248,485 research outputs found


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    The research aim to find out the phenomena of beauty vloggers and their code mixing. Nowadays some beauty vloggers attract viewers by using two or more languages, in English study it is called code mixing. In order to accomplish research objective the research use quatitative research design. The instrument use in this research were document analysis. The research subject of this research was beauty vloggers Tasya Farasya, Rachel Goddard and Ini Vindy in their Instagram videos. The researchers was finding 9 data with two various of code mixing that is insertion (2 data or 22,2%) and alternation (7 data or 77,8%) that the beauty vloggers used in their Instagram videos. The result of this study showed that beauty vloggers highest frequency used is Alternation type code mixing, while the lowest frequency used is Insertion type of code mixing. The implication of this research is to improve beauty vloggers English skill  and  increase viewers English vocabulary and pronounciation. Keywords:  Beauty Vlogger; Code Mixing; Instagra


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    This study entitled “Code Mixing Used In Tasya Farasya Beauty Vlogs”. Beauty vloggers often share information about the cosmetic products they use or review beauty and make-up products. Sometimes they mix several languages in their videos, such as mixing English with Indonesian. Language has a very important role in our life. We use language for communicating and people nowadays speak in multiple languages. According to the phenomenon above, this research focuses on code mixing in one of Tasya Farasya's beauty vlogs on her YouTube channel, level of code mixing and to find the reasons why Tasya mixed her language. There are two theories applied in this study, namely the theory of the types of code mixing and reason of code mixing proposed by Hoffman (1991) and the theory of the level of code mixing proposed by Suwito (1996). This research is the qualitative research. The methods applied in collecting the data are the documentation and observing method and by using the note-taking technique. The data is taken mainly from the utterances found in the Tasya Farasya beauty vlogs, as the main data source for this study. The result of this study showed that there are three types of code mixing found used by Tasya videos. There are data collected for the type of code mixing. For the level of code mixing, and for the reason of code mixing. Type of code mixing there are intra-sentential, intra-lexical, involvement in a change of pronunciation. And for level of code mixing there are word level, phrase level, baster level, repetition level, idiom level, clause level. And for the reason of code mixing there are  talking about particular topic, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identity, clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor


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    Indonesian people today tend to be happier and more intellectual to combine two or more languages in every sentence and upload them to social media, one of which is the social media Youtube. This study aims to know types of code mixing that is used by beauty vlogger and to find out the dominant code mixing. This research uses descriptive qualitative research and the data were gathered from the videos, then transcribed and analyzed based on Suwito's theory and describes the reasons for using code mixing in a vlog. From three videos, it can be found that there are three code mixing that used by beauty vloggers, they are code mixing of word 82,1%, phrase 14,3% and clause 3,6%. Besides, the most dominant code mixing is word, because it arises as a result of daily habits, to show trends, adapt to situations, and to show their prestige. Keywords:  Code-Mixing, Linguistic Form, Beauty Vlogger

    Social aspects of Code-Switching: An analysis of Pakistani Television advertisements

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    Code switching is the shift from one language to the other or use of more than one language during conversations or writings. The present research deals with intra-sentential (within one sentence) code switching in the language of television advertisements. To facilitate the socio-linguistic analysis, 12 advertisements of beauty and health care products have been recorded and transcribed from four television channels. The linguistic analysis focuses on the social aspect (gender, geographical background, socioeconomic class, and education) of code switched language in these advertisements. From the analysis and findings, it is concluded the language of advertisements for beauty and health care products reflects a change in linguistic practices and preferences of Pakistani consumers

    Code Mixing in Suhay Salim Beauty Vlogger

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    AbstractPhenomenon called code mixing currently becomes a well-known event in Indonesia. Indonesians tend to combine two languages or more in every utterances or sentence and upload it in social media. The reason for this may come from their surrounding environment (external factors) or their desire (internal factors). This study aims to determine how Suhay Salim, a popular beauty vlogger on YouTube, mixes her languages between Bahasa Indonesia and English in each of her videos. Analysis of the video demonstrated that there are three types of code mixing and five reasons influencing Suhay Salim’s code mixing found in her video. The results indicate that Insertion becomes the dominant type of code mixing because word is the smallest unit that can be inserted into a given structure easily. It also indicates that the most occurring reason influencing Suhay Salim is Low Frequency Words where Bahasa Indonesia word is harder to remember, less popular and has unstable sense/meaning while English word is easier to remember, more popular and has stable sense/meaning.Keywords: code mixing, social media, video, beauty vlogger


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    Abstrak Curriculum used and developed by Vocational High School should already be relevant to the need of business or industry world (DU/DI). The purposes of this research are 1) To know the conformity level of curriculum according to the need of DU/DI at the productive training education technique of hair beauty; 2) To describe the demand of DU/DI to students of hair beauty; 3) To describe curriculum implementation of productive training education technique of hair beauty; 4) To describe the demand of the students of hair beauty to technology development in hair beauty business. The research was performed at SMKN 3 Malang, SMKN 6 Surabaya and SMKN 8 Surabaya. This research uses research design with mixed method descriptive quantitative and qualitative to answer the above questions. Quantitative data analysis uses percentage, while qualitative data analysis uses triangulation data resources. The result of this research shows that (1) Curriculum conformity level according to the need of DU/DI in hair aspect at productive training education subject at SMK in Malang and Surabaya are : curriculum of SMKN 3 Malang with code A = 47,84%, curriculum of SMKN 6 Surabaya with code B = 49,84% and curriculum of SMKN 8 Surabaya with code C = 52,17%; (2) The demand of DU/DI for skill competence of hair beauty subject amount 14 competences; (3) The implementation of curriculum of productive training education lesson of hair beauty subject at each vocational high school in Malang and Surabaya involving the same curriculum document among the three vocational schools come from SKNI, for there devolepment are not the same because they are conformed with each school’s needs, KTSP of each schools are mostly added by local materials, SKL are the same, Silabus are different, conformed with local condition, from RPP have all been done, just only the division of learning hours should be more compacted at grade 1 and 2; (4) For technology developments, the student are demanded to study more, to practice more related with unfit competence that DU/DI demands, that is haircut and hair curling. Keywords: Curriculum, Business World/Industry World

    The Use of Indonesian-English Code Mixing in One of Molita Lin’s YouTube Video as Beauty Vlogger

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    The occurrence of code mixing phenomenon was unavoidable, moreover in the bilingual society such as Indonesia, where the speakers communicate by in other (foreign) languages besides their national or local languages. There is no exception to Molita Lin, an Indonesian beauty vlogger who produces and uploads videos about beauty-related topics, such as cosmetics, skincare products, body care routines, and make-up tutorials to the YouTube platform. Since she has the ability to speak in English, Molita Lin significantly uses English terms while explaining something in her videos. Therefore, this study was aimed to provide an important opportunity to advance the understanding the types of code mixing as well as the reasons of the occurrences of code mixing in one of Molita Lin’s YouTube video entitled “SKINCARE UNTUK PEMULA ANTI RIBET | Day Night” by using documentation method as the method of data collection. and then the data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively by applying theories proposed by Hoffman regarding types and the reasons of code mixing. As an outcome, this study concluded that in the Molita Lin’s video transcribe, there are three types of code mixing and only four out of seven reasons of code mixing that can be observed
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