3 research outputs found

    Contemporary Teacher Education: A Global Perspective

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    The research in this Special Issue is an international collection of studies focusing on the current challenges and possibilities in teacher education. The contributors examine teacher education with theoretical and empirical approaches including both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The studies demonstrate that future teachers need high-level ethical and pedagogical skills to cope with the new challenges in education. With a research-based and holistic approach, we can educate good teachers for tomorrow's schools. Contributors to this collection of eleven articles reflect global issues in teacher education originating from Australia, Estonia, Finland, England, Portugal, and Sweden

    Biblioranking fundamental physics

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    We propose measures of the impact of research that improve on existing ones such as counting of number of papers, citations and hh-index. Since different papers and different fields have largely different average number of co-authors and of references we replace citations with individual citations, shared among co-authors. Next, we improve on citation counting applying the PageRank algorithm to citations among papers. Being time-ordered, this reduces to a weighted counting of citation descendants that we call PaperRank. Similarly, we compute an AuthorRank applying the PageRank algorithm to citations among authors. These metrics quantify the impact of an author or paper taking into account the impact of those authors that cite it. Finally, we show how self- and circular- citations can be eliminated by defining a closed market of citation-coins. We apply these metrics to the InSpire database that covers fundamental physics, ranking papers, authors, journals, institutes, towns, countries, continents, genders, for all-time and in recent time periods.• We propose new measures of the impact of research based on fractional counted citations, called individual citations. • By applying the PageRank algorithm to individual citations we define a PaperRank for citations among papers and an AuthorRank for citations among authors. • We show that self- and circular-citations can be eliminated by defining a closed market of Citation-coins. • We apply these metrics to the InSpire database that covers fundamental physics, to rank papers, authors, journals, institutes, towns, and countries, for all times and in recent time periods