5 research outputs found

    Evidential reasoning-based airline network design for long-haul transportation in express delivery

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    Kod hitne isporuke, za ekspresni prijevoz robe uvelike se koristi avionska dostava zbog visoke učinkovitosti i sigurnosti, najvažnijih za kupce. Velika količina tereta prisiljava ekspresne kompanije na uspostavu vlastitih avionskih mreža u svrhu poboljšanja efikasnosti isporuke i snižavanja troškova prijevoza. Uobičajena optimalna rješenja imaju vrlo složeno dizajnirane mreže s čvorištima za prijelaz; štoviše, uvjeti, uključujući količinu oborina, volumen željezničkog prijevoza, prosječnu propusnost i infrastrukturu hardwera, ne mogu se u potpunosti uzeti u obzir. U ovom radu formuliramo problem dizajna ekspresne avionske mreže kao proces vrednovanja zasnovan na evidentnom zaključivanju s multidimenzijskim podacima. U svrhu osiguranja fleksibilne scheme za rješavanje zadatka procjenjivanja primijenjena je Dempster-Shafer teorija dokaza, a postupak evidentnog zaključivanja specifičan za dizajniranje ekspresnih mreža predlaže se kako bi se osigurao najbolji izbor čvorišta za prijelaz. Predloženi pristup je primijenjen kod projektiranja avionske mreže za ShunFeng ekspres kompaniju, a analiza tog slučaja pokazuje da se predloženom schemom može osigurati razumna transportna mreža uz više učinkovitosti i niže cijene.In express delivery, air couriers have been used extensively for transporting express freight due to its high efficiency and security, which are the most important considerations of the customers. The large volume of cargo forces the express company to build its own airline networks, aiming at improving the efficiency of delivery and reducing the transport cost. The conventional optimal solutions are very complex for use in designing networks with transferring hubs, and, in addition, the port conditions, including the volume of rainfall, the volume of railway transportation, average throughput, and hardware infrastructure, cannot be considered fully. In this paper, we formulate the express airline network design problem as an evidential reasoning-based evaluation process with multi-dimensional data. We used the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory to provide a flexible scheme to solve the evaluation task, and we proposed an evidential reasoning process specific for designing an express network to determine the best choice of the transferring hub. The proposed approach was applied in the design of the airline network for the ShunFeng express company, and the case study demonstrated that the proposed scheme can obtain a reasonable transport network with higher efficiency and lower cost

    El «efecto manada» en el consumo de ocio: «dolce far niente» o cuando pasarlo bien se convierte en obligación

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    This research focuses on the 'herd effect' of the decisions made by young people (between 19 and 24 years old) in the leisure time consumption in Madrid, in order to find out to which extent it is a result of the social pressure that they are exposed to or, in the other case, if it obeys to a real desire of having a good time. The field work was carried out through the application of a test elaborated specifically for that purpose; this test was filled out by a wide number of university students coming from the Madrid area: two public universities and three private universities. The method use is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) due to the advantages it presents to fragment in different criteria the specific characteristics and/or attributes and to recognize how they influence each other and inside on the outcome. The results acknowledge that, in effect, a very high proportion in the leisure time consumption responds to the pressure of the 'herd effect' even though, on the other hand, the level of final satisfaction is extremely relative.En la presente investigación se estudia el «efecto manada» en las decisiones de los jóvenes en el consumo de ocio en Madrid para conocer en qué medida obedecen a la presión social proveniente del entorno o a la voluntad real de pasar un rato de esparcimiento. El trabajo de campo se realizó mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario elaborado para tal finalidad, el cual fue respondido por una amplia muestra de estudiantes de cinco universidades con campus en Madrid: dos públicas y tres privadas. El método utilizado es el proceso de análisis jerárquico por las facilidades que proporciona para descomponer de manera jerárquica los criterios o atributos y reconocer cómo estos se influyen recíprocamente y sobre el todo. Los resultados constatan que, en efecto, en muy alta proporción, el consumo de ocio obedece a la presión que ejerce el «efecto manada», aunque, en contraposición, la satisfacción resultante es marcadamente relativa

    El «efecto manada» en el consumo de ocio: «dolce far niente» o cuando pasarlo bien se convierte en obligación

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    This research focuses on the 'herd effect' of the decisions made by young people (between 19 and 24 years old) in the leisure time consumption in Madrid, in order to find out to which extent it is a result of the social pressure that they are exposed to or, in the other case, if it obeys to a real desire of having a good time. The field work was carried out through the application of a test elaborated specifically for that purpose; this test was filled out by a wide number of university students coming from the Madrid area: two public universities and three private universities. The method use is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) due to the advantages it presents to fragment in different criteria the specific characteristics and/or attributes and to recognize how they influence each other and inside on the outcome. The results acknowledge that, in effect, a very high proportion in the leisure time consumption responds to the pressure of the 'herd effect' even though, on the other hand, the level of final satisfaction is extremely relative.En la presente investigación se estudia el «efecto manada» en las decisiones de los jóvenes en el consumo de ocio en Madrid para conocer en qué medida obedecen a la presión social proveniente del entorno o a la voluntad real de pasar un rato de esparcimiento. El trabajo de campo se realizó mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario elaborado para tal finalidad, el cual fue respondido por una amplia muestra de estudiantes de cinco universidades con campus en Madrid: dos públicas y tres privadas. El método utilizado es el proceso de análisis jerárquico por las facilidades que proporciona para descomponer de manera jerárquica los criterios o atributos y reconocer cómo estos se influyen recíprocamente y sobre el todo. Los resultados constatan que, en efecto, en muy alta proporción, el consumo de ocio obedece a la presión que ejerce el «efecto manada», aunque, en contraposición, la satisfacción resultante es marcadamente relativa

    La presión social en las decisiones de consumo de tecnología de los jóvenes universitarios: ¿'nudging' o 'big push'?

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    54 p.En la presente investigación se estudia el tipo de presión social que ejerce el entorno en las decisiones de consumo de bienes tecnológicos (teléfonos móviles) de los jóvenes universitarios, si es de manera sutil, con pequeños «empujoncitos» (o 'nudges') o con mayor intensidad, a «empujones» (o 'big push'). El trabajo empírico se centra en una amplia muestra de alumnos (en total, 927) de cinco universidades madrileñas (dos públicas y tres privadas). Los objetivos específicos consistieron: i) en identificar la influencia del entorno sobre las valoraciones de compra; ii) los elementos que confluyen en las decisiones de compra, y iii) la satisfacción resultante. El enfoque teórico utilizado es desde la Economía del Comportamiento.In this research we analyze how the social pressure exerted by the environment in decisions of consumption of technological goods (mobile phones) of university students. Is it in a subtle way, with only small 'nudges', or is it with greater intensity, a 'big push'? The empirical work is focused on a large number of students (in total, 927) coming from five universities (two public and three private) in Madrid. The specific aims of this study were: a) to identify the influence of the environment in their purchase evaluations; b) to identify the elements that converge in their purchase decisions, and c), to rate their resulting satisfaction. The theoretical approach utilized comes from Behavioral Economics


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    International audienceIn this paper, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is extended to an uncertain environment where the uncertainty is represented by belief functions as interpreted in the Transferable Belief Model (TBM). Our proposed approach, called belief AHP, is developed to help the decision maker to determine what the best alternatives are, considering multiple conflicting criteria where both alternatives and criteria may be soiled with imperfection. The Belief AHP method aims at comparing subsets of criteria and groups of alternatives in order to reduce the pair-wise comparisons number. Furthermore, to handle uncertainty that may appear in the comparison procedure, we use basic belief assignments instead of exact ratios to elicitate expert preferences. Finally, to illustrate the feasibility of our approach and to judge its performances, we have applied our proposed method on a real application problem: we have considered the PVC life cycle assessment especially the end of life phase