2 research outputs found

    Scheduling Grid Applications With Software Requirements

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    The aim of task scheduling is to minimize the makespan of applications, exploiting the best possible way to use shared resources. Applications have requirements which call for customized environments for their execution. One way to provide such environments is to use virtualization on demand. This paper presents two schedulers based on integer linear programming which schedule virtual machines (VMs) in grid resources and tasks on these VMs. The schedulers differ from previous work by the joint scheduling of tasks and VMs and by considering the impact of the available bandwidth on the quality of the schedule. Experiments show the efficacy of the schedulers in scenarios with different network configurations. © 2005 IEEE.94578585Foster, What is the grid? A three point checklist (2002) GRID Today, 1 (6). , JulyAnderson, D.P., Werthimer, D., Korpela, E., Cobb, J., Lebofsky, M., Bankay, R., Douglas, K., (2010) Seti@home, , http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/, University of California, Berkley, Accessed at 30 JulFigueiredo, R.J.O., Dinda, P.A., Fortes, J.A.B., A case for grid computing on virtual machines (2003) ICDCS, pp. 550-559Sundarrajan, S., Nellitheertha, H., Bhattacharya, S., Arurkar, N., Nova: An approach to on-demand virtual execution environments for grids (2006) Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2006. CCGRID 06, pp. 544-547. , DOI 10.1109/CCGRID.2006.74, 1630868, Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid: Spanning the World and Beyond, 2006. CCGRID 06Bittencourt, L.F., Senna, C.R., Madeira, E.R.M., Bicriteria service scheduling with dynamic instantiation for workflow execution on grids (2009) 4th GPC, pp. 177-188. , MayWu, S., Zhu, W., Jiang, W., Jin, H., VMGrid: A virtual machine supported grid middleware (2008) IEEE GrC, Aug., pp. 676-679Wolinsky, D., Agrawal, A., Boykin, P., Davis, J., Ganguly, A., Paramygin, V., Sheng, Y., Figueiredo, R., On the design of virtual machine sandboxes for distributed computing in wide-area overlays of virtual workstations (2006) VTDC, pp. 8-8. , NovGrit, L., Irwin, D., Marupadi, V., Shivam, P., Yumerefendi, A., Chase, J., Albrecht, J., Harnessing virtual machine resource control for job management (2007) VTDCLin, B., Dinda, P.A., Towards scheduling virtual machines based on direct user input (2006) VTDC. IEEE Computer Society, p. 6Massie, M.L., Chun, B.N., Culler, D.E., The ganglia distributed monitoring system: Design, implementation, and experience (2004) Parallel Computing, 30 (7), pp. 817-840Sun, X.-H., Wu, M., Grid harvest service: A system for long- term, application-level task scheduling (2003) IEEE IPDPS, p. 25Renambot, L., Van Der Schaaf, T., Bal, H.E., Germans, D., Spoelder, H.J.W., Griz: Experience with remote visualization over an optical grid (2003) FGCS, 19 (6), pp. 871-882. , AugBatista, D.M., Da Fonseca N.L, S., Miyazawa, F.K., Granelli, F., Self-adjustment of resource allocation for grid applications (2008) Com. Net., 52, p. 1762Doar, M., Leslie, I.M., How bad is näive multicast routing? (1993) IEEE INFOCOM'93, pp. 82-89. , MarSenna, C.R., Bittencourt, L.F., Madeira, E., Execution of service workflows in grid environments (2009) TridentCom, pp. 1-10. , AprBellwood, S., (2010) Some VMWare Images, , http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/, Accessed at 30 JulFico xpress optimization suite 7 (2010) FICO, 2010, , http://www.fico.com/en/Products/DMTools/Pages/FICO-XpressOptimization- Suite.aspx, Accessed at 30 Ju