1,894 research outputs found

    Behavior Classification Algorithms at Intersections

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    The ability to classify driver behavior lays the foundation for more advanced driver assistance systems. Improving safety at intersections has also been identified as high priority due to the large number of intersection related fatalities. This paper focuses on developing algorithms for estimating driver behavior at road intersections. It introduces two classes of algorithms that can classify drivers as compliant or violating. They are based on 1) Support Vector Machines (SVM) and 2) Hidden Markov Models (HMM), two very popular machine learning approaches that have been used extensively for classification in multiple disciplines. The algorithms are successfully validated using naturalistic intersection data collected in Christiansburg, VA, through the US Department of Transportation Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System for Violations (CICAS-V) initiative

    Naturalistic Driver Intention and Path Prediction using Machine Learning

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    Autonomous vehicles are still yet to be available to the public. This is because there are a number of challenges that have not been overcome to ensure that autonomous vehicles can safely and efficiently drive on public roads. Accurate prediction of other vehicles is vital for safe driving, as interacting with other vehicles is unavoidable on public streets. This thesis explores reasons why this problem of scene understanding is still unsolved, and presents methods for driver intention and path prediction. The thesis focuses on intersections, as this is a very complex scenario in which to predict the actions of human drivers. There is very limited data available for intersection studies from the perspective of an autonomous vehicle. This thesis presents a very large dataset of over 23,000 vehicle trajectories, used to validate the algorithms presented in this thesis. This dataset was collected using a lidar based vehicle detection and tracking system onboard a vehicle. Analytics of this data is presented. To determine the intent of vehicle at an intersection, a method for manoeuvre classification through the use of recurrent neural networks is presented. This allows accurate predictions of which destination a vehicle will take at an unsignalised intersection, based on that vehicle's approach. The final contribution of this thesis presents a method for driver path prediction, based on recurrent neural networks. It produces a multi-modal prediction for the vehicle’s path with uncertainty assigned to each mode. The output modes are not hand labelled, but instead learned from the data. This results in there not being a fixed number of output modes. Whilst the application of this method is vehicle prediction, this method shows significant promise to be used in other areas of robotics

    How Do Drivers Behave at Roundabouts in a Mixed Traffic? A Case Study Using Machine Learning

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    Driving behavior is considered a unique driving habit of each driver and has a significant impact on road safety. Classifying driving behavior and introducing policies based on the results can reduce the severity of crashes on the road. Roundabouts are particularly interesting because of the interconnected interaction between different road users at the area of roundabouts, which different driving behavior is hypothesized. This study investigates driving behavior at roundabouts in a mixed traffic environment using a data-driven unsupervised machine learning to classify driving behavior at three roundabouts in Germany. We used a dataset of vehicle kinematics to a group of different vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) at roundabouts and classified them into three categories (i.e., conservative, normal, and aggressive). Results showed that most of the drivers proceeding through a roundabout can be mostly classified into two driving styles: conservative and normal because traffic speeds in roundabouts are relatively lower than in other signalized and unsignalized intersections. Results also showed that about 77% of drivers who interacted with pedestrians or cyclists were classified as conservative drivers compared to about 42% of conservative drivers that did not interact or about 51% from all drivers. It seems that drivers tend to behave abnormally as they interact with VRUs at roundabouts, which increases the risk of crashes when an intersection is multimodal. Results of this study could be helpful in improving the safety of roads by allowing policymakers to determine the effective and suitable safety countermeasures. Results will also be beneficial for the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) as the technology is being deployed in a mixed traffic environment

    Fuzzy logic traffic signal controller enhancement based on aggressive driver behavior classification

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    The rise in population worldwide and especially in Egypt, together with the increase in the number of vehicles present serious complications regarding traffic congestion and road safety. The elementary solution towards improving congestion is to expand road capacities by building new lanes. This, however, requires time and effort and therefore new methodologies are being implemented. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) try to approach traffic congestion through the application of computational and engineering techniques. Traffic signal control is a branch of intelligent transportation systems which focuses on improving traffic signal conditions. A traffic signal controllers’ main objective is to improve this assignment in a way which reduces delays. This research proposes a new approach to enhancing traffic signal control and reducing delays of a single intersection, through the integration of an aggressive driving behavior classifier. Previous approaches dealt with traffic control and driver behavior separately, and therefore their successful integration is a new challenging area in the field. Multiple experiment sets were conducted to provide an indication to the effectiveness of our approach. Firstly, an aggressive driver behavior classifier using feed-forward neural network was successfully built utilizing Virginia Tech 100-car naturalistic driving study data. Its performance was compared against long short-term memory recurrent neural networks and support vector machines, and it resulted in better performance as shown by the area under the curve. To the best of our knowledge, this classifier is the first of its kind to be built on this 100-car study data. Secondly, a representation of aggressive driving behavior was constructed in the simulated environment, based on real life data and statistics. Finally, Mamdani’s fuzzy logic controller was modified to accommodate for the integration of the aggressive behavior classifier. The integration results were encouraging and yielded significant improvements at higher traffic flow volumes when compared against the built Mamdani’s controller. The results are promising and provide an initial step towards the integration of driver behavior classification and traffic signal control

    How do cyclists interact with motorized vehicles at unsignalized intersections? Modeling cyclists’ yielding behavior using naturalistic data

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    When a cyclist\u27s path intersects with that of a motorized vehicle at an unsignalized intersection, serious conflicts may happen. In recent years, the number of cyclist fatalities in this conflict scenario has held steady, while the number in many other traffic scenarios has been decreasing. There is, therefore, a need to further study this conflict scenario in order to make it safer. With the advent of automated vehicles, threat assessment algorithms able to predict cyclists’ (other road users’) behavior will be increasingly important to ensure safety. To date, the handful of studies that have modeled the vehicle-cyclist interaction at unsignalized intersections have used kinematics (speed and location) alone without using cyclists’ behavioral cues, such as pedaling or gesturing. As a result, we do not know whether non-verbal communication (e.g., from behavioral cues) could improve model predictions. In this paper, we propose a quantitative model based on naturalistic data, which uses additional non-verbal information to predict cyclists’ crossing intentions at unsignalized intersections. Interaction events were extracted from a trajectory dataset and enriched by adding cyclists’ behavioral cues obtained from sensors. Both kinematics and cyclists’ behavioral cues (e.g., pedaling and head movement), were found to be statistically significant for predicting the cyclist\u27s yielding behavior. This research shows that adding information about the cyclists’ behavioral cues to the threat assessment algorithms of active safety systems and automated vehicles will improve safety
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