189 research outputs found

    On perturbations of highly connected dyadic matroids

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    Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle [3] announced the following result: let q=pkq = p^k be a prime power, and let M\mathcal{M} be a proper minor-closed class of GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q)-representable matroids, which does not contain PG(rβˆ’1,p)\mathrm{PG}(r-1,p) for sufficiently high rr. There exist integers k,tk, t such that every vertically kk-connected matroid in M\mathcal{M} is a rank-(≀t)(\leq t) perturbation of a frame matroid or the dual of a frame matroid over GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q). They further announced a characterization of the perturbations through the introduction of subfield templates and frame templates. We show a family of dyadic matroids that form a counterexample to this result. We offer several weaker conjectures to replace the ones in [3], discuss consequences for some published papers, and discuss the impact of these new conjectures on the structure of frame templates.Comment: Version 3 has a new title and a few other minor corrections; 38 pages, including a 6-page Jupyter notebook that contains SageMath code and that is also available in the ancillary file

    Matroids arising from electrical networks

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    This paper introduces Dirichlet matroids, a generalization of graphic matroids arising from electrical networks. We present four main results. First, we exhibit a matroid quotient formed by the dual of a network embedded in a surface with boundary and the dual of the associated Dirichlet matroid. This generalizes an analogous result for graphic matroids of cellularly embedded graphs. Second, we characterize the Bergman fans of Dirichlet matroids as explicit subfans of graphic Bergman fans. In doing so, we generalize the connection between Bergman fans of complete graphs and phylogenetic trees. Third, we use the half-plane property of Dirichlet matroids to prove an interlacing result on the real zeros and poles of the trace of the response matrix. And fourth, we bound the coefficients of the precoloring polynomial of a network by the coefficients of the chromatic polynomial of the underlying graph.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    On the density of matroids omitting a complete-graphic minor

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    We show that, if MM is a simple rank-nn matroid with no β„“\ell-point line minor and no minor isomorphic to the cycle matroid of a tt-vertex complete graph, then the ratio ∣M∣/n|M| / n is bounded above by a singly exponential function of β„“\ell and tt. We also bound this ratio in the special case where MM is a frame matroid, obtaining an answer that is within a factor of two of best-possible.Comment: 25 page

    On Selected Subclasses of Matroids

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    Matroids were introduced by Whitney to provide an abstract notion of independence. In this work, after giving a brief survey of matroid theory, we describe structural results for various classes of matroids. A connected matroid MM is unbreakable if, for each of its flats FF, the matroid M/FM/F is connected%or, equivalently, if Mβˆ—M^* has no two skew circuits. . Pfeil showed that a simple graphic matroid M(G)M(G) is unbreakable exactly when GG is either a cycle or a complete graph. We extend this result to describe which graphs are the underlying graphs of unbreakable frame matroids. A laminar family is a collection \A of subsets of a set EE such that, for any two intersecting sets, one is contained in the other. For a capacity function cc on \A, let \I be %the set \{I:|I\cap A| \leq c(A)\text{ for all A\in\A}\}. Then \I is the collection of independent sets of a (laminar) matroid on EE. We characterize the class of laminar matroids by their excluded minors and present a way to construct all laminar matroids using basic operations. %Nested matroids were introduced by Crapo in 1965 and have appeared frequently in the literature since then. A flat of a matroid MM is Hamiltonian if it has a spanning circuit. A matroid MM is nested if its Hamiltonian flats form a chain under inclusion; MM is laminar if, for every 11-element independent set XX, the Hamiltonian flats of MM containing XX form a chain under inclusion. We generalize these notions to define the classes of kk-closure-laminar and kk-laminar matroids. The second class is always minor-closed, and the first is if and only if k≀3k \le 3. We give excluded-minor characterizations of the classes of 2-laminar and 2-closure-laminar matroids

    Cobiased graphs: Single-element extensions and elementary quotients of graphic matroids

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    Zaslavsky (1991) introduced a graphical structure called a biased graph and used it to characterize all single-element coextensions and elementary lifts of graphic matroids. We introduce a new, dual graphical structure that we call a cobiased graph and use it to characterize single-element extensions and elementary quotients of graphic matroids.Comment: 17 pp., 5 figure
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