15 research outputs found

    A study of the lunisolar secular resonance 2ω˙+Ω˙=02\dot{\omega}+\dot{\Omega}=0

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    The dynamics of small bodies around the Earth has gained a renewed interest, since the awareness of the problems that space debris can cause in the nearby future. A relevant role in space debris is played by lunisolar secular resonances, which might contribute to an increase of the orbital elements, typically of the eccentricity. We concentrate our attention on the lunisolar secular resonance described by the relation 2ω˙+Ω˙=02\dot{\omega}+\dot{\Omega}=0, where ω\omega and Ω\Omega denote the argument of perigee and the longitude of the ascending node of the space debris. We introduce three different models with increasing complexity. We show that the growth in eccentricity, as observed in space debris located in the MEO region at the inclination about equal to 56∘56^\circ, can be explained as a natural effect of the secular resonance 2ω˙+Ω˙=02\dot{\omega}+\dot{\Omega}=0, while the chaotic variations of the orbital parameters are the result of interaction and overlapping of nearby resonances.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Drift and its mediation in terrestrial orbits

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    The slow deformation of terrestrial orbits in the medium range, subject to lunisolar resonances, is well approximated by a family of Hamiltonian flow with 2.52.5 degree-of-freedom. The action variables of the system may experience chaotic variations and large drift that we may quantify. Using variational chaos indicators, we compute high-resolution portraits of the action space. Such refined meshes allow to reveal the existence of tori and structures filling chaotic regions. Our elaborate computations allow us to isolate precise initial conditions near specific zones of interest and study their asymptotic behaviour in time. Borrowing classical techniques of phase- space visualisation, we highlight how the drift is mediated by the complement of the numerically detected KAM tori.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, 52 references. Comments and feedbacks greatly appreciated. This article is part of the Research Topic `The Earth-Moon System as a Dynamical Laboratory', confer https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/5819/the-earth-moon-system-as-a-dynamical-laborator

    A Study of the Lunisolar Secular Resonance 2ω˙+Ω˙=0

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    The dynamics of small bodies around the Earth has gained a renewed interest, since the awareness of the problems that space debris can cause in the nearby future. A relevant role in space debris is played by lunisolar secular resonances, which might contribute to an increase of the orbital elements, typically of the eccentricity. We concentrate our attention on the lunisolar secular resonance described by the relation 2ω˙+Ω˙=02\dot{\omega}+\dot{\Omega}=0, where ω\omega and Ω\Omega denote the argument of perigee and the longitude of the ascending node of the space debris. We introduce three different models with increasing complexity. We show that the growth in eccentricity, as observed in space debris located in the MEO region at the inclination about equal to 56∘56^\circ, can be explained as a natural effect of the secular resonance 2ω˙+Ω˙=02\dot{\omega}+\dot{\Omega}=0, while the chaotic variations of the orbital parameters are the result of interaction and overlapping of nearby resonances

    Analytical development of the lunisolar disturbing function and the critical inclination secular resonance

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    We provide a detailed derivation of the analytical expansion of the lunar and solar disturbing functions. Although there exist several papers on this topic, many derivations contain mistakes in the final expansion or rather (just) in the proof, thereby necessitating a recasting and correction of the original derivation. In this work, we provide a self-consistent and definite form of the lunisolar expansion. We start with Kaula's expansion of the disturbing function in terms of the equatorial elements of both the perturbed and perturbing bodies. Then we give a detailed proof of Lane's expansion, in which the elements of the Moon are referred to the ecliptic plane. Using this approach the inclination of the Moon becomes nearly constant, while the argument of perihelion, the longitude of the ascending node, and the mean anomaly vary linearly with time. We make a comparison between the different expansions and we profit from such discussion to point out some mistakes in the existing literature, which might compromise the correctness of the results. As an application, we analyze the long--term motion of the highly elliptical and critically--inclined Molniya orbits subject to quadrupolar gravitational interactions. The analytical expansions presented herein are very powerful with respect to dynamical studies based on Cartesian equations, because they quickly allow for a more holistic and intuitively understandable picture of the dynamics.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    Analytical and Numerical Estimates for Solar Radiation Pressure Semi-secular Resonances

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    The aim of this work is to provide new insights on the dynamics associated to the resonances which arise as a consequence of the coupling of the effect due to the oblateness of the Earth and the Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) effect for an uncontrolled object with moderate to high area-to-mass ratio. Analytical estimates for the location of the resulting resonant equilibrium points are provided, together with formulas to compute the maximum amplitude of the corresponding variation in the eccentricity, as a function of the initial conditions of the object and of its area-to-mass ratio. The period of the variations of the eccentricity and inclinations due to such resonances is estimated using classical formulas. A classification based on the strength of the SRP resonances is provided. The estimates presented in the paper are validated using numerical tools, including the use of Fast Lyapunov Indicators to draw phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. Many FLI maps depicting the location and overlapping of SRP resonances are presented. The results from this paper suggest that SRP resonances could be modeled in the context of either the Extended Fundamental Model by [1] or the Second Fundamental Model by [2]. [1] S. Breiter. Extended fundamental model of resonance. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 85:209-218, 03 (2003). doi: 10.1023/A:1022569419866 [2] J. Henrard and A. Lemaitre. A second fundamental model for resonance. Celestial Mechanics, 30:197-218, (1983). doi: 10.1007/BF01234306Comment: 42 pages, 32 figure

    Dynamics of resonances and equilibria of Low Earth Objects

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    The nearby space surrounding the Earth is densely populated by artificial satellites and instruments, whose orbits are distributed within the Low-Earth-Orbit region (LEO), ranging between 90 and 2 000 kmkm of altitude. As a consequence of collisions and fragmentations, many space debris of different sizes are left in the LEO region. Given the threat raised by the possible damages which a collision of debris can provoke with operational or manned satellites, the study of their dynamics is nowadays mandatory. This work is focused on the existence of equilibria and the dynamics of resonances in LEO. We base our results on a simplified model which includes the geopotential and the atmospheric drag. Using such model, we make a qualitative study of the resonances and the equilibrium positions, including their location and stability. The dissipative effect due to the atmosphere provokes a tidal decay, but we give examples of different behaviors, precisely a straightforward passage through the resonance or rather a temporary capture. We also investigate the effect of the solar cycle which is responsible of fluctuations of the atmospheric density and we analyze the influence of Sun and Moon on LEO objects.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figure

    Resonances in the Earth's Space Environment

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    We study the presence of resonances in the region of space around the Earth. We consider a massless body (e.g, a dust particle or a small space debris) subject to different forces: the gravitational attraction of the geopotential, the effects of Sun and Moon. We distinguish different types of resonances: tesseral resonances are due to a commensurability involving the revolution of the particle and the rotation of the Earth, semi-secular resonances include the rates of variation of the mean anomalies of Moon and Sun, while secular resonances just depend on the rates of variation of the arguments of perigee and the longitudes of the ascending nodes of the perturbing bodies. We characterize such resonances, giving precise statements on the regions where the resonances can be found and provide examples of some specific commensurability relations.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulatio