436 research outputs found

    A Design of MAC Model Based on the Separation of Duties and Data Coloring: DSDC-MAC

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    Among the access control methods for database security, there is Mandatory Access Control (MAC) model in which the security level is set to both the subject and the object to enhance the security control. Legacy MAC models have focused only on one thing, either confidentiality or integrity. Thus, it can cause collisions between security policies in supporting confidentiality and integrity simultaneously. In addition, they do not provide a granular security class policy of subjects and objects in terms of subjects\u27 roles or tasks. In this paper, we present the security policy of Bell_LaPadula Model (BLP) model and Biba model as one complemented policy. In addition, Duties Separation and Data Coloring (DSDC)-MAC model applying new data coloring security method is proposed to enable granular access control from the viewpoint of Segregation of Duty (SoD). The case study demonstrated that the proposed modeling work maintains the practicality through the design of Human Resources management System. The proposed model in this study is suitable for organizations like military forces or intelligence agencies where confidential information should be carefully handled. Furthermore, this model is expected to protect systems against malicious insiders and improve the confidentiality and integrity of data

    On Properties of Policy-Based Specifications

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    The advent of large-scale, complex computing systems has dramatically increased the difficulties of securing accesses to systems' resources. To ensure confidentiality and integrity, the exploitation of access control mechanisms has thus become a crucial issue in the design of modern computing systems. Among the different access control approaches proposed in the last decades, the policy-based one permits to capture, by resorting to the concept of attribute, all systems' security-relevant information and to be, at the same time, sufficiently flexible and expressive to represent the other approaches. In this paper, we move a step further to understand the effectiveness of policy-based specifications by studying how they permit to enforce traditional security properties. To support system designers in developing and maintaining policy-based specifications, we formalise also some relevant properties regarding the structure of policies. By means of a case study from the banking domain, we present real instances of such properties and outline an approach towards their automatised verification.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Practical assessment of Biba integrity for TCG-enabled platforms

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    Checking the integrity of an application is necessary to determine if the latter will behave as expected. The method defined by the Trusted Computing Group consists in evaluating the fingerprints of the platform hardware and software components required for the proper functioning of the application to be assessed. However, this only ensures that a process was working correctly at load-time but not for its whole life-cycle. Policy-Reduced Integrity Measurement Architecture (PRIMA) addresses this problem by enforcing a security policy that denies information flows from potentially malicious processes to an application target of the evaluation and its dependencies (requirement introduced by CW-Lite, an evolution of the Biba integrity model). Given the difficulty of deploying PRIMA (as platform administrators have to tune their security policies to satisfy the CW-Lite requirements) we propose in this paper Enhanced IMA, an extended version of the Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) that, unlike PRIMA, works almost out of the box and just reports information flows instead of enforcing them. In addition, we introduce a model to evaluate the information reported by Enhanced IMA with existing technique

    Composable Distributed Access Control and Integrity Policies for Query-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    An expected requirement of wireless sensor networks (WSN) is the support of a vast number of users while permitting limited access privileges. While WSN nodes have severe resource constraints, WSNs will need to restrict access to data, enforcing security policies to protect data within WSNs. To date, WSN security has largely been based on encryption and authentication schemes. WSN Authorization Specification Language (WASL) is specified and implemented using tools coded in JavaTM. WASL is a mechanism{independent policy language that can specify arbitrary, composable security policies. The construction, hybridization, and composition of well{known security models is demonstrated and shown to preserve security while providing for modifications to permit inter{network accesses with no more impact on the WSN nodes than any other policy update. Using WASL and a naive data compression scheme, a multi-level security policy for a 1000-node network requires 66 bytes of memory per node. This can reasonably be distributed throughout a WSN. The compilation of a variety of policy compositions are shown to be feasible using a notebook{class computer like that expected to be performing typical WSN management responsibilities

    From Conventional to State-of-the-Art IoT Access Control Models

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    open access articleThe advent in Online Social Networks (OSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new world of collaboration and communication between people and devices. The domain of internet of things uses billions of devices (ranging from tiny sensors to macro scale devices) that continuously produce and exchange huge amounts of data with people and applications. Similarly, more than a billion people are connected through social networking sites to collaborate and share their knowledge. The applications of IoT such as smart health, smart city, social networking, video surveillance and vehicular communication are quickly evolving people’s daily lives. These applications provide accurate, information-rich and personalized services to the users. However, providing personalized information comes at the cost of accessing private information of users such as their location, social relationship details, health information and daily activities. When the information is accessible online, there is always a chance that it can be used maliciously by unauthorized entities. Therefore, an effective access control mechanism must be employed to ensure the security and privacy of entities using OSN and IoT services. Access control refers to a process which can restrict user’s access to data and resources. It enforces access rules to grant authorized users an access to resources and prevent others. This survey examines the increasing literature on access control for traditional models in general, and for OSN and IoT in specific. Challenges and problems related to access control mechanisms are explored to facilitate the adoption of access control solutions in OSN and IoT scenarios. The survey provides a review of the requirements for access control enforcement, discusses several security issues in access control, and elaborates underlying principles and limitations of famous access control models. We evaluate the feasibility of current access control models for OSN and IoT and provide the future development direction of access control for the sam

    Security Aspects in Modern Web Applications

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    World Wide Webin taustalla olevat tekniikat kehitettiin alun perin helpottamaan tiedon jakamista. Tämä jaettu tieto oli aluksi muuttumatonta tai harvoin muuttuvaa, mutta webin yleistyminen muutti tilanteen. Yleistyminen teki web-selaimesta nopeasti yleismaailmallisen ohjelmiston sovellusten tuottamiselle ja käyttäjälle välittämiselle. Vaikka nämä web-sovelluksiksi kutsuttavat ohjelmistot olivat alkujaan työpöytäsovelluksia monin tavoin huonompia, muuttui tilanne nopeasti. Web-sovelluksissa käytettävät tekniikat, kuten JavaScript ja CSS, sekä webselainten moninaisuus muodostavat yhdessä erin aisten kysymysten sekamelskan, jota vastaavaa ei työpöytäsovelluksissa ole. Eräs tärkeä kysymys on, miten sovellusten käyttäjien lähettämä ja käyttämä tieto turvataan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan ja kuvaterään web-sovelluksen tietoturvallisuutta ja tietoturvaratkaisuja. Arvioiminen vaatii tiet astä sekä yleisistä tietoturvallisuuskysymyksistä että erityisesti web-sovelluksiin liittyvistä kysymyksistä. Ensimmäisenä tutustutaan tietoturvallisuuden peruskysymyksiin ja käsitteisiin, joiden ymmärtäminen on välttämätöntä. Perusteiden jälkeen käsillään pääsynhallintaa ja sovellusohjelmistojen tietoturvallisuutta. Ensimmäinen osa päättyy web-sovellusten ja niihin liittyvien tietoturvallisuuskysymysten esittelyyn. Jälkimmäinen osa diplomity tä soveltaa käsiteltyjä teorioita ja menetelmiä erään web-sovelluksen tapaustutkimuksessa. Tapaustutkimuksessa kuvataan ja arvioidaan sovelluksen tietoturvallisuutta sekä lopuksi esitellään löydettyjä haavoittuvuuksia ja ratkaisuja näihin haavoittuvuuksiin. Vaikka joidenkin ohjelmistojen tietoturvallisuuden arviointimenetelmien soveltamisessa olikin ongelmia, saatiin tapaustutkimuksen tuloksena tärkeää tietoa heikkouksista ohjelmiston tietoturvallisuudessa ja hyviä esityksiä näiden heikkouksien poistamiseksi. Esitykset toteuttamalla parannettiin sekä nykyistä tietoturvallisuutta että vakuututtiin siitä, että heikkouksia esintyy jatkossa vähemmän.Technologies behind the World Wide Web were created initially to ease sharing of static data in form of web pages. Popularity of the Web grew rapidly and led to adoption of web browser as a universal client for application delivery. Though initially inferior to desktop applications, these applications have caught up with their desktop counterparts in features and usability. These applications, called web applications, use multiple web technologies such as JavaScript and CSS and this multiplicity of web technologies combined with multiplicity of web browsers creates a unique brew of issues not found on the desktop. One of these issues is how data send and used by the applications' users is protected. In this thesis, security in one mature web application is described and assessed. Such an assessment requires knowledge of information security aspects both in the broader sense concerning all information systems and in the sense of aspects specific to web applications. Therefore, first introduced are the fundamental concepts of information security, building blocks for all the other sections. The fundamentals are followed by discussion of access control and security aspects in applications. The background part is concluded by discussion of web applications in general and of security questions specific to them. The latter part explores and applies these theories and methods in a case study of a mature web application. The case study first describes, then evaluates the subject and its security and concludes with discussion of some of the found vulnerabilities and solutions to them. Although there were some problems in application of security assessment methods, assessment results provided valuable information on the application's weaknesses and improvement proposals. Implementation of the proposals both improved current security and also gave assurance of fewer weaknesses in the future

    Comparison of data integrity models

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    Data integrity in computer based information systems is a concern because of the damage that can be done by unauthorized manipulation or modification of data. While a standard exists for data security, there currently is not an acceptable standard for integrity. There is a need for incorporation of a data integrity policy into the standard concerning data security in order to produce a complete protection policy. There are several existing models which address data integrity. The Biba, Goguen and Meseguer, and Clark/Wilson data integrity models each offer a definition of data integrity and introduce their own mechanisms for preserving integrity. Acceptance of one of these models as a standard for data integrity will create a complete protection policy which addresses both security and integrity.http://archive.org/details/comparisonofdati1094543739US Marine Corps (USMC) authorApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited