4 research outputs found

    Towards meta-learning for multi-target regression problems

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    Several multi-target regression methods were devel-oped in the last years aiming at improving predictive performanceby exploring inter-target correlation within the problem. However, none of these methods outperforms the others for all problems. This motivates the development of automatic approachesto recommend the most suitable multi-target regression method. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning system to recommend the best predictive method for a given multi-target regression problem. We performed experiments with a meta-dataset generated by a total of 648 synthetic datasets. These datasets were created to explore distinct inter-targets characteristics toward recommending the most promising method. In experiments, we evaluated four different algorithms with different biases as meta-learners. Our meta-dataset is composed of 58 meta-features, based on: statistical information, correlation characteristics, linear landmarking, from the distribution and smoothness of the data, and has four different meta-labels. Results showed that induced meta-models were able to recommend the best methodfor different base level datasets with a balanced accuracy superior to 70% using a Random Forest meta-model, which statistically outperformed the meta-learning baselines.Comment: To appear on the 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS

    Combining Kernel Functions in Supervised Learning Models.

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    The research activity has mainly dealt with supervised Machine Learning algorithms, specifically within the context of kernel methods. A kernel function is a positive definite function mapping data from the original input space into a higher dimensional Hilbert space. Differently from classical linear methods, where problems are solved seeking for a linear function separating points in the input space, kernel methods all have in common the same basic focus: original input data is mapped onto a higher dimensional feature set where new coordinates are not computed, but only the inner product of input points. In this way, kernel methods make possible to deal with non-linearly separable set of data, making use of linear models in the feature space: all the Machine Learning methods using a linear function to determine the best fitting for a set of given data. Instead of employing one single kernel function, Multiple Kernel Learning algorithms tackle the problem of selecting kernel functions by using a combination of preset base kernels. Infinite Kernel Learning further extends such idea by exploiting a combination of possibly infinite base kernels. The research activity core idea is utilize a novel complex combination of kernel functions in already existing or modified supervised Machine Learning frameworks. Specifically, we considered two frameworks: Extreme Learning Machine, having the structure of classical feedforward Neural Networks but being characterized by hidden nodes variables randomly assigned at the beginning of the algorithm; Support Vector Machine, a class of linear algorithms based on the idea of separating data with a hyperplane having as wide a margin as possible. The first proposed model extends the classical Extreme Learning Machine formulation using a combination of possibly infinitely many base kernel, presenting a two-step algorithm. The second result uses a preexisting multi-task kernel function in a novel Support Vector Machine framework. Multi-task learning defines the Machine Learning problem of solving more than one task at the same time, with the main goal of taking into account the existing multi-task relationships. To be able to use the existing multi-task kernel function, we had to construct a new framework based on the classical Support Vector Machine one, taking care of every multi-task correlation factor

    Benchmarking multi-target regression methods

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    4nonenoneMartiello Mastelini S.; Jose Santana E.; Guilherme Turrisi Da Costa V.; Barbon Junior SMartiello Mastelini, S.; Jose Santana, E.; Guilherme Turrisi Da Costa, V.; Barbon Junior,