9 research outputs found

    Hyperplane arrangements between Shi and Ish

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    We introduce a new family of hyperplane arrangements in dimension n≥3 that includes both the Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement. We prove that all the members of this family have the same number of regions -- the connected components of the complement of the union of the hyperplanes -- which can be bijectively labeled with the Pak-Stanley labelling. In addition, we characterise the Pak-Stanley labels of the regions of this family of hyperplane arrangements.publishe

    Partial parking functions

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    We characterise the Pak-Stanley labels of the regions of a family of hyperplane arrangements that interpolate between the Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement.publishe

    Generalizações da Etiquetagem de Pak-Stanley

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    Neste artigo pretendemos dar a conhecer ao leitor uma área que consideramos particularmente atraente, onde temos obtido alguns resultados que tentaremos também relatar. O ponto de partida é uma construção (a “etiquetagem de Pak-Stanley”), que associa um vetor a cada uma das regiões em que determinado conjunto de hiperplanos divide o espaço euclideano Rn. Regiões vizinhas diferem (em 1) numa coordenada, crescendo ao afastar-se de uma determinada região, etiquetada com (1, 1, . . . , 1). Há cerca de vinte anos, Pak e Stanley mostraram que, no caso de os hiperplanos formarem o “arranjo de Shi”, as etiquetas de Pak-Stanley formam um conjunto previamente estudado, o conjunto das “parking functions”, e que a etiquetagem é bijetiva, muito embora seja difícil definir a função inversa, isto é, obter a região a partir da etiqueta [3]. Esta construção tem uma extensão natural a outros arranjos. Recentemente, Mazin obteve uma caracterização muito geral dos conjuntos de etiquetas assim obtidos, que implica, em particular, o resultado de Pak e Stanley. Com base neste trabalho de Mazin, estudamos as etiquetagens de outro arranjos, o arranjo de Ish recentemente definido e um conjunto de arranjos por nós introduzido, que constitui uma classe naturalmente balizada, por um lado, pelo arranjo de Shi, e por outro, pelo arranjo de Ish. O nosso trabalho, em traços gerais, consistiu em descrever o conjunto das etiquetas respetivas e em mostrar que as etiquetagens são bijetivas, recorrendo adiferentes técnicas e resultados que aqui são explicitamente referidos. A exposição dessas técnicas e o relato desses resultados, alguns já “clássicos” da área e outros muito recentes, foram talvez a nossa razão mais forte para a escrita deste pequeno texto

    The Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement

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    This paper is about two arrangements of hyperplanes. The first — the Shi arrangement — was introduced by Jian-Yi Shi to describe the Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in the affine Weyl group of type A. The second — the Ish arrangement — was recently defined by the first author who used the two arrangements together to give a new interpretation of the q,t-Catalan numbers of Garsia and Haiman. In the present paper we will define a mysterious "combinatorial symmetry'' between the two arrangements and show that this symmetry preserves a great deal of information. For example, the Shi and Ish arrangements share the same characteristic polynomial, the same numbers of regions, bounded regions, dominant regions, regions with c "ceilings'' and d "degrees of freedom'', etc. Moreover, all of these results hold in the greater generality of "deleted'' Shi and Ish arrangements corresponding to an arbitrary subgraph of the complete graph. Our proofs are based on nice combinatorial labellings of Shi and Ish regions and a new set partition-valued statistic on these regions

    Between Shi and Ish

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    We introduce a new family of hyperplane arrangements in dimension n≥3 that includes both the Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement. We prove that all the members of a given subfamily have the same number of regions – the connected components of the complement of the union of the hyperplanes – which can be bijectively labeled with the Pak–Stanley labeling. In addition, we show that, in the cases of the Shi and the Ish arrangements, the number of labels with reverse centers of a given length is equal, and conjecture that the same happens with all of the members of the family