7 research outputs found

    Better synchronous binarization for machine translation

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    Binarization of Synchronous Context Free Grammars (SCFG) is essential for achieving polynomial time complexity of decoding for SCFG parsing based machine translation sys-tems. In this paper, we first investigate the excess edge competition issue caused by a left-heavy binary SCFG derived with the method of Zhang et al. (2006). Then we propose a new binarization method to mitigate the problem by exploring other alternative equivalent bi-nary SCFGs. We present an algorithm that ite-ratively improves the resulting binary SCFG, and empirically show that our method can im-prove a string-to-tree statistical machine trans-lations system based on the synchronous bina-rization method in Zhang et al. (2006) on the NIST machine translation evaluation tasks.

    Identifying light verb constructions in Indonesian: a direct translation approach

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    Algebraic decoder specification: coupling formal-language theory and statistical machine translation: Algebraic decoder specification: coupling formal-language theory and statistical machine translation

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    The specification of a decoder, i.e., a program that translates sentences from one natural language into another, is an intricate process, driven by the application and lacking a canonical methodology. The practical nature of decoder development inhibits the transfer of knowledge between theory and application, which is unfortunate because many contemporary decoders are in fact related to formal-language theory. This thesis proposes an algebraic framework where a decoder is specified by an expression built from a fixed set of operations. As yet, this framework accommodates contemporary syntax-based decoders, it spans two levels of abstraction, and, primarily, it encourages mutual stimulation between the theory of weighted tree automata and the application