100 research outputs found

    Additive triples of bijections, or the toroidal semiqueens problem

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    We prove an asymptotic for the number of additive triples of bijections {1,,n}Z/nZ\{1,\dots,n\}\to\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}, that is, the number of pairs of bijections π1,π2 ⁣:{1,,n}Z/nZ\pi_1,\pi_2\colon \{1,\dots,n\}\to\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} such that the pointwise sum π1+π2\pi_1+\pi_2 is also a bijection. This problem is equivalent to counting the number of orthomorphisms or complete mappings of Z/nZ\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}, to counting the number of arrangements of nn mutually nonattacking semiqueens on an n×nn\times n toroidal chessboard, and to counting the number of transversals in a cyclic Latin square. The method of proof is a version of the Hardy--Littlewood circle method from analytic number theory, adapted to the group (Z/nZ)n(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^n.Comment: 22 page

    The action of S_n on the cohomology of M_{0,n}(R)

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    In recent work (math/0507514) by Etingof, Henriques, Kamnitzer, and the author, a presentation and explicit basis was given for the rational cohomology of the real locus \bar{M_{0,n}}(\RR) of the moduli space of stable genus 0 curves with nn marked points. We determine the graded character of the action of SnS_n on this space (induced by permutations of the marked points), both in the form of a plethystic formula for the cycle index, and as an explicit product formula for the value of the character on a given cycle type.Comment: 17 pages AMSLaTe

    An integration of Euler's pentagonal partition

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    A recurrent formula is presented, for the enumeration of the compositions of positive integers as sums over multisets of positive integers, that closely resembles Euler's recurrence based on the pentagonal numbers, but where the coefficients result from a discrete integration of Euler's coefficients. Both a bijective proof and one based on generating functions show the equivalence of the subject recurrences.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. The recurrence investigated in this paper is essentially that proposed in Exercise 5.2.3 of Igor Pak's "Partition bijections, a survey", Ramanujan J. 12 (2006), but casted in a different form and, perhaps more interestingly, endowed with a bijective proof which arises from a construction by induction on maximal part

    S-Restricted Compositions Revisited

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    An S-restricted composition of a positive integer n is an ordered partition of n where each summand is drawn from a given subset S of positive integers. There are various problems regarding such compositions which have received attention in recent years. This paper is an attempt at finding a closed- form formula for the number of S-restricted compositions of n. To do so, we reduce the problem to finding solutions to corresponding so-called interpreters which are linear homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients. Then, we reduce interpreters to Diophantine equations. Such equations are not in general solvable. Thus, we restrict our attention to those S-restricted composition problems whose interpreters have a small number of coefficients, thereby leading to solvable Diophantine equations. The formalism developed is then used to study the integer sequences related to some well-known cases of the S-restricted composition problem

    The action of S_n on the cohomology of M_(0,n)(R)

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    In recent work by Etingof, Henriques, Kamnitzer, and the author, a presentation and explicit basis was given for the rational cohomology of the real locus M_(0,n)(R) of the moduli space of stable genus 0 curves with n marked points. We determine the graded character of the action of S_n on this space (induced by permutations of the marked points), both in the form of a plethystic formula for the cycle index, and as an explicit product formula for the value of the character on a given cycle type