4 research outputs found

    Better Concrete Security for Half-Gates Garbling (in the Multi-Instance Setting)

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    We study the concrete security of high-performance implementations of half-gates garbling, which all rely on (hardware-accelerated)~AES. We find that current instantiations using kk-bit wire labels can be completely broken---in the sense that the circuit evaluator learns all the inputs of the circuit garbler---in time O(2k/C)O(2^k/C), where CC is the total number of (non-free) gates that are garbled, possibly across multiple independent executions. The attack can be applied to existing circuit-garbling libraries using k=80k=80 when C≈109C \approx 10^9, and would require 267 machine-months and cost about USD 3500 to implement on the Google Cloud Platform. Since the attack can be entirely parallelized, the attack could be carried out in about a month using ≈250\approx 250 machines. With this as our motivation, we seek a way to instantiate the hash function in the half-gates scheme so as to achieve better concrete security. We present a construction based on AES that achieves optimal security in the single-instance setting (when only a single circuit is garbled). We also show how to modify the half-gates scheme so that its concrete security does not degrade in the multi-instance setting. Our modified scheme is as efficient as prior work in networks with up to 2 Gbps bandwidth

    Time is money, friend! Timing Side-channel Attack against Garbled Circuit Constructions

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    With the advent of secure function evaluation (SFE), distrustful parties can jointly compute on their private inputs without disclosing anything besides the results. Yao’s garbled circuit protocol has become an integral part of secure computation thanks to considerable efforts made to make it feasible, practical, and more efficient. These efforts have resulted in multiple optimizations on this primitive to enhance its performance by orders of magnitude over the last years. The advancement in protocols has also led to the development of general-purpose compilers and tools made available to academia and industry. For decades, the security of protocols offered in those tools has been assured with regard to sound proofs and the promise that during the computation, no information on parties’ input would be leaking. In a parallel effort, however, side-channel analysis (SCA) has gained momentum in connection with the real-world implementation of cryptographic primitives. Timing side-channel attacks have proven themselves effective in retrieving secrets from implementations, even through remote access to them. Nevertheless, the vulnerability of garbled circuit frameworks to timing attacks has, surprisingly, never been discussed in the literature. This paper introduces Goblin, the first timing attack against commonly employed garbled circuit frameworks. Goblin is a machine learning-assisted, non-profiling, single-trace timing SCA, which successfully recovers the garbler’s input during the computation under different scenarios, including various GC frameworks, benchmark functions, and the number of garbler’s input bits. Furthermore, we discuss Gob- lin’s success factors and countermeasures against that. In doing so, Goblin hopefully paves the way for further research in this matter

    Fast Evaluation of S-boxes with Garbled Circuits

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    Garbling schemes are vital primitives for privacy-preserving protocols and for secure two-party computation. This paper presents a projective garbling scheme that assigns 2n2^n values to wires in a circuit comprising XOR and unary projection gates. A generalization of FreeXOR allows the XOR of wires with 2n2^n values to be very efficient. We then analyze the performance of our scheme by evaluating substitution-permutation ciphers. Using our proposal, we measure high-speed evaluation of the ciphers with a moderately increased cost in garbling and bandwidth. Theoretical analysis suggests that for evaluating the nine examined ciphers, one can expect a 4- to 70-fold improvement in evaluation performance with, at most, a 4-fold increase in garbling cost and, at most, an 8-fold increase in communication cost compared to state-of-the-art garbling schemes. In an offline/online setting, such as secure function evaluation as a service, the circuit garbling and communication to the evaluator can proceed before the input phase. Thus our scheme offers a fast online phase. Furthermore, we present efficient computation formulas for the S-boxes of TWINE and Midori64 in Boolean circuits. To our knowledge, our formulas give the smallest number of AND gates for the S-boxes of these two ciphers

    On Tweakable Correlation Robust Hashing against Key Leakages

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    We continue the study of blockcipher-based (tweakable) correlation robust hash functions, which are central building blocks of circuit garbling and oblivious-transfer extension schemes. Motivated by Roy (CRYPTO 2022), we first enhance the multi-user tweakable correlation robust notion of Guo et al. (CRYPTO 2020) with a {\it key leaking oracle} that tells the adversary whether a certain user key satisfies the adversarially-chosen predicate. We then investigate the state-of-the-art hash construction of Guo et al. with respect to our new security definition, providing security proof as well as matching attacks. As an application, we exhibit an OT extension protocol with non-trivial multi-user security