3 research outputs found

    Designing Tactile Interfaces for Abstract Interpersonal Communication, Pedestrian Navigation and Motorcyclists Navigation

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    The tactile medium of communication with users is appropriate for displaying information in situations where auditory and visual mediums are saturated. There are situations where a subject's ability to receive information through either of these channels is severely restricted by the environment they are in or through any physical impairments that the subject may have. In this project, we have focused on two groups of users who need sustained visual and auditory focus in their task: Soldiers on the battle field and motorcyclists. Soldiers on the battle field use their visual and auditory capabilities to maintain awareness of their environment to guard themselves from enemy assault. One of the major challenges to coordination in a hazardous environment is maintaining communication between team members while mitigating cognitive load. Compromise in communication between team members may result in mistakes that can adversely affect the outcome of a mission. We have built two vibrotactile displays, Tactor I and Tactor II, each with nine actuators arranged in a three-by-three matrix with differing contact areas that can represent a total of 511 shapes. We used two dimensions of tactile medium, shapes and waveforms, to represent verb phrases and evaluated ability of users to perceive verb phrases the tactile code. We evaluated the effectiveness of communicating verb phrases while the users were performing two tasks simultaneously. The results showed that performing additional visual task did not affect the accuracy or the time taken to perceive tactile codes. Another challenge in coordinating Soldiers on a battle field is navigating them to respective assembly areas. We have developed HaptiGo, a lightweight haptic vest that provides pedestrians both navigational intelligence and obstacle detection capabilities. HaptiGo consists of optimally-placed vibro-tactile sensors that utilize natural and small form factor interaction cues, thus emulating the sensation of being passively guided towards the intended direction. We evaluated HaptiGo and found that it was able to successfully navigate users with timely alerts of incoming obstacles without increasing cognitive load, thereby increasing their environmental awareness. Additionally, we show that users are able to respond to directional information without training. The needs of motorcyclists are di erent from those of Soldiers. Motorcyclists' need to maintain visual and auditory situational awareness at all times is crucial since they are highly exposed on the road. Route guidance systems, such as the Garmin, have been well tested on automobilists, but remain much less safe for use by motorcyclists. Audio/visual routing systems decrease motorcyclists' situational awareness and vehicle control, and thus increase the chances of an accident. To enable motorcyclists to take advantage of route guidance while maintaining situational awareness, we created HaptiMoto, a wearable haptic route guidance system. HaptiMoto uses tactile signals to encode the distance and direction of approaching turns, thus avoiding interference with audio/visual awareness. Evaluations show that HaptiMoto is intuitive for motorcyclists, and a safer alternative to existing solutions

    RGB-D Scene Representations for Prosthetic Vision

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    This thesis presents a new approach to scene representation for prosthetic vision. Structurally salient information from the scene is conveyed through the prosthetic vision display. Given the low resolution and dynamic range of the display, this enables robust identification and reliable interpretation of key structural features that are missed when using standard appearance-based scene representations. Specifically, two different types of salient structure are investigated: salient edge structure, for depiction of scene shape to the user; and salient object structure, for emulation of biological attention deployment when viewing a scene. This thesis proposes and evaluates novel computer vision algorithms for extracting salient edge and salient object structure from RGB-D input. Extraction of salient edge structure from the scene is first investigated through low-level analysis of surface shape. Our approach is based on the observation that regions of irregular surface shape, such as the boundary between the wall and the floor, tend to be more informative of scene structure than uniformly shaped regions. We detect these surface irregularities through multi-scale analysis of iso-disparity contour orientations, providing a real time method that robustly identifies important scene structure. This approach is then extended by using a deep CNN to learn high level information for distinguishing salient edges from structural texture. A novel depth input encoding called the depth surface descriptor (DSD) is presented, which better captures scene geometry that corresponds to salient edges, improving the learned model. These methods provide robust detection of salient edge structure in the scene. The detection of salient object structure is first achieved by noting that salient objects often have contrasting shape from their surroundings. Contrasting shape in the depth image is captured through the proposed histogram of surface orientations (HOSO) feature. This feature is used to modulate depth and colour contrast in a saliency detection framework, improving the precision of saliency seed regions and through this the accuracy of the final detection. After this, a novel formulation of structural saliency is introduced based on the angular measure of local background enclosure (LBE). This formulation addresses fundamental limitations of depth contrast methods and is not reliant on foreground depth contrast in the scene. Saliency is instead measured through the degree to which a candidate patch exhibits foreground structure. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated through both standard datasets as well as user studies that measure the contribution of structure-based representations. Our methods are found to more effectively measure salient structure in the scene than existing methods. Our approach results in improved performance compared to standard methods during practical use of an implant display