and data protection should be justified and proportional to the state interest. Further, the parameters for using advanced technology should be firmly embedded in the law. Finally, as technology is not infallible and cannot be seen in isolation, the human factor is a key consideration to take into account when developing and implementing the law governing the use of advanced technology that may impact on individual rights

    Vol. 32, no. 1: Full Issue

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    Missing the Boat: The Legal and Practical Problems of the Prevention of Maritime Terrorism

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    Legalizing Intelligence Sharing: A Consensus Approach

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    Матеріали XVIІ Міжнародної студентської науково-практичної конференції іноземними мовами

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    Сучасні пріоритети в діяльності поліції (зарубіжний досвід): Матеріали XVIІ Міжнар. студ. наук.-практ. конф. інозем. мовами / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ ; Каф. інозем. мов. - Харків : ХНУВС, 2016. - 112 С.Учасники конференції розглядають широке коло питань у сфері підготовки кваліфікованих поліцейських кадрів в закордонних країнах: загальну стратегію підготовки поліцейських в окремих державах, різноманітні підходи до організації роботи за цим напрямком, новітні тенденції навчання поліцейських, структуру навчальних закладів та організацію процесу навчання, методику формування професійно релевантних вмінь та навичок, форми та засоби підвищення кваліфікації, спеціалізовану підготовку фахівців за різними напрямками діяльності поліції, соціальну спрямованість роботи поліцейських, вимоги до кандидатів на навчання.Participants of the conference consider a wide range of issues in the field of training qualified police personnel in foreign countries, the overall strategy of police training in some countries, different approaches to work in this area, the latest tendencies in police training, the structure of educational establishments and the organization of the learning process, the method of formation of professionally relevant skills, forms and means of advanced training, specialized training in different areas of police, social orientation of police, requirements for candidates of training.Участники конференции рассматривают широкий круг вопросов в сфере подготовки квалифицированных полицейских кадров в зарубежных странах: общую стратегию подготовки полицейских в отдельных государствах, различные подходы к организации работы по этому направлению, новейшие тенденции обучения полицейских, структуру учебных заведений и организации процесса обучения, методику формирования профессионально релевантных умений и навыков, формы и средства повышения квалификации, специализированную подготовку специалистов по разным направлениям деятельности полиции, социальную направленность работы полицейских, требования к кандидатам на обучение