47 research outputs found

    BioNetGen 2.2: Advances in Rule-Based Modeling

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    BioNetGen is an open-source software package for rule-based modeling of complex biochemical systems. Version 2.2 of the software introduces numerous new features for both model specification and simulation. Here, we report on these additions, discussing how they facilitate the construction, simulation, and analysis of larger and more complex models than previously possible.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, 1 supplementary text file. Supplementary text includes a brief discussion of the RK-PLA along with a performance analysis, two tables listing all new actions/arguments added in BioNetGen 2.2, and the "BioNetGen Quick Reference Guide". Accepted for publication in Bioinformatic

    AMICI: High-Performance Sensitivity Analysis for Large Ordinary Differential Equation Models

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    Ordinary differential equation models facilitate the understanding of cellular signal transduction and other biological processes. However, for large and comprehensive models, the computational cost of simulating or calibrating can be limiting. AMICI is a modular toolbox implemented in C++/Python/MATLAB that provides efficient simulation and sensitivity analysis routines tailored for scalable, gradient-based parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification. AMICI is published under the permissive BSD-3-Clause license with source code publicly available on https://github.com/AMICI-dev/AMICI. Citeable releases are archived on Zenodo

    RuleVis: Constructing Patterns and Rules for Rule-Based Models

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    We introduce RuleVis, a web-based application for defining and editing "correct-by-construction" executable rules that model biochemical functionality, which can be used to simulate the behavior of protein-protein interaction networks and other complex systems. Rule-based models involve emergent effects based on the interactions between rules, which can vary considerably with regard to the scale of a model, requiring the user to inspect and edit individual rules. RuleVis bridges the graph rewriting and systems biology research communities by providing an external visual representation of salient patterns that experts can use to determine the appropriate level of detail for a particular modeling context. We describe the visualization and interaction features available in RuleVisand provide a detailed example demonstrating how RuleVis can be used to reason about intracellular interactions

    PEtab -- interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology

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    Reproducibility and reusability of the results of data-based modeling studies are essential. Yet, there has been -- so far -- no broadly supported format for the specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology. Here, we introduce PEtab, a format which facilitates the specification of parameter estimation problems using Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) models and a set of tab-separated value files describing the observation model and experimental data as well as parameters to be estimated. We already implemented PEtab support into eight well-established model simulation and parameter estimation toolboxes with hundreds of users in total. We provide a Python library for validation and modification of a PEtab problem and currently 20 example parameter estimation problems based on recent studies. Specifications of PEtab, the PEtab Python library, as well as links to examples, and all supporting software tools are available at https://github.com/PEtab-dev/PEtab, a snapshot is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3732958. All original content is available under permissive licenses

    Annotations for Rule-Based Models

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    The chapter reviews the syntax to store machine-readable annotations and describes the mapping between rule-based modelling entities (e.g., agents and rules) and these annotations. In particular, we review an annotation framework and the associated guidelines for annotating rule-based models of molecular interactions, encoded in the commonly used Kappa and BioNetGen languages, and present prototypes that can be used to extract and query the annotations. An ontology is used to annotate models and facilitate their description

    BioSimulator.jl: Stochastic simulation in Julia

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    Biological systems with intertwined feedback loops pose a challenge to mathematical modeling efforts. Moreover, rare events, such as mutation and extinction, complicate system dynamics. Stochastic simulation algorithms are useful in generating time-evolution trajectories for these systems because they can adequately capture the influence of random fluctuations and quantify rare events. We present a simple and flexible package, BioSimulator.jl, for implementing the Gillespie algorithm, τ\tau-leaping, and related stochastic simulation algorithms. The objective of this work is to provide scientists across domains with fast, user-friendly simulation tools. We used the high-performance programming language Julia because of its emphasis on scientific computing. Our software package implements a suite of stochastic simulation algorithms based on Markov chain theory. We provide the ability to (a) diagram Petri Nets describing interactions, (b) plot average trajectories and attached standard deviations of each participating species over time, and (c) generate frequency distributions of each species at a specified time. BioSimulator.jl's interface allows users to build models programmatically within Julia. A model is then passed to the simulate routine to generate simulation data. The built-in tools allow one to visualize results and compute summary statistics. Our examples highlight the broad applicability of our software to systems of varying complexity from ecology, systems biology, chemistry, and genetics. The user-friendly nature of BioSimulator.jl encourages the use of stochastic simulation, minimizes tedious programming efforts, and reduces errors during model specification.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Biophysical assay for tethered signaling reactions reveals tether-controlled activity for the phosphatase SHP-1

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    Tethered enzymatic reactions are ubiquitous in signaling networks but are poorly understood. A previously unreported mathematical analysis is established for tethered signaling reactions in surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Applying the method to the phosphatase SHP-1 interacting with a phosphorylated tether corresponding to an immune receptor cytoplasmic tail provides five biophysical/biochemical constants from a single SPR experiment: two binding rates, two catalytic rates, and a reach parameter. Tether binding increases the activity of SHP-1 by 900-fold through a binding-induced allosteric activation (20-fold) and a more significant increase in local substrate concentration (45-fold). The reach parameter indicates that this local substrate concentration is exquisitely sensitive to receptor clustering. We further show that truncation of the tether leads not only to a lower reach but also to lower binding and catalysis. This work establishes a new framework for studying tethered signaling processes and highlights the tether as a control parameter in clustered receptor signaling