6 research outputs found

    Percepción de los estudiantes al ‘invertir la clase’ mediante el uso de redes sociales y sistemas de respuesta inmediata

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    Social networks and digital collaborative tools have become informal education laboratories. In accordance with this statement, the objective of this research has focused on investigating the perceptions and experiences of a group of students about the flipped classroom methodology, in combination with the use of social networks, game based learning and classroom response systems as learning tools, and on understanding how they impact on learning. The study has involved 257 students and has been carried out following a qualitative methodology, using interviews, a research diary and the application called Mentimeter as data gathering tools. The results indicate that this methodology facilitates motivation, autonomy and commitment with learning. Furthermore, it serves to develop participation and commitment to the professional community and the citizenship. Also, regarding the learning-teaching processes, the results show an increase of autonomy, of the prior knowledge necessary to solve assignments and of formative assessment. Finally, these studies foster the reflection of one's own teaching practice.Las redes sociales y plataformas colaborativas digitales han pasado a ser laboratorios informales de formación. De acuerdo con esta afirmación, los objetivos de la presente investigación son, por un lado, analizar las percepciones y vivencias de un conjunto de estudiantes sobre la metodología de ‘clase invertida’, en combinación con la utilización de redes sociales, el aprendizaje basado en el juego y los sistemas de respuesta en clase como herramientas didácticas, y, por otro lado, conocer cómo éstas influyen en el aprendizaje. El estudio ha involucrado 257 estudiantes y se ha llevado a cabo mediante una metodología cualitativa, utilizando como instrumentos de recogida de información las entrevistas, el diario de investigación y la aplicación Mentimeter. Los resultados muestran que esta metodología favorece la motivación, la autonomía y el compromiso con el aprendizaje. Igualmente, destaca el desarrollo en los estudiantes de la participación y el compromiso ante la comunidad profesional y la ciudadanía. Asimismo, respecto a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, los resultados muestran un incremento de la autonomía, de los conocimientos previos necesarios para resolver las tareas y de una evaluación formativa. Finalmente, estos estudios favorecen la reflexión sobre la propia práctica docente

    Investigating the Effect of Blending MOOCs with Flipped Classroom on Engagement in Learning and Course Grades

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    Though MOOCs are usually used as stand-alone online courses, more and more instructors are using them to complement their traditional lectures, others are using them to flip their classrooms. This study investigates the impact of MOOCs-based flipped classroom on engagement in learning and course grades. This quasi-experimental study employed post-test only control group design. Participants of the study consisted of 155 pre-service teachers studying the undergraduate "EFL Teaching Methodology course at one of the universities in Egypt in the year 2018-2019. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental (flipped classroom) (N=78) or a control group (traditional) (N=77). Both groups were taught by the same instructor, the control group was taught in the traditional method, while the experimental group were required to enroll in two English Language Teaching MOOCs, assigned by the course instructor, and complete specific parts of each course, students had to watch videos, read articles, complete quizzes, and come to class prepared to discuss what they have read and watched, and complete in-class activities. Ten weeks later, the instrument of the study, Engagement Scale, was administered to both groups to assess their engagement in learning. Course grades were obtained from the instructor. Results showed that there were statistically significant differences in both engagement and course grades in favor of the ‎experimental group (flipped classroom group). Using MOOCs to flip traditional courses is found to improve students' engagement and learning, this is because students were able to use limited class time to engage in higher‐level interactive learning activities. There is no fear that technology or video lectures will replace faculty, rather it can make their teaching more effective. Integrating MOOCs and flipped classroom can harness technology to radically redesign teaching and learning experiences

    A multicomponent behavioral intervention in tertiary education delivered through a social network: An experimental evaluation

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de Lectura: 13-12-202