5 research outputs found

    Multimodal self- and other-positioning on Wikipedia user pages

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    In the analysis of digital communication, there is a growing interest in how people construct their identities through interaction with each other. Multimodal self- and other-positioning can be seen as a key to the analysis of identity in the framework of interaction analysis. But so far, the focus of many linguistic studies has clearly been on the microanalysis of the purely verbal dimension of small episodes of identity construction in digital communication. Consequently, there is little empirical examination of how self- and other-positioning is shaped discursively, mediated institutionally and realized multimodally. Analysing Wikipedia user pages, the paper follows a multimodal approach that advocates at the same time the integration of discourse and interaction analytic aspects of positioning. So far, the user pages as a locus of (self-) positioning in Wikipedia are completely underexamined in the constantly growing field of linguistic and media-scientific analyses of the collaborative online encyclopaedia, although self-representation can be understood as a prerequisite for participation in digital communication. On the wiki-supported user pages, engaged Wikipedia authors permanently elaborate on their online personas. Simultaneously they negotiate roles and positions in interaction on the corresponding user talk pages. The overall goal is to achieve powerful positions to have a high impact on the collaborative content production in the digital discourses of the online encyclopaedia. Three Wikipedia-specific multimodal resources are considered for the outlined analysis: when constructing identities-in-interaction Wikipedia authors make use of the Babel User Templates, they grant digital prizes and distinctions, and they integrate images on their user pages, which they borrow from the huge image repositories of Wikimedia Commons

    Linguistische Wikipedistik

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    Digitale Methoden und Werkzeuge für Diskursanalysen am Beispiel Wikipedia

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    As a relatively new discipline in linguistics, discourse linguistics, in the tradition of Foucault, explores how social realities are constructed in transtextual units. Until now, texts from digital media sources have been barely acknowledged. The goal of this paper is to expand the inventory of methods for discourse analysis in two directions using the example of Wikipedia. First, specific categories for the analysis of discourse in digital media will be described systematically. Second, existing approaches in the field of corpus linguistics and digital methods will be described, keeping in mind the requirements of digital discourse analysis, in order to include them in a methodology for digital discourse analysis

    Soziale Medien in Schule und Hochschule

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    Soziale Medien fordern die Didaktik unter zweierlei Perspektive heraus: Als Instrumente didaktischen Handelns können sie Unterricht bei der Erreichung seiner Vermittlungs- und Förderziele bereichern. Als Reflexionsgegenstand müssen sie hinsichtlich ihrer Effekte auf Sprache, Kommunikation, Individuum und Gesellschaft analysiert werden, um Lernenden Kompetenzen für die Orientierung in der digitalen Welt zu vermitteln. Dieser Band präsentiert zehn Arbeiten von 17 Autorinnen und Autoren aus Linguistik, Sprach- und Mediendidaktik, die anhand von Praxisbeispielen und Unterrichtsanregungen aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in Bezug auf das Lehren und Lernen mit sozialen Medien und über soziale Medien reflektieren