33,831 research outputs found

    Analytical Approach to Biometric Security and How It Affects Privacy

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    In this time where the world is using technology every day, there is going to be a need for some type of security to take place to protect its citizens from unwanted harm or danger. The use of any authentication methods is becoming very essential for a lot of companies and even for your own personal belongings. The use of biometric technology has offered companies the chance to upgrade their security system. This has also provided easier ways that people authenticate themselves as who they say they are. Due to their growth of usage, there is a privacy and security concern of these biometric data. In this research, we developed an analytical approach to biometric security in relation to privacy. This research will focus on the history, current state, problems/concerns, and the future development of biometric security. Biometric will be a forever growing topic and forever changing as time goes by. There will be a future in how companies will be using biometric technologies to better secure their systems

    Biometrics: Weighing Convenience and National Security against Your Privacy

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    The biometric identifier relies on an individual\u27s unique biological information such as a hand, iris, fingerprint, facial or voice print. When used for verification purposes, a one-to-one match is generated in under one second. Biometric technology can substantially improve national security by identifying and verifying individuals in a number of different contexts, providing security in ways that exceed current identification technology and limiting access to areas where security breaches are especially high, such as airport tarmacs and critical infrastructure facilities. At the same time, a legitimate public concern exists concerning the misuse of biometric technology to invade or violate personal privacy

    Biometrics: Weighing Convenience and National Security against Your Privacy

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    The biometric identifier relies on an individual\u27s unique biological information such as a hand, iris, fingerprint, facial or voice print. When used for verification purposes, a one-to-one match is generated in under one second. Biometric technology can substantially improve national security by identifying and verifying individuals in a number of different contexts, providing security in ways that exceed current identification technology and limiting access to areas where security breaches are especially high, such as airport tarmacs and critical infrastructure facilities. At the same time, a legitimate public concern exists concerning the misuse of biometric technology to invade or violate personal privacy

    Speaker Recognition in the Biometric Security Systems

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    At present, the importance of the biometric security increases a lot in context of the events in the world. Development of the individual biometric technologies such as the fingerprint recognition, iris or retina recognition or speaker recognition has been considered very important. However, it comes to be true that only one biometric technology is not sufficient enough. One of the most prosperous solutions might be a combination of more such technologies. This article aims at the technology of the speaker recognition and proposes a solution of its integration into a more complex biometric security system. Herein a design of the complex biometric security system is introduced based on the speaker recognition and the fingerprint authentication. A method of acquisition of a unique vector from speaker specific features is introduced as well

    Airport Security: Examining The Current State Of Acceptance Of Biometrics And The Propensity Of Adopting Biometric Technology Fo

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    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 propelled the issue of aviation security to the forefront of the U.S. domestic agenda. Although hundreds of individual airports exist in the U.S., the travel activities at each of these airports combine to holistically comprise an aviation system that represents a significant portion of the U.S. social and economic infrastructure. Disruption at one airport resulting from a criminal act, such as terrorism, could exert detrimental effects upon the aviation system and U.S national security (9/11 Commission, 2004). Each U.S. airport is individually responsible for various aspects of security including the control of physical access to sensitive and secure areas and facilities (9/11 Commission, 2004). Biometric technology has been examined as one method of enhancing airport access control to mitigate the possibility of criminal acts against airports. However, successful implementation of biometric technology depends largely on how individual security directors at each airport perceive, understand, and accept that technology. Backgrounds, attitudes, and personal characteristics influence individual decisions about technology implementation (Rogers, 1995; Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990). This study examines the problem of airport access control, as well as, the current trends in biometric technology. Utilizing a survey of airport security directors and security managers, this study draws upon innovation diffusion theory and organizational theories to determine what personal, organizational, and technical variables contribute to the propensity of airport security directors and managers to adopt biometric technology for airport access control

    Smart Cards to Enhance Security and Privacy in Biometrics

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    Smart cards are portable secure devices designed to hold personal and service information for many kind of applications. Examples of the use of smart cards are cell phone user identification (e.g. GSM SIM card), banking cards (e.g. EMV credit/debit cards) or citizen cards. Smart cards and Biometrics can be used jointly in different kinds of scenarios. Being a secure portable device, smart cards can be used for storing securely biometric references (e.g. templates) of the cardholder, perform biometric operations such as the comparison of an external biometric sample with the on-card stored biometric reference, or even relate operations within the card to the correct execution and result of those biometric operations. In order to provide the reader of the book with an overview of this technology, this chapter provides a description of smart cards, from their origin till the current technology involved, focusing especially in the security services they provide. Once the technology and the security services are introduced, the chapter will detail how smart cards can be integrated in biometric systems, which will be summarized in four different strategies: Store-on-Card, On-Card Biometric Comparison, Work-sharing Mechanism, and System-on-Card. Also the way to evaluate the joint use of smart cards and Biometrics will be described; both at the performance level, as well as its security. Last, but not least, this chapter will illustrate the collaboration of both technologies by providing two examples of current major deployments.Publicad

    Biometric Boom: How the Private Sector Commodifies Human Characteristics

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    Biometric technology has become an increasingly common part of daily life. Although biometrics have been used for decades, recent ad- vances and new uses have made the technology more prevalent, particu- larly in the private sector. This Note examines how widespread use of biometrics by the private sector is commodifying human characteristics. As the use of biometrics has become more extensive, it exacerbates and exposes individuals and industry to a number of risks and problems asso- ciated with biometrics. Despite public belief, biometric systems may be bypassed, hacked, or even fail. The more a characteristic is utilized, the less value it will hold for security purposes. Once compromised, a biome- tric cannot be replaced as would a password or other security device. This Note argues that there are strong justifications for a legal struc- ture that builds hurdles to slow the adoption of biometrics in the private sector. By examining the law and economics and personality theories of commodification, this Note identifies market failure and potential harm to personhood due to biometrics. The competing theories justify a reform to protect human characteristics from commodification. This Note presents a set of principles and tools based on defaults, disclosures, incen- tives, and taxation to discourage use of biometrics, buying time to streng- then the technology, educate the public, and establish legal safeguards for when the technology is compromised or fails

    Optimization of Three-dimensional Face Recognition Algorithms in Financial Identity Authentication

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    Identity authentication is one of the most basic components in the computer network world. It is the key technology of information security. It plays an important role in the protection of system and data security. Biometric recognition technology provides a reliable and convenient way for identity authentication. Compared with other biometric recognition technologies, face recognition has become a hot research topic because of its convenience, friendliness and easy acceptance. With the maturity and progress of face recognition technology, its commercial application has become more and more widespread. Internet finance, e-commerce and other asset-related areas have begun to try to use face recognition technology as a means of authentication, so people’s security needs for face recognition systems are also increasing. However, as a biometric recognition system, face recognition system still has inherent security vulnerabilities and faces security threats such as template attack and counterfeit attack. In view of this, this paper studies the application of threedimensional face recognition algorithm in the field of financial identity authentication. On the basis of feature extraction of face information using neural network algorithm, K-L transform is applied to image high-dimensional vector mapping to make face recognition clearer. Thus, the image loss can be reduced

    Biometric Security: Are Inexpensive Biometric Devices Reliable Enough to Gain Wide-Spread Security Usage?

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    The ever growing need for security in today\u27 s world requires exploring the feasibility of various security methods to ensure the safety of the world\u27s population. With the tremendous growth of technology, e-commerce, and business globalization, society implements new methods to try to battle security problems. Technology advances has resulted in a number of inexpensive biometric devices to the marketplace. Two questions surface regarding this devices-are they reliable enough for general usage and will people be willing to use them? This research conducted a repeated design experiment to determine the effectiveness of four inexpensive biometric devices-three fingerprint readers and an iris scanner. Further, a questionnaire was designed to gain insights to the views of subjects using these biometric devices. On average, all the devices performed well for identification purposes-the fingerprint readers performing better than the iris scanner. The questionnaire revealed that most people prefer fingerprint readers over that of iris scanners and that although 60% of the people surveyed had heard of biometrics, only 21% of those surveyed had ever used a biometric device. The public does not feel that these devices provide complete security, but does provide a reliable means for identification
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