95,840 research outputs found

    Advances in Bayesian asymptotics and Bayesian nonparametrics

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    Bayesian statistics is a powerful approach to learning real-world phenomena, its strength lying in its ability to quantify uncertainty explicitly by treating unknown quantities of interest as random variables. In this thesis, we consider questions regarding three quite different aspects of Bayesian learning. Firstly, we consider approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), a computational method suitable for computing approximate posterior distributions for highly complex models, where the likelihood function is intractable but can be simulated from. Previous authors have proved consistency and provided rates of convergence in the case where all summary statistics converge at the same rate as each other. We generalize to the case where summary statistics may converge at different rates, and provide an explicit representation of the shape of the ABC posterior distribution in our general setting. We also show under our general setting that local linear post-processing can lead to significantly faster contraction rates of the pseudo-posterior. We then focus on the application of Bayesian statistics to natural language processing. The class of context-free grammars, which are standard in the modelling of natural language, have been shown to be too restrictive to fully describe all features of natural language. We propose a Bayesian non-parametric model for the class of 2-multiple context-free grammars, which generalise context-free grammars. Our model is inspired by previously proposed Bayesian models for context-tree grammars and is based on the hierarchical Dirichlet process. We develop a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm to make inference under this model and carry out simulation studies to assess our method. Finally, we consider some consistency issues related to Bayesian nonparametric mixture models. It has been shown that these models are inconsistent for the number of clusters. In the case of Dirichlet process (DP) mixture models, this problem can be mitigated when a prior is put on the model's concentration hyperparameter α, as is common practice. We prove that Pitman--Yor process (PYP) mixture models (which generalise DP mixture models) remain inconsistent for the number of clusters when a prior is put on α, in the special case where the true number of components in the data generating mechanism is equal to 1 and the discount parameter σ is a fixed constant. When considering the space over partitions induced by BNP mixture models, point estimators such as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) are commonly used to summarise the posterior clustering structure of such models, which alone can be complex and difficult to interpret. We prove consistency of the MAP partition for DP mixture models when the concentration parameter, α, goes deterministically to zero, and when the true partition is made of only one cluster

    Semantic Parsing with Bayesian Tree Transducers

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    Many semantic parsing models use tree transformations to map between natural language and meaning representation. However, while tree transformations are central to several state-of-the-art approaches, little use has been made of the rich literature on tree automata. This paper makes the connection concrete with a tree transducer based semantic parsing model and suggests that other models can be interpreted in a similar framework, increasing the generality of their contributions. In particular, this paper further introduces a variational Bayesian inference algorithm that is applicable to a wide class of tree transducers, producing state-of-the-art semantic parsing results while remaining applicable to any domain employing probabilistic tree transducers.9 page(s

    Bayesian Flow Networks

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    This paper introduces Bayesian Flow Networks (BFNs), a new class of generative model in which the parameters of a set of independent distributions are modified with Bayesian inference in the light of noisy data samples, then passed as input to a neural network that outputs a second, interdependent distribution. Starting from a simple prior and iteratively updating the two distributions yields a generative procedure similar to the reverse process of diffusion models; however it is conceptually simpler in that no forward process is required. Discrete and continuous-time loss functions are derived for continuous, discretised and discrete data, along with sample generation procedures. Notably, the network inputs for discrete data lie on the probability simplex, and are therefore natively differentiable, paving the way for gradient-based sample guidance and few-step generation in discrete domains such as language modelling. The loss function directly optimises data compression and places no restrictions on the network architecture. In our experiments BFNs achieve competitive log-likelihoods for image modelling on dynamically binarized MNIST and CIFAR-10, and outperform all known discrete diffusion models on the text8 character-level language modelling task

    Inducing Probabilistic Grammars by Bayesian Model Merging

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    We describe a framework for inducing probabilistic grammars from corpora of positive samples. First, samples are {\em incorporated} by adding ad-hoc rules to a working grammar; subsequently, elements of the model (such as states or nonterminals) are {\em merged} to achieve generalization and a more compact representation. The choice of what to merge and when to stop is governed by the Bayesian posterior probability of the grammar given the data, which formalizes a trade-off between a close fit to the data and a default preference for simpler models (`Occam's Razor'). The general scheme is illustrated using three types of probabilistic grammars: Hidden Markov models, class-based nn-grams, and stochastic context-free grammars.Comment: To appear in Grammatical Inference and Applications, Second International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference; Springer Verlag, 1994. 13 page

    Producing power-law distributions and damping word frequencies with two-stage language models

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    Standard statistical models of language fail to capture one of the most striking properties of natural languages: the power-law distribution in the frequencies of word tokens. We present a framework for developing statisticalmodels that can generically produce power laws, breaking generativemodels into two stages. The first stage, the generator, can be any standard probabilistic model, while the second stage, the adaptor, transforms the word frequencies of this model to provide a closer match to natural language. We show that two commonly used Bayesian models, the Dirichlet-multinomial model and the Dirichlet process, can be viewed as special cases of our framework. We discuss two stochastic processes-the Chinese restaurant process and its two-parameter generalization based on the Pitman-Yor process-that can be used as adaptors in our framework to produce power-law distributions over word frequencies. We show that these adaptors justify common estimation procedures based on logarithmic or inverse-power transformations of empirical frequencies. In addition, taking the Pitman-Yor Chinese restaurant process as an adaptor justifies the appearance of type frequencies in formal analyses of natural language and improves the performance of a model for unsupervised learning of morphology.48 page(s

    Variability, negative evidence, and the acquisition of verb argument constructions

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    We present a hierarchical Bayesian framework for modeling the acquisition of verb argument constructions. It embodies a domain-general approach to learning higher-level knowledge in the form of inductive constraints (or overhypotheses), and has been used to explain other aspects of language development such as the shape bias in learning object names. Here, we demonstrate that the same model captures several phenomena in the acquisition of verb constructions. Our model, like adults in a series of artificial language learning experiments, makes inferences about the distributional statistics of verbs on several levels of abstraction simultaneously. It also produces the qualitative learning patterns displayed by children over the time course of acquisition. These results suggest that the patterns of generalization observed in both children and adults could emerge from basic assumptions about the nature of learning. They also provide an example of a broad class of computational approaches that can resolve Baker's Paradox