657 research outputs found

    Behavioural model debugging in Linda

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    This thesis investigates event-based behavioural model debugging in Linda. A study is presented of the Linda parallel programming paradigm, its amenability to debugging, and a model for debugging Linda programs using Milner's CCS. In support of the construction of expected behaviour models, a Linda program specification language is proposed. A behaviour recognition engine that is based on such specifications is also discussed. It is shown that Linda's distinctive characteristics make it amenable to debugging without the usual problems associated with paraUel debuggers. Furthermore, it is shown that a behavioural model debugger, based on the proposed specification language, effectively exploits the debugging opportunity. The ideas developed in the thesis are demonstrated in an experimental Modula-2 Linda system

    Viper : a visualisation tool for parallel program construction

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    65+ Membership Scheme

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    This report shares the journey of three partners' experiment with digital technology to address societal challenges linked to ageing and social isolation. In recent years artsdepot has seen enormous changes to its business model driven by the advance of digital communication tools, rapidly increasing use of social media, and changing consumer behaviours. The project team felt that digital innovation was typically aimed at the young but wondered if there was greater potential to increase attendance and sales while also addressing social isolation through creating digital innovations with older people. A range of partners worked on the project: artsdepot (arts partner and project lead) is a multi-art form venue based in North Finchley welcoming 130,000 audience members annually. DigiLab (research partner) is an R&D laboratory based at London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. Ingelby (tech partner) is a digital agency specialising in app building and mobile app development, as well as mobile website design , e-commerce development , customised CRM systems and creative digital media. This project aimed to explore digital technologies that could help create increased levels of arts attendance among older people by identifying barriers and designing digital solutions. artsdepot felt that by enabling increased arts attendance and therefore facilitating opportunities to socialise, they might help establish new friendships while providing enriching creative experiences. Additionally, the team felt there was an additional benefit in terms of demonstrating an economic model for engaging older audiences. Having learnt in the application phase that two thirds of older people have more disposable income than any other age group, artsdepot felt that if it could address other barriers to attendance, it could also improve ticket sales and build a case for increased focus on older audiences

    Game engines and MAS: tuplespace-based interaction in Unity3D

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    I Game Engines stanno acquisendo sempre più importanza sia in ambito industriale, dove permettono lo sviluppo di applicazioni moderne e videogiochi, sia in ambito di ricerca, in particolare nel contesto dei sistemi multi-agente (MAS). La loro capacità espressiva, unita al supporto di tecnologie e funzionalità innovative, permette la creazione di sistemi moderni e complessi in maniera più efficiente: il loro continuo avanzamento tecnologico li ha portati ad essere una realtà su cui fare affidamento nella produzione di vari applicativi diversi, come applicazioni di realtà aumentata/virtuale/mista, simulazioni immersive, costruzione di mondi virtuali e 3D, ecc. Ciononostante, soffrono la mancanza di proprie astrazioni e meccanismi che possano essere affidabili e utilizzati per aggredire la complessità durante il design di sistemi complessi. Il tentativo di sfruttare le caratteristiche della teoria dei MAS all'interno degli ambienti di sviluppo dei Game Engines procede secondo questa direzione: integrando le astrazioni costituenti i MAS all'interno dei Game Engines, con particolare riferimento ai modelli di coordinazione tra agenti, può portare a nuove soluzioni, riuscendo a risolvere problemi tecnologici grazie all'aiuto degli engine grafici. Questa tesi utilizza il Game Engine Unity3D proponendo due librerie C#, le quali sfruttano una precedente integrazione dello stesso framework con il Prolog per l'abilitazione di un modello di interazione e coordinazione basato su spazi di tuple, utilizzabile tramite l'implementazione di primitive LINDA. Le librerie offrono interfacce di programmazione (API) sfruttabili dai programmatori C# Unity3D per integrare nelle loro creazioni il supporto a tale modello, con una nuova modalità per la gestione della coordinazione tra oggetti in Unity3D e fornisce importanti proprietà, essendo fondamentale nel contesto dei MAS dal punto di vista dell'ingegnerizzazione di sistemi complessi e della gestione delle interazioni tra agenti

    Long-Term Simulation of Dynamic, Interactive Worlds with MORSE

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    In this talk I present recent work in the context of the European Integrated Project STRANDS (Spatio-temporal representations for Cognitive Control in Long-term Activities, http://strands-project.eu) that employ the MORSE simulator. In particular, I present three application domains to facilitate long-term simulation of dynamic worlds within that project. First, MORSE is employed in a continuous integration and testing framework helping to ensure high code quality, not only on compilation levels, but also on a level of system integration and deployment. MORSE is being used to run system level tests defined for the Jenkins continuous integration platform, enabling STRANDS to maintain a high-level of code consistency required to successfully participate in events such as the Robot Marathon. Secondly, I outline the use of MORSE, and particularly its flexible build scripts, to automatically generate worlds from Qualitative Spatial Relations (QSR). These allow to define a world qualitatively on the level of builder scripts with defined probability distribution of metric object positions and orientations. In STRANDS, this ability is exploited to generated randomised world in a controlled way, both to study the formation of QSRs and to generate randomised worlds for the before-mentioned testing framework. Finally, I present our work on Human-Robot Spatial Interaction and our preliminary efforts to simulate crowds in a robotic simulator. This final contribution is mostly work in progress with implementation in MORSE still pending. But initial results have been obtained to simulate thousands of agents in a simulated airport environment by using a hierarchical representation of vector maps to generate individual trajectories for agents. This work will lead to a more realistic simulation of human-inhabited environment and is use in STRANDS' research on human-robot spatial interaction

    Aspect-oriented interaction in multi-organisational web-based systems

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    Separation of concerns has been presented as a promising tool to tackle the design of complex systems in which cross-cutting properties that do not fit into the scope of a class must be satisfied. Unfortunately, current proposals assume that objects interact by means of object-oriented method calls, which implies that they embed interactions with others into their functional code. This makes them dependent on this interaction model, and makes it difficult to reuse them in a context in which another interaction model is more suited, e.g., tuple spaces, multiparty meetings, ports, and so forth. In this paper, we show that functionality can be described separately from the interaction model used, which helps enhance reusability of functional code and coordination patterns. Our proposal is innovative in that it is the first that achieves a clear separation between functionality and interaction in an aspect-oriented manner. In order to show that it is feasible, we adapted the multiparty interaction model to the context of multiorganisational web-based systems and developed a class framework to build business objects whose performance rates comparably to handmade implementations; the development time, however, decreases significantly.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1106-C02-0

    From distributed coordination to field calculus and aggregate computing

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    open6siThis work has been partially supported by: EU Horizon 2020 project HyVar (www.hyvar-project .eu), GA No. 644298; ICT COST Action IC1402 ARVI (www.cost -arvi .eu); Ateneo/CSP D16D15000360005 project RunVar (runvar-project.di.unito.it).Aggregate computing is an emerging approach to the engineering of complex coordination for distributed systems, based on viewing system interactions in terms of information propagating through collectives of devices, rather than in terms of individual devices and their interaction with their peers and environment. The foundation of this approach is the distillation of a number of prior approaches, both formal and pragmatic, proposed under the umbrella of field-based coordination, and culminating into the field calculus, a universal functional programming model for the specification and composition of collective behaviours with equivalent local and aggregate semantics. This foundation has been elaborated into a layered approach to engineering coordination of complex distributed systems, building up to pragmatic applications through intermediate layers encompassing reusable libraries of program components. Furthermore, some of these components are formally shown to satisfy formal properties like self-stabilisation, which transfer to whole application services by functional composition. In this survey, we trace the development and antecedents of field calculus, review the field calculus itself and the current state of aggregate computing theory and practice, and discuss a roadmap of current research directions with implications for the development of a broad range of distributed systems.embargoed_20210910Viroli, Mirko; Beal, Jacob; Damiani, Ferruccio; Audrito, Giorgio; Casadei, Roberto; Pianini, DaniloViroli, Mirko; Beal, Jacob; Damiani, Ferruccio; Audrito, Giorgio; Casadei, Roberto; Pianini, Danil
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