7 research outputs found

    Bifinite Chu Spaces

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    This paper studies colimits of sequences of finite Chu spaces and their ramifications. Besides generic Chu spaces, we consider extensional and biextensional variants. In the corresponding categories we first characterize the monics and then the existence (or the lack thereof) of the desired colimits. In each case, we provide a characterization of the finite objects in terms of monomorphisms/injections. Bifinite Chu spaces are then expressed with respect to the monics of generic Chu spaces, and universal, homogeneous Chu spaces are shown to exist in this category. Unanticipated results driving this development include the fact that while for generic Chu spaces monics consist of an injective first and a surjective second component, in the extensional and biextensional cases the surjectivity requirement can be dropped. Furthermore, the desired colimits are only guaranteed to exist in the extensional case. Finally, not all finite Chu spaces (considered set-theoretically) are finite objects in their categories. This study opens up opportunities for further investigations into recursively defined Chu spaces, as well as constructive models of linear logic

    Big Toy Models: Representing Physical Systems As Chu Spaces

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    We pursue a model-oriented rather than axiomatic approach to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, with the idea that new models can often suggest new axioms. This approach has often been fruitful in Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. Rather than seeking to construct a simplified toy model, we aim for a `big toy model', in which both quantum and classical systems can be faithfully represented - as well as, possibly, more exotic kinds of systems. To this end, we show how Chu spaces can be used to represent physical systems of various kinds. In particular, we show how quantum systems can be represented as Chu spaces over the unit interval in such a way that the Chu morphisms correspond exactly to the physically meaningful symmetries of the systems - the unitaries and antiunitaries. In this way we obtain a full and faithful functor from the groupoid of Hilbert spaces and their symmetries to Chu spaces. We also consider whether it is possible to use a finite value set rather than the unit interval; we show that three values suffice, while the two standard possibilistic reductions to two values both fail to preserve fullness.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted for Synthese 16th April 2010. Published online 20th April 201

    Lattice Representations with Set Partitions Induced by Pairings

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    We call a quadruple W:=⟨F,U,Ω,Λ⟩\mathcal{W}:=\langle F,U,\Omega,\Lambda \rangle, where UU and Ω\Omega are two given non-empty finite sets, Λ\Lambda is a non-empty set and FF is a map having domain U×ΩU\times \Omega and codomain Λ\Lambda, a pairing on Ω\Omega. With this structure we associate a set operator MWM_{\mathcal{W}} by means of which it is possible to define a preorder ≥W\ge_{\mathcal{W}} on the power set P(Ω)\mathcal{P}(\Omega) preserving set-theoretical union. The main results of our paper are two representation theorems. In the first theorem we show that for any finite lattice L\mathbb{L} there exist a finite set ΩL\Omega_{\mathbb{L}} and a pairing W\mathcal{W} on ΩL\Omega_\mathbb{L} such that the quotient of the preordered set (P(ΩL),≥W)(\mathcal{P}(\Omega_\mathbb{L}), \ge_\mathcal{W}) with respect to its symmetrization is a lattice that is order-isomorphic to L\mathbb{L}. In the second result, we prove that when the lattice L\mathbb{L} is endowed with an order-reversing involutory map ψ:L→L\psi: L \to L such that ψ(0^L)=1^L\psi(\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}})=\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}}, ψ(1^L)=0^L\psi(\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}})=\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}}, ψ(α)∧α=0^L\psi(\alpha) \wedge \alpha=\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}} and ψ(α)∨α=1^L\psi(\alpha) \vee \alpha=\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}}, there exist a finite set ΩL,ψ\Omega_{\mathbb{L},\psi} and a pairing on it inducing a specific poset which is order-isomorphic to L\mathbb{L}

    Bifinite Chu Spaces

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    This paper studies colimits of sequences of finite Chu spaces and their ramifications. Besides generic Chu spaces, we consider extensional and biextensional variants. In the corresponding categories we first characterize the monics and then the existence (or the lack thereof) of the desired colimits. In each case, we provide a characterization of the finite objects in terms of monomorphisms/injections. Bifinite Chu spaces are then expressed with respect to the monics of generic Chu spaces, and universal, homogeneous Chu spaces are shown to exist in this category. Unanticipated results driving this development include the fact that while for generic Chu spaces monics consist of an injective first and a surjective second component, in the extensional and biextensional cases the surjectivity requirement can be dropped. Furthermore, the desired colimits are only guaranteed to exist in the extensional case. Finally, not all finite Chu spaces (considered set-theoretically) are finite objects in their categories. This study opens up opportunities for further investigations into recursively defined Chu spaces, as well as constructive models of linear logic