298 research outputs found

    Generalized TCP-RED dynamical model for Internet congestion control

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    Adaptive management of traffic congestion in the Internet is a complex problem that can gain useful insights from a dynamical approach. In this paper we propose and analyze a one-dimensional, discrete-time nonlinear model for Internet congestion control at the routers. Specifically, the states correspond to the average queue sizes of the incoming data packets and the dynamical core consists of a monotone or unimodal mapping with a unique fixed point. This model generalizes a previous one in that additional control param eters are introduced via the data packet drop probability with the objective of enhancing stability. To make the analysis more challenging, the original model was shown to exhibit the usual features of low-dimensional chaos with respect to several system and control pa rameters, e.g., positive Lyapunov exponents and Feigenbaum-like bifurcation diagrams. We concentrate first on the theoretical aspects that may promote the unique stationary state of the system to a global attractor, which in our case amounts to global stability. In a sec ond step, those theoretical results are translated into stability domains for robust setting of the new control parameters in practical applications. Numerical simulations confirm that the new parameters make it possible to extend the stability domains, in comparison with previous results. Therefore, the present work may lead to an adaptive congestion control algorithm with a more stable performance than other algorithms currently in use

    Throughput Optimal Routing in Overlay Networks

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    Maximum throughput requires path diversity enabled by bifurcating traffic at different network nodes. In this work, we consider a network where traffic bifurcation is allowed only at a subset of nodes called \emph{routers}, while the rest nodes (called \emph{forwarders}) cannot bifurcate traffic and hence only forward packets on specified paths. This implements an overlay network of routers where each overlay link corresponds to a path in the physical network. We study dynamic routing implemented at the overlay. We develop a queue-based policy, which is shown to be maximally stable (throughput optimal) for a restricted class of network scenarios where overlay links do not correspond to overlapping physical paths. Simulation results show that our policy yields better delay over dynamic policies that allow bifurcation at all nodes, such as the backpressure policy. Additionally, we provide a heuristic extension of our proposed overlay routing scheme for the unrestricted class of networks

    Hopf Bifurcation and Stability Analysis of a Congestion Control Model with Delay in Wireless Access Network

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    We drive a scalar delay differential system to model the congestion of a wireless access network setting. The Hopf bifurcation of this system is investigated using the control and bifurcation theory; it is proved that there exists a critical value of delay for the stability. When the delay value passes through the critical value, the system loses its stability and a Hopf bifurcation occurs. Furthermore, the direction and stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions are derived by applying the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem. Finally, some examples and numerical simulations are presented to show the feasibility of the theoretical results

    An Improved Link Model for Window Flow Control and Its Application to FAST TCP

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    This paper presents a link model which captures the queue dynamics in response to a change in a transmission control protocol (TCP) source's congestion window. By considering both self-clocking and the link integrator effect, the model generalizes existing models and is shown to be more accurate by both open loop and closed loop packet level simulations. It reduces to the known static link model when flows' round trip delays are identical, and approximates the standard integrator link model when there is significant cross traffic. We apply this model to the stability analysis of fast active queue management scalable TCP (FAST TCP) including its filter dynamics. Under this model, the FAST control law is linearly stable for a single bottleneck link with an arbitrary distribution of round trip delays. This result resolves the notable discrepancy between empirical observations and previous theoretical predictions. The analysis highlights the critical role of self-clocking in TCP stability, and the proof technique is new and less conservative than existing ones