3 research outputs found

    Conception of a Control Unit for Critical System

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    The article regards critical systems precisely controlled by safety units. A new idea of safety logic microcontroller is proposed. It is built on the basis of the simplest mechanisms and technical solutions. This approach allowed to obtain a complex decision-making and control microsystem, in which the applied mechanisms and solutions increased its reliability. As a result, the proposed control unit proved to be a universal solution, which can be used in any critical system

    Safety execution framework for FB applications

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    W pracy przedstawiono programowalny sterownik logiczny, zachowuj膮cy si臋 w spos贸b bezpieczny. Zachowanie to obejmuje normaln膮 prac臋, podczas kt贸rej wymaga si臋 poprawnego sterowania, jak r贸wnie偶 stan awarii, w kt贸rym wyj艣cia musz膮 by膰 automatycznie wyzerowane. Algorytm sterowania jest opisany metod膮 blok贸w funkcyjnych FBD i SFC zgodn膮 z norm膮 IEC-61131. Zastosowana architektura sprz臋towa sprzyja podzieleniu oprogramowania na dwie cz臋艣ci. Pierwsza cz臋艣膰 - sta艂a, niezale偶na od aplikacji - obejmuje bibliotek臋 blok贸w funkcyjnych. cz臋艣膰 druga - zmienna, bezpo艣rednio zale偶na od aplikacji - zawiera struktur臋 po艂膮cze艅 blok贸w. Obydwie cz臋艣ci s膮 wykonywane przez osobne procesory. Do badania poprawno艣ci sta艂ej cz臋艣ci programu zaproponowano formaln膮 metod臋 wykorzystuj膮c膮 logik臋 wy偶szego rz臋du HOL. Cz臋艣膰 zamienn膮 bada si臋 stosuj膮c metod臋 zr贸偶nicowanej retranslacji.To architecturally support the programming of safety related control applications in the graphical language Function Block Diagram and the verification of such software meeting the requirements of safety Integrity level 3, a dedicated, low complexity execution platform is presented. Its hardware is fault detecting to immediately initiate emegrency shut-downs in case of malfunctions. By design, there is no semantic gap between the programming and machine execution levels, enabling the safety licensing of application software by extremely simple, but rigorous methods, viz., diverse back translation and inspection. Operating in strictly periodic fashion, the platform exhibits fully predictable real time behaviour