23 research outputs found

    Beating Randomized Response on Incoherent Matrices

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    Computing accurate low rank approximations of large matrices is a fundamental data mining task. In many applications however the matrix contains sensitive information about individuals. In such case we would like to release a low rank approximation that satisfies a strong privacy guarantee such as differential privacy. Unfortunately, to date the best known algorithm for this task that satisfies differential privacy is based on naive input perturbation or randomized response: Each entry of the matrix is perturbed independently by a sufficiently large random noise variable, a low rank approximation is then computed on the resulting matrix. We give (the first) significant improvements in accuracy over randomized response under the natural and necessary assumption that the matrix has low coherence. Our algorithm is also very efficient and finds a constant rank approximation of an m x n matrix in time O(mn). Note that even generating the noise matrix required for randomized response already requires time O(mn)

    Wishart Mechanism for Differentially Private Principal Components Analysis

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    We propose a new input perturbation mechanism for publishing a covariance matrix to achieve (ϵ,0)(\epsilon,0)-differential privacy. Our mechanism uses a Wishart distribution to generate matrix noise. In particular, We apply this mechanism to principal component analysis. Our mechanism is able to keep the positive semi-definiteness of the published covariance matrix. Thus, our approach gives rise to a general publishing framework for input perturbation of a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix. Moreover, compared with the classic Laplace mechanism, our method has better utility guarantee. To the best of our knowledge, Wishart mechanism is the best input perturbation approach for (ϵ,0)(\epsilon,0)-differentially private PCA. We also compare our work with previous exponential mechanism algorithms in the literature and provide near optimal bound while having more flexibility and less computational intractability.Comment: A full version with technical proofs. Accepted to AAAI-1

    The Noisy Power Method: A Meta Algorithm with Applications

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    We provide a new robust convergence analysis of the well-known power method for computing the dominant singular vectors of a matrix that we call the noisy power method. Our result characterizes the convergence behavior of the algorithm when a significant amount noise is introduced after each matrix-vector multiplication. The noisy power method can be seen as a meta-algorithm that has recently found a number of important applications in a broad range of machine learning problems including alternating minimization for matrix completion, streaming principal component analysis (PCA), and privacy-preserving spectral analysis. Our general analysis subsumes several existing ad-hoc convergence bounds and resolves a number of open problems in multiple applications including streaming PCA and privacy-preserving singular vector computation.Comment: NIPS 201

    Near-Optimal Algorithms for Differentially-Private Principal Components

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    Principal components analysis (PCA) is a standard tool for identifying good low-dimensional approximations to data in high dimension. Many data sets of interest contain private or sensitive information about individuals. Algorithms which operate on such data should be sensitive to the privacy risks in publishing their outputs. Differential privacy is a framework for developing tradeoffs between privacy and the utility of these outputs. In this paper we investigate the theory and empirical performance of differentially private approximations to PCA and propose a new method which explicitly optimizes the utility of the output. We show that the sample complexity of the proposed method differs from the existing procedure in the scaling with the data dimension, and that our method is nearly optimal in terms of this scaling. We furthermore illustrate our results, showing that on real data there is a large performance gap between the existing method and our method.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures; final version to appear in the Journal of Machine Learning Research, preliminary version was at NIPS 201